Sequel: Desert Instinct

Days in the Desert

Chapter 3

"Say nothing" The man said. he was in all white but not a Drac, he talked.

"RU..." i said feeling the hot red sticky liquid running down my face

"i grazed you, but next time you talk and try to warn them i will take more than a little skin" He said signaling for the Dracs to grab me.

"Scat?" Party said walking into the house, in a matter of seconds he was dragged next to me, eyes wide looking at the blood on the floor and then back at my face. i looked at him urging him not to say anything, thank god he remained quiet.

"Party, Scat?" we heard at the door it sounded like Ghoul. i kicked the wall and he retreated. The man i white pointed the gun at me and i ducked right in time, he hit one of his Dracs

"PARTY, SCAT.." Ghoul yelled "WHATS GOING ON?" He yelled louder.

"everything's fine, you dropped something" The man whispered into my ear "say it. nothing else" I whimpered

"Everything's fine man, i just dropped something" I said quivering

"It doesn't sound OK" He said smart enough not to come in.

"You need help picking the stuff up, ask him to come in" The man whispered

"I need help picking the stuff i dropped, will you do me a favor and grab the white vegetables and throw them away, i don't want them because the DRACS decided to follow you to my HOUSE and destroy them." I said looking at the man, he looked skeptical but let it slide

"he better not do anything stupid, because it's your head on the line" He said putting the gun back to my head.

" The white ones?" Ghoul asked looking out into my garden, there were no white vegetables

"Hey Jet, can you grab that basket?" I heard him yell outside, we heard some shuffling outside.

"nothing stupid" The man said, just then a ray of light came from the door striking the mans arm, he dropped the gun, then i was free.

I grabbed his gun and pointed at him. "WAIT!" Jet said.

"WHAT? can't i kill him??? please!!!" I said upset that i can't do to him what he did to me.

"I have a few questions" Jet said grabbing the man and pulling him to the chair

"I won't answer a question from Killjoys unless if it's i think your dirt, and the answer is YES!" he said almost spitting the word Killjoy.

"i think you will, ...Scat" He said touching the blood on my face and smearing it on the man.
"Get him" He said smiling as i put an identical "graze" on his face.

"AHH..." The man yelled.

"who are you?" Party asked

"go to hell.." The man said

"You want it the hard way?.. huh... OK." Party said smiling.