She Was Different

Girl in the Corner

~8 months ago~

With the ear buds of her headphones in her ears she sat at the corner table alone. The same corner table she sat at every day. She took a sip from her water bottle, as she continued to draw in her sketch book. She never really knew what she was drawing...sometimes the trees outside the cafetiere window, other time the lunch lady. She didn't mind the way people stared at her or talked about her she was content with who she was. She tucked a lose strand of her golden hair behind her ear. Looking out the window for a moment as the sky washed a dark gray, a storm was blowing in, it was suppose to be the biggest one of the year, she smiled at the thought of getting to sketch the wet streets after the storm passed. The giggles of some girls brought her out of her thoughts, she pulled one of the headphones out of her ears looking to the group of girls that stood by the table.

“Hey Kyra!” the girls voice was taunting as she flipped her long fiery red hair “Somebody told me, you were using our bathroom that true?” she said leaning both of her hands on the table making her eyes level with Kyra's in an attempt to intimidate her.

Kyra looked at her, of course she hadn't used 'their' bathroom she hardly ever used the bathroom at school to begin with. She let out a breath before collecting her things from the table and slipping them into her bag. The red headed girl gestured to a pretty brunette, causing her to snatch the bag from Kyra's grip. She swallowed hard, already knowing, this was not going to end well.

“What game should we play today ladies?” the red heads eyes never leaving Kyra's “Dump it” with those words spoken by the queen bee, the brunette unzipped Kyra's book bag letting all the contents of it fall to the floor. The other girls kicking the contents of the bag in different directions, before the brunette tossed the bag in Kyra's face. Kyra softly closed her eyes watching as one of the girls poured her can of soda all over her sketch book. “Maybe, next time, you'll stay out of our bathroom” she laughed snapping for the group of girls to follow her. As soon as the girls were out of eye shot, she sat on her knees picking up her things. She glanced to the shoes standing in front of her, he knelt down handing her the damp sketch book.

“I'm Aus..” he tried to get out

“Austin, I know, star football player who doesn't know you” she smiled taking the book from him .

“Yep that's me.” he smiled ignoring her slight attitude “Your Kyra right?”

her head shot up quickly in shock that he knew who she was. Her soft green eyes meeting his chocolate brown eyes. “That's right” she cocked her head to the side.

“I'm stalking you” he said casually acknowledging her confusion

she playfully slapped his arm “haha, your so funny” she mocked him standing to her feet

“I know” he chuckled “We have Art class together” he smiled

“Right, you and your friends are always throwing the football across the class room” she sighed irritated at the thought. She said walking from the cafetiere.

“Kyra, why don't you ever say anything to Breanna and the rest of those girls” he asked walking her to her locker

She spun her pad lock unlocking it with the three digit code, she grabbed her spare sketch book exchanging it with the damp one before looking to him with a smile.

“Because, I figure she's got her own set of problems. I'm not worried about the petty thing she says or does. I'd rather just let it go and move on. There's no point in fighting with someone who feels that badly about herself” she glanced to her phone. “Thanks for helping me pick up my things, hope that doesn’t ruin your reputation.” she smiled walking past him.

He stood there frozen for a moment, taken back by her answer.
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Capter Insperation: Natalie Merchant - My Skin