She Was Different


Her finger made fast swipes across the dark gray pencil drawing, shading certain parts of the drawing in, the storm ragging outside as the rain poured. The lights flickered on and off she glanced up shrugging lightly, as she closed her eyes for a moment listening to the music, before feeling a tug of her sweater. Her little brother standing at her side she pulled out her headphones.

“Hey bud what’s wrong” she smiled

“Someone’s at the door for you” he gave her a confused look “A boy” he giggled

“A boy…really now” she smirked standing up messing his hair up a bit as she passed him “Did you clean your room?” she called back to him.

He let out a defeated groan as he made his way to his room. Kyra made her way down the stairs. She was used to it just being her and her brother. Her mom worked two jobs to support them. She opened the door seeing the blonde football player.

“Austin?” she let out a nervous giggle not expecting it to be him “You know the storm warning says to stay inside right”

“Guess I better come inside then right” he smirked

She moved out of the way letting him in, still slightly confused as to why he was here figuring it had to be some football team prank, she sighed. “So what with this sudden appearance…I didn’t even know you knew where I lived” she smiled

“Didn’t I tell you already I’m stalking you” he teased

“Guess so” she rolled her eyes

“Nah…actually, you know Max right?” she nodded answering his question “Yeah he picked this up and you had already left by the time he found me” he held out her wallet. “Has your address on you driver’s license” he smiled

“Oh…yeah probably need that” she said taking it from him “You could have waited until tomorrow” she sighed “Shouldn’t be out driving in this weather.” She said walking into the kitchen “Anyways I better start dinner, your welcome to stay unless of course you have somewhere to go.” She smiled taking out the dishes to set the table.

“Me somewhere to go” he chuckled “What do you think I am popular” he said sarcastically teasing her.

They talked for a while as she cooked dinner for the three of them, she was surprised that they could actually carry on a conversation. I mean she had known him since grade school, but they had always had different goals, different lives. Austin had never given her the time of day before.

“You’re a pretty interesting girl, unlike Breanna and her band of loyal followers you can’t hold an intelligent conversation with those girls” he sighed

“I’m sure you could, your just not bringing up the right topics” she gave him a soft smile as she dished up four plates. He watched as she coveredone of the plates and put it in the microwave, but he didn’t ask.

“Why do you do that?” he asked catching her off guard


“Stick up for her, she’s such a bitch to you and yet you’re still so nice to her.” He said seeming almost confused.

She shrugged “Guess it’s just how my mom raised me to be” she smiled “Criss, dinner” she called to her younger brother.

The three of them sitting down for dinner “So...Criss right?” Austin started, the boy nodded “How old are you?” he said taking a drink of his soda

“Turning nine next month” he said proudly, before glancing to the garage door hearing it open. “Mom” the boy shouted happily.

Kyra’s mom coming in, her face seeming old from working so much though you could still see how pretty she was past the worry lines, stress plagued her body though she hid it well. She gave the three a small smile before glancing between the two teens.

“Mom this is Austin Hamilton, he’s a friend from school” she smiled to her mother as she got up to take her bags and stuff from her.

“Hamilton? I think I work with your mother” she said in a happy tone “Doctor Hamilton right?” she asked

“Yeah…blonde hair blue eyes” he smiled

“Yes…she’s very sweet” she smiled “She’s always talking about you, anyways I would love to stay and chat but I’ve got to get ready for work” she sighed grabbing her plate from the microwave before heading up the stairs.

“Work?” he looked to Kyra

“Yeah, she gets off at the hospital and then heads to the diner” she sighed finishing her food. Austin frowned a bit, but continued to eat.
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Chapter inspired by: Keane - Somewhere Only We Know