She Was Different

Clever Trick

“I guess I’ll see you Monday then” she smiled as she held the door open for him happy it was Friday. He stood there for a moment looking at her almost not wanting to leave. She cocked her head to the side curiously trying to read him. The storm outside having calmed down for the most part. “Are you uh…planning on staying the night” she teased him.

He chuckled “No I was trying to figure out if you would say yes or no” a smirk played across his face.

“Well I can’t really answer if I don’t know what the question is now can I?” she smiled

“True…parents are out of town tomorrow night for the weekend…so therefore I have decided to be an irresponsible seventeen year old and throw a party” he said happily

“Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt…but I’m not really into the whole drinking thing” she admitted

“No worries neither am I” she could tell he was lying, but she just smiled

“Alright, sure…mom has the car for work though, so I don't exactly have a way of getting there” she gave him a small smile

“Don’t worry about it I’ll send one of my drivers to come pick you up” he said casually as he headed out the door.

She gave him a confused look “You have…drivers?” she giggled

“No I wish…I’ll come pick you up” he smiled “Say around eight?” he said pulling out his phone “I may need your number just in case”

“Eights fine” she laughed to herself “Clever trick…It’s 555-7862” she smiled waving to him as he left.

“Party huh” her mom’s voice came from behind her

“Yeah…Guess so” she smiled

Her mom slipped on her snickers dressed in all black her golden blonde hair slicked back into a high ponytail as she was getting ready to leave for work. Her mom kissed her forehead softly.

“And he’s picking you up” she smirked

“Have a good night at work mom” Kyra said with a smile shaking her head not at all minding her mom teasing her.

“Your father will be here to pick you two up tomorrow, you’ll have to tell him your busy alright.” She smiled as she grabbed her purse.

“Why is he all of a sudden coming to pick us up after two years of not speaking to us” Kyra sighed

“Because Lottie He is your father and he loves you no matter what happened in the past” she spoke to her daughter in a motherly tone “and you know I wouldn’t let him take you guys if he didn’t clean himself up.” She smiled “I have tomorrow morning off they don’t need me at the hospital so maybe the three of us can go out to breakfast” she said walking out the door.

Kyra didn’t exactly have a grudge against her father, she just couldn’t forgive him for the sleepless nights she spent curled under her cover as she listened to her mother crying down the hall, after he had taken his nightly hit of heroin and beat her mother practically unconscious, until finally he just left one night and didn’t come back. She thought to herself for a while as she lay on her bed. Her mother sworn up and down he changed his ways and this would be the first time Kyra had seen him in two years.

Kyra yawned as she woke up the next morning not realizing she had fallen asleep. She pulled her long blonde hair into a messy bun onto her head. She made her way down stairs not at all surprised that her mother wasn’t home like she said she would be. She grabbed the note off the refrigerator as she scanned over it:

Sorry, will do breakfast next weekend promise. Please have your brother ready by noon to go with your dad. A shift opened at the hospital so I took it. Have fun at your party tonight I love you and please be nice to your father when he comes

Kyra took a deep breath as she set the note on the counter, pulling out some things to make breakfast. Her and her brother sat at the table, as they ate a light breakfast.

“You need to go pack kay” she smiled to her brother

“are you coming I don’t want to see him” her brother whined

“Criss, don’t act like that okay. I can’t go, you’ll have fun I promise” she said softly, but sterly.

“Fine.” He said finishing the last of his food, before heading up stairs.

Kyra made her way down the stairs as she heard a knock at the door. Her long golden blonde hair now hung in its normal beach waves. She had put on an older sun dress, nothing fancy.

“Hey dad” she smiled as she opened the door

He pulled her into a fatherly hug “You’ve grown so much Lottie” he smiled to her, she shutter faintly as he spoke her nickname.

“Yeah, it’s been a while” she said letting him in, he visited with her for a while before heading out with her brother. Her finally having the house to herself as she flopped down on the couch, still slightly in shock from seeing her dad for the first time in a long time. She jumped lightly feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket taking it out and reading the text.

Hey Kyra… it’s Austin. Hope this isn’t a rejection number cause that would be messed up lol. Anyways see you at 8 :D

Her eyes widened at the text “Shit the party” she said running up stairs to figure out something to wear.
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Hawk Nelson-Everything you ever wanted