She Was Different

Old Friends

Her breath picked up a bit as she heard the doorbell ring, warning her he was here. She quickly slipped her sleek black pumps on, them making her a few inches taller. She gave herself one last look in her full body mirror as she pulled down her skin tight black-purple cocktail dress it being slight to short, her having grown since the last time she’d worn it, but it was all she had for a party. She hurried down the stairs, her golden blonde hair hung in long lose curls touching just shy of her lower back, and her thick black eyeliner, matched with her long black mascara enhanced eyelashes made her bright green eyes almost seem to glow. She opened the door, Austin’s eyes seem to widen. He shook his head lightly as if he had been trying to shake some type of hypnoses.

“Your ride awaits, my lady” he smirked putting out his hand, she took it without hesitation. His black corvette was polished, like always and the top was down. He opened the door for her allowing her inside the car as a gentleman would. He didn’t bother opening the door on his side simply hoping over the door into the driver side, starting the ignition. Kyra shook her head “Show off” she giggled a bit. He flashed her, his perfectly straight white teethed smile, as he revved the engine.

She swallowed hard as they pulled up to his massive tan mansion, which shouldn’t have been that big of a surprise considering Austin family was one of the richest families in the state. His mom being a successful plastic surgeon, matched with his Mayor father. Kyra had heard stories about his house and family yet hearing about it and seeing it were two completely different feelings. She hadn’t realized the car had stopped, or the engine had turned off until Austin, let out a small chuckle bring her from her wonderstruck thoughts, she glanced to him as he held the door open for her. Music already filled the air and drifted out of the large mansion style house. He guided her inside the house, it was like most of the house you would see on cribs on MTV, the floor was a white marble and the decor of the house seemed as though it should be straight out of one of those magazines, that you look at and wish you could afford even just the lamp shade.

“Make yourself at home alright I’m going to head up stairs and change” he smirked “Be right down” he said taking off up the large spiral wood carved staircase. Kyra nodded still trying to take in everything around her. She turned feeling a tap on her shoulder meeting the silver gray eyes of Austin’s best friend Max, his light skin seemed paler against his pitch black hair.

“Damn, Lottie Evert, is that really you!” he smirked placing a casual arm around her neck. “You remember me right?” he asked, of course she remember him they had been close back in the day, close enough for him to be the only other person outside of her family to call her by her nickname.

She moved his arm “Yeah, it’s me Maxwell, I remember my mother babysitting you every weekend in the sixth grade” Kyra giggled “We use to be best friends” she sighed at the thought.

“Touché little lady” he chuckled “Which reminds me tell the fine ass mama of yours I said hello, you going to save me a dance?” he asked giving her a small wink.

She rolled her eyes “Sure why not, as long as you don’t try getting fresh with me” she said know exactly how Max could be, it not matter who the girl was popular or not.

“Why don’t we go get some drink while we wait on Austin” he said interlocking his finger with her and dragging her to the back patio where a man stood behind a professional style bar. Red and blue lights glowed from underneath the counter. The swimming pool light along with several other ground lights illuminating the patio. The full moon’s reflection clearly visible on the lake that Austin’s house shared with a few other houses.

“I don’t drink” she said as the bartender started mixing the drinks Max had requested.

“Come on, have a little fun, I know you never go to parties, you can trust me Lottie” his voice was so luring, the words slipped off his tongue like velvet.

“Fine one drink, but that’s it” she looked straight into his eyes, meaning her words as she took the plastic red cup from the bartender.

“Starting the party without me huh?” Austin Chuckled, now wearing dark jeans and a red button up shirt hugged his muscular arms perfectly. Kyra caught herself looking him over a moment longer then she should have. His dirty blonde hair spiked up now. He took a party cup from the bartender as well.

The party was well under way by ten. Max insisted that Kyra sit with him, so that they could catch up, though Kyra knew that was a lie. Most of the high school seeming to be at the party, excluding the ones the popular kids felt unworthy of being there which to be honest weren’t many people. Kyra didn’t pay much attention to the already drunk Maxwell that had his arm around her, though at the moment she didn’t have much of a choice, she couldn’t seem to find Austin and she really didn’t have friends that she could hang out with. Her eyes scanned the party, it wasn’t much different than what she had expect on the several occasions she thought about going to a party. If fact the movies depicted it rather well, you had the random hook ups, the passed out drunkies, the dance like there’s no tomorrow teens , and last but not least the cool kids that just chat amongst each other. Kyra knew she didn’t fit in with any of those and she started to question why she had even agreed to this. Though she was thankful Breanna and her group had yet to show up, which led her to wonder if Austin had even invited them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter inspired by: Lil Wayne feat Nicki Minaj - Knockout

Thank you to all my readers and Subscribers, you guys really inspire me!!!! Love you all! <3
I want to apologize for it taking so long to get this chapter out working on the next chapter now :D
Sorry for any errors!!!