Sequel: Redesign Me
Status: in progress

Remains of My Wasted Youth

Bon Jovi

I pulled myself through a busy Heathrow airport trust me to choose today to leave to see maddy. I walked over to the check in area and waited to be checked in, 9 hour flight to Baltimore well this is going to be enjoyable, I got my phone out my pocket to check my tweets, I refreshed the page to see tweets just pouring through, I opened up a new tweet and wrote ‘off to get on a plane to see my maddy! I’m coming baby!’ I smiled I’m too excited, it’s been almost 4 years, I looked up to see the lady at the front was waiting for me, I pulled my bag along and handed her my passport,

‘Flying business class?’ she asked me, I smiled then nodded not something I wanted to do but my parents insisted on paying for it. She asked me all the security questions then let me through where I queued up to have a security check, I looked over at the families getting ready to start their holiday I signed and tied my brown hair up into a bun it was pissing me off and I hated having it down when I was in hot places. The young girl in front of me turned around and smiled, I smiled back at her then she pulled her mum’s arm and she turned around to look at me.

‘Sorry do I know you?’ the lady asked me.

‘Um, no, I don’t think so, sorry.’ I replied. There was a chance she did know me I mean come on it’s a small world it could happen.
I spent the next two hours in the lobby waiting for my gate number to be called, everyone was asleep so I couldn’t call them or text them, when finally gate 4 I grabbed my things and ran to the gate being one of the first there the lady checked my ticket then a man showed me into the waiting area which was soon full up of people in less than 10 minutes. I looked over all of them were pretty young.

‘business class?’ a man asked waiting at the front I got my bags and he led us towards the plane I took a deep breath and I was taken to my seat in the middle, I bet I get some old person, I got my laptop out and iPod and set them on the chair before putting my things on top of me in the holder thing, I looked at myself, trakie bottoms, uggs, a top and jacket not my best choice. I took my seat again and waited for someone to join me. I shut my eyes and waited, I could hear people moaning they were American I opened my eyes to be meet with someone’s arse. I almost backed away when I felt someone take their seat next to me I turned to look at them, the person was just putting his things up top, and I kept my eyes straight towards the front until he sunk back into his seat. I felt him look at me.

‘Bit too young to be flying to the US on your own?’ he asked me and I looked at him, I smiled.
Not the first time someone’s said this.

‘I’m 18 actually.’ I told him. Sticking my tongue out at him as a joke.

‘Touchy. Nice eyebrow,’ he told me winking at me, pointing out the piercing in my eyebrow
not something boys usually like

‘Thanks. Nice tattoo.’ I replied trying to complement him.

‘Alex,’ he held out his hand.

‘Melissa.’ I took it and shook it.

‘We’ll Melissa looks like we’ve got 8 hours to get to know each other.’ Alex told me winking at the end. I smiled back at him then went back into my seat and pulled out my iPod. I put a head phone in and was just about to put the other one in when I saw Alex’s hand; I put the headphone in and started to play bon jovi. He smiled at me and started to mouth the lyrics. I closed my eyes and started to drift asleep.

I was suddenly woken up with muther fucker being blasted into my ear drums, I woke up to see that Alex had swapped the headphones around and now I was wearing one of his in- ears and he was holding the iPod.

‘Sorry, did I wake you?’ he asked me, looking up from his laptop.

‘Yeah, it’s okay.’ I replied stretching my arms.

‘Relax we’ve got an hour and a half left.’ Alex told me.

‘Shit did I really sleep that long?’ I asked him.

‘I spelt for some of it, don’t worry.’ He told me. I’m glad he was relaxed. He pulled his arm around me and pulled my closer to him.

‘Motley crue then?’ I asked him.

‘Blame my friend jack, it’s his fault, you a fan then?’ he asked me.

‘Yeah I am, not for long though.’ I replied breathing in his scent.

‘Wow, wouldn’t think someone like you would like them, you’re too innocent.’ He told me
pinching my sides making me squeal.

‘That’s mean, anyway I do like that music, and I saw them live, so there.’ Sticking my tongue out at him.

‘Fine, then.’ He replied acting pissed off. He looked at me then we both started to laugh.

‘So why you coming to boring old Baltimore?’

‘Visiting my friend maddy, you’

‘She collecting you from the airport and coming home.’ I could see the smile in his eyes he was happy to come home.

‘Yeah, guess you want to meet her.’

‘Yeah I do.’

We carried on that way talking for the rest of the journey to Baltimore even when we had to go through customs and collect our suitcases, I’d learnt a lot about Alex, he used to live in Essex and moved when he was young, when I told him I still lived in Essex he smiled, you could tell he missed it there, I found out he was in a band, he wouldn’t tell me their name but he must have been gone for a while as he had 3 suitcases and had taken a picture of them so he knew which ones they were. I walked through the terminal and pulled out my phone to text maddy the simple 3. She knew where I was going to be and I waited with Alex until she came.

‘You don’t have to wait you know.’ I told him.

‘I want to though.’ He answered. I just nodded not really wanting to argue, I looked around until I saw maddy waiting in her jeans and top, I smiled at her and she came running over, I pulled her into a massive bear hug.

‘Melissa!’ she screamed at me after we drew apart, I just laughed then remembered Alex standing there. Fuck.

‘Oh maddy this is Alex, I met him on the plane and he instead on meeting you.’ I told her showing her Alex.

‘Hey.’ He simply said and middy’s face dropped.

‘Look Melissa I’ve got to go now, give me your number, so we can meet up.’ Alex told me, he handed me is iPhone in which I typed in my number, and then handed it back.

‘Nice to meet you maddy.’ He replied and hugged me before leaving.

‘Do you have any idea who that was?’ she screamed in my face.


‘Alex fucking Gaskarth!’


‘Come again?’

‘All time low, the band that I made you sits and listens to, him.’

‘Oh you mean the person you basically dedicated your own blog to?’

Maddy completely ignored my question and took my bag off the floor and walked over to the car I followed her not really wanted to get lost, we stepped outside to it being beautiful sun shine, fuck I was glad to get away from England. She lead me to her car and put my suitcase in the boot of her car whilst I got into the front seat, she joined me, she started up the engine and played her radio, I didn’t even need to guess who she was playing.
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so this is my first chapter, by melissa, so yeah here's my outfit i chose [url= /url]