Sequel: Redesign Me
Status: in progress

Remains of My Wasted Youth

If Jack can admit it why can't he?

“What are we going to do now then?” Melissa ask as the credits role. It was still light outside and we had only wasted half the day.
“Let’s go shopping” Jack said. After a few looks to each in the room we decide to go shopping. Jack was going to change into the clothes that Melissa had of his and Alex looked normal in his shorts and tank top. Me and Melissa get up to go get ready. Jack follows Melissa to get his clothes and would change in her bathroom.Alex just sat there looking lost.
“Watch some TV if it’s going to bother you being alone” I say as I walk to my room. I change out of my pyjamas into skinny jeans and a top. I then find some pumps that would go with the outfit. I braid my hair in it’s usual side position. I leave it in as I put my makeup on.I only needed a little bit. I undo my hair so it went more wavy and less curly. It looked okay to have down. I went outside to where Alex was. He was still on his own sat there. I pick up my bag from the day before and put all my stuff into another bag.
“You took your time” Alex says as he walks over to me
“I was what... 20 minutes? It’s not that long” I say this as he wraps his arms around my waist. I didn’t have to worry about what it meant anymore. I was with him. I smiled at the thought of being with him. I wrap my arms around his neck.
“I was getting lonely” He kisses my forehead
“Well,I’m here now” I say softly as I start to play with his hair.
“That’s good then” He pushes me softly against my kitchen counter and I hold onto him still.He laid his forehead against mine. I looked into his eyes. They were a lovely shade of brown. I could of got lost in them. He was so gentle when he moved his hands from my waist right round to my back.I just hope he wouldn’t live up to the reputation some girls give him. The reputation where he is said to sleep with girls as quick as he knew them. I didn’t want him to take advantage of me and how naive I was to any boy. He didn’t know this but he would be my first boyfriend. I was always scared to let boys in after I saw what happened to my friends in my old school at such a young age. Saying there were in love but all the boy wanted was to sleep with them and be off to the next one. That’s what girls had said Alex was. I wasn’t going to let that happen. The thing with Alex is that he knows when I am thinking and what I am thinking about.
“I won’t hurt you” He says as he rubs my back. Like right then.
“That’s good then.Alex. Don’t call me sad or anything but your my first boyfriend” I bite my lip. That was probably a big turn off for him.
“Every time you tell me something new you make yourself cuter. That means you’ve never slept with anyone?” I shake my head. I felt like I just turned him away from me.
“I guess I’m just a dork. An idiot”
“Your my dork. Your my idiot. Maddy, I won’t take advantage of it. You sleep with whoever when your ready. No one is going to push you” He pulls me nearer to him.
“Thank you Alex. For being such a great person. For understanding” I didn’t want to sound stupid. He kissed my forehead again and just holds me. I felt like I was where I was meant to be now. He made this all feel so natural. We hear footsteps and he kisses me on my cheek and pulls away. Melissa and Jack walk out.
“Who’s driving then?” Jack asks. He looks at Melissa and he hands over the keys to her.
“Guess that question is answered” Alex says. That boy is too sarcastic. I look over to Melissa. We all walk down the stairs. I pull Melissa aside.
“Make that both couples official” I whisper in her ear. She smiles at me and hugs me quickly before the two boys could see anything. We run to catch up with them. Melissa and Jack get in the front. I jump in the back. Trust Jack to have a massive car that I can’t actually get into.
“Jack. Get a smaller car please” I laugh.
“Sorry, this is as small as your gonna get” He shakes his head. Melissa starts the car.
“Don’t do a Maddison, Melissa! Be careful of every lamp post. They are the enemy” Melissa looks at me.
“I will hit you” Melissa laughs
“But you love me”
“I do, I do” She pulls out. “Where am I actually going?” She asks.
“We should go Starbucks” Alex says. “Get some coffee before we go shopping?” We all nod. Jack gives her the directions and we sit awaiting to arrive. We get there and Alex takes my hand. We get a table.
“What you want?” Melissa asks me. Jack was talking to Alex.
“Can you get me a strawberry frappachino or something please?” She nods at me. Her and Jack walk off.
“Why does Jack trust her so quickly with driving his car?” I ask Alex as he takes my hand across the table.
“I don’t even know. He don’t let anyone drive it, even me and I’m meant to be his best friend” Alex says. He just carries on to hold my hand. I look over to Jack and Melissa. He had his arm around her and she was smiling so big. I smile because I knew she was happy. I was happy for her.
“They’re cute, aren’t they?” I ask Alex
“They sure are. They are happy” He says. He looks at me. “Are you happy?”
“Of course I am! Alex, I have dreamt about being with you since I was a fan of your band. I feel like I am in a dream but the best part is I don’t have to wake up because my dream is real. I’m just worried I’m not enough for you” He squeezes my hand.
“Your more than enough. Your fucking perfect Madd, And I have definitely fell for you. I fall too hard to fast but I know you will catch me Maddison. I’m in a dream with you too. Your perfect okay? Your my perfect girl”
“Your perfect too” I say as he kisses my hand. I smile. Melissa and Jack come back. Melissa sits next to me and Jack sits next to his best friend. They look at each other. Alex turns away and looks out the window. Something was up with these two. I wanted to know. I look at Melissa and she looked just as confused as me. I shake my head. Alex lets go of my hand and I pick up my drink. I take a sip and Melissa picks up hers. Alex looks at me. I smile at him and he smiles back. There was something wrong. I could tell. He’s not the only one that can tell when someone was thinking.
“What’s wrong?” I finally spit out.
“N-Nothing” He stutters. He wasn’t expecting me to ask.
“It doesn’t seem it Alex”
“I’m fine. Really, I am” He says as he sips his drinks then takes my hand. Loads of girls in the Starbucks were just staring at all 4 of us. We finish our drinks and then walk out. Alex wraps an arm around me and Melissa and Jack skip down the road hand in hand. It was a 2 minute walk to the car as we couldn’t park near enough. I loved feeling like he needed me.
“I’m sorry. I don’t wanna seem off or anything. I just go off into space sometimes” He says as he kisses my cheek. I jump in the back again. Melissa was driving, again. Jack gives her the directions to the mall. After about a 20 minute drive we get out and walk into the mall. We had walked in at least two shops and the boys had already been recognised. This time Alex didn’t let go of my hand.
“Oh my god! Your Alex and Jack from All Time Low!” The girls scream. The girls then turn to me and Melissa. “And your the girls all over tumblr” They said in such a sarcastic tone. Me and Melissa nod. “So the rumors are true!” One of them says. Me and Melissa try not to laugh. “Can we get a picture with you and Jack please, Alex?” One of them starts to flutter their eye lashes. Alex and Jack nod. They get closer and push me and Melissa away. Woah, was not going to get used to be pushed out the way. Both the girls literally cling onto the boys. “Will you both take a picture for us?” They both hand out their phones. Me and Melissa take them and stand in front. They smile holding onto the boys chest. I laugh to Melissa secretly and take the picture. I hand her back her phone. She says a sarcastic “thanks” hugs Alex then walks away with her friend. I look to Melissa.
“Okay, I am not getting pushed out the way next time” Melissa says. Thank god someone said it.
“Their fans, they’ll get used to it” Jack says and he takes Melissa’s hand again.
“They better” We walk out of the shop we were in and go into a few more. Half way through we just got bored. When we got home I told Melissa about what Alex told me in Starbucks. She went to bed after we talked and I sat watching T.V. Alex text me asking if it was okay to call. I text back saying to call away. My phone rang.
“Hello?” I say
“Madds, Hey” He says
“You alright?”
“Yeah, Listen, I got an interview tomorrow. Me and Jack do”
“That’s cool” I cross my legs.
“They’re gonna ask if I’m in a relationship” He says softly, almost scared.
“Will it hurt you if I said I was single?” He asks slolwy
“No, course not. The main person that needs to know if I’m in a relationship is Melissa and I haven’t even spoken to my mum this week so she wouldn’t know”
“Thanks for understanding Maddy” You could hear his smile in his voice.
“No problem, I’m an understanding person. Plus I would have fans for my throat most probably” I laugh.
“God, your so amazing” He says.
“You too, Alex” I smile. My boyfriend, called me perfect. Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low, My boyfriend.
“I’m going to have to go. It’s a morning interview. Actually need to try and sleep”
“Sweet dreams. Have a good interview”
“I will, I’ll talk to you after the interview okay?”
“Night” Alex cuts off. I ended up falling asleep on the sofa. The next morning I woke up early and put the channel on which the interview was going to be on. I make the coffee and Melissa comes in. I hand her a cup. She asks me if I was nervous.
“A bit, you?” She nods at me. The interview comes on. They answered all their questions and it come to the last one.
“so we know that Rian is taken but what about the rest of you?” the presenter asked the boys.
“single” Zack replied.
‘Single.’ Alex replied. I sat there. I took a breath in.
‘and you jack?’ she asked him.
“taken” He replied and the presenter wrapped up the interview. Melissa turned off the TV
“Maddy, what happened?” Melissa looks at me. Jack. He said he wasn’t taken. I knew Alex was going to say he was single but I just thought that Jack was going to do the same. If Jack could say he was with someone, why couldn’t Alex? Ah god, my head was everywhere right now. I now hoped he didn’t text or call me after the interview cause I didn’t really want to talk. Melissa was the only one who has ever seen me upset or angry or whatever. She’s the only one I really wanted to talk to.
“I don’t know? Jack can easily admit that he’s with you then why can’t Alex?” I knew what he was going to say. I knew he was going to say he was single but I couldn’t help but feel a little upset. Jack could say it but he can’t. “I knew he was going to say he was single. I thought Jack was going to say he was single too” I say softly.
“Alex is the lead singer of a huge band, he was putting your feelings first, he doesn’t want you to get hate you know that” She hugged me. I held onto her. I felt safe with Melissa now, and I didn’t really want to see or talk to Alex.
“I can cancel on jack if you need me” Melissa says. I didn’t want to ruin her day. I shook my head.
“No you go” She nodded and left to go get ready. My phone buzzed. I took it to have a look. It was Alex.
“Hey, Still up for doing something today?<3” I ignore it. I didn’t want to talk to him at this moment in time. I needed some fresh air. I decided to go out and get some stuff for the house like coffee and stuff. Melissa walks back out.
“Text me if you need me” She says before she hugs me. She picks up the spare keys. I go into my room. I change into a pair of leggings and a tank top. I put a pair of shoes on and put my hair into a messy bun. I pick up my bag and my keys and walk out the apartment. I lock the apartment and walk down the stairs. The first relationship I have and it has to fuck me off in the first two days. I walk out the building and walk down the street. I go into the grocery store to pick up some toilet roll and shampoo. I also pick up some coffee and milk. I walk out the store and there is a familiar person walking across the street. I look properly and it was Alex. Fuck. He runs over to me.
“Ignoring me?” He asks as he takes off his sunglasses.
“Maybe” I say sharply.
“What have I done wrong?” He asks confused. I shake my head.
“Jack said he was taken” I try to avoid eye contact.
“Maddy! You knew I was going to say I was single. Don’t act suprised”
“If Jack can say why can’t you?”
“If I knew Jack was then I would of said it too. I was trying to protect you”
“I’m a big girl now Alex. I’m not a child. Alex I’m so fucking happy with you. It’s just the fact that if Jack doesn’t have to hide Melissa away then why should you worry? I can take care of myself”
“Then I will tell everyone I’m with you, Madds if it means this much to you then I’ll say I'm with the most amazing girl in the world. I don’t want girls sending you hate mail or pushing you away from me like they did yesterday. I don’t want you to get hurt. I want to be with you and not have to worry if my fans are going to start hating you” I look to Alex. He looked upset, hurt even. I didn’t mean to be so angry I was just upset at the thought of Jack not having to hide Melissa. I sigh. I was too hard, I was being an idiot about it all.
“Alex” I say as I take his hand. “You don’t have to tell everyone your with me. I was being an idiot. I’m sorry. I’m such a wimp and I just need to stop getting all worked up about things that don’t really matter. I need to get used to the fact that I’m with a rock star. It’s going to take me time. I’ll try if you can just let me take my time realises 1 million girls would love to be in my place”
“Maddison, you’ve made me realise I don’t need to hide you away. I didn’t mean to hurt you. Of course I’m going to wait for you cause your worth waiting for. This was just a stupid argument so can we just forget about it, please? I don’t want to loose you when I only just got you”
“Defiantly. I want you too. I’m sorry” Alex looks as two cameras pop out of no where.
“Me too. Right, there is two cameras right over there. Ready to make us official to the whole world”
“What?” And as I ask he takes me by the waist and kisses me. It wasn’t just a soft kiss. It was a passionate kiss. He wanted to make a point that we WERE together. I didn’t really care. Let them all know I was with Alex.
“Better?” He asks as he leans his head against mine. I nod.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know?”
“I wanted to. I have a beautiful girl. I should show her off” I start to blush and he kisses me softly once more. He takes my hand.
“Let me walk you home?” He says as we walk down the street. When we get to the apartment he kisses me softly getting ready to walk away.
“You don’t have to leave just yet, you know”
“You asking me to come up?” I nod at him. “Sure” We run up to the apartment and I open the door to let us in. “Is anyone even home?” He asks me
“Melissa went to Jack’s house. He come picked her up as soon as you guys finished the interview”
“That’s cool. So we’re here alone?” I nod at him. He smiles. He wraps his arms around me and kisses my cheek. I place my hands on top of his that laid on my stomach. He lent his head on my neck so our heads fit like a puzzle. He gave me butterflies in my stomach. No boy has ever done that before. I wanted to see him in a different light to what other girls saw him like. I hoped he wasn’t the boy that girls said he was. “Your amazing, you know that?” He says softly in my hear.
“I didn’t until I met you” He tightens his grip just a little.
“Well, you should be told everyday” He gives me another kiss but on my neck. I held onto him.
“Alex, you make me feel so safe” I turn around to look at him in his grip. He moves a piece of hair out of my eye and places it behind my ear. He kisses my forehead.
“I want to make you feel safe. Maddison for so long i’ve been sitting around telling myself I couldn’t go into another relationship cause all I do is hurt them. I then met you. I-I was so happy with you. You made me smile the way I didn’t think I could anymore. Your more than just some girl I met that was a fan like the rest of the girls. Your special”
“You didn’t need to make a speech, Alex, but I’m glad you did” I say as I kiss him as passionately as he kissed me in front of the cameras earlier. He moved his hands lower down my back. I didn’t really care what he was doing. The only thing that I cared about was that I was with Alex and he wanted to be with me too. I didn’t want to admit it but I think I was falling for him and I was sure falling fast. He picks me up and carries me to the sofa. He lays me on it and falls softly to my side. He kisses me again passionately but I wasn’t going to let him take over my that easily. He didn’t try anything else because he knew that he had to respect me.
“Everytime I look at you I fall for you just a bit more” He says as he gives my cheek a peck. We sit for a while and then it becomes too late. “I have to go. I’m sorry” He says
“Don’t be” I say as he kisses my again. I walk him to the door.
“I’ll call you tomorrow? Okay”
“Okay, I’ll be waiting” I smile. He kisses my cheek and with that he is gone. I sit back down on the sofa. After about half an hour I decided to call Melissa to see if she was going to come home. I pick up my phone and call her.
“Hey” Melissa answers
“Hey, Do you know if your coming home tonight?” I ask her
“I’m not sure, I’ll call you when I know”
“Okay,thats cool”
“Bye” And with that she has gone. I start to watch some TV. I start to think about tomorrow. I didn’t tell Alex and I should of but I’m going back home, to England tomorrow with Melissa. She had to go pick up her exam results and I said I would go with her. I tried to call Melissa twice. She didn’t pick up. Around 15 minutes later she calls me back.
“Hey sorry, I was in the pool I’m staying the night here, Ill be back in the morning, what times the flight?”
“6 in the evening, just make sure your back by 3”
“Okay, see ya” I cut off. I look at my phone. I should probably tell Alex. I dial his number. I felt shaky and nervous all of a sudden.
“Alex, I need to talk to you”
“Whats up?”
“I’m going to Essex tomorrow. I’m leaving at about 3ish in the afternoon”
“Why? Wait, what?”
“I’m going to Essex with Melissa for a day or two. She needs to pick up her exam results. I’ll be back soon enough though”
“Oh, right, Okay. I got studio for the next couple of days anyway. Guess I’ll have to miss you”
“Haha, I guess you will. Listen, I gotta go pack okay, I’ll speak to you later or something?”
“Okay, ByeBye Baby”
“Bye” I smile when he called me baby. He then cut off. I locked the apartment door and turned off all the lights. I looked at the apartment that would be empty at 3 the next day. I was glad that I was going home,back home. I could see people I haven’t seen in 4 years. I could tell my mum that I met a boy I was falling in love with. Just then I stopped my track of thought as I got to my bedroom. I sat on the bed and thought some more. I was falling in love with Alex. The things that boy done to me. I missed him when I wasn’t with him. I shake my head and start to smile. I, Maddison, was falling in love with Alex, from All Time Low. I suddenly felt like the luckiest girl in the world that I had him. He was mine. I throw some clothes into my suitcase and decide to finish the rest in the morning. I change into sweatpants and a vest top and climb into bed. The next morning I was flying to Essex with my best friend. I smiled. My life seemed perfect at this moment.
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