Sequel: Redesign Me
Status: in progress

Remains of My Wasted Youth


‘Heyy?’ I answered to.
‘Heyy do you know if you’re coming home tonight.’
‘I’m not too sure; I’ll call you when I know.’ I told her as I looked up to see jack on his phone in the door way.
‘Okay bye!!’ she told me hanging up, I put the phone back into my pocket and jack came and stood in front of me. He looked up at me.
‘Do you mind if I put a picture of us on twitter it’s just everyone’s been asking?’ he asked me.
‘I don’t mind jack! Honestly.’ I told him and he drew me into a hug.
‘Okay, I’ve got one from earlier today so I’ll put that up.’ He told me and quickly tweeted.
‘So you hungry?’ he asked me and I nodded the thought of food had only just crossed my mind.
‘Takeaway?’ he asked me,
‘Go for it.’ I answered and he gave me a pizza menu. I looked over it and decided on what to eat.
‘Margarita please.’ I told him handing him back the menu. He nodded and pulled out his phone to order it
‘They’re delivering it. So we’ve got half an hour to kill.’ He told me helping me up off the counter, my arms where still wrapped around his neck. His arms around my waist, we were pushed up against the counter and I looked at him, he bent down and kissed me slowly, I knew he wanted more but he’d have to wait, he drew away then looked at me again.
‘I have an idea.’ He told me, I looked at him with a confused face; he took me to the back door and opened it to revel the massive swimming pool. I looked at him.
‘Come on we’ve got half an hour.’ He told me, we hadn’t been swimming together since that night at Alex’s. Jack took off his top and I did the same showing off the blue laced bra I had on. Jack whistled at me and I bit down on my lip I was slightly embarrassed. I kept my shorts on and jack took off his trousers, I took off my shoes and ray bans. I took jack’s hand and we both ran into the pool together, I grabbed onto jack once I’d resurfaced.
‘Alright?’ he asked me as I wrapped my legs around his waist, the water was really warm. I held onto jack as the pool was rather deep.
‘I’m fine.’ I told him.
‘Can I ask you something then?’ jack looked into my eyes.
‘Go for it.’ I told him.
‘I’m not your first boyfriend am I?’ he whispered.
‘Well you’re my first rock star boyfriend but no not my first boyfriend, why?’ I asked him, slightly shocked by the question.
‘it’s just that Alex told me he was Maddy’s first boyfriend, and it just got my wondering if I was yours and why she waited that long?’
‘Maddy never saw someone she likes, I mean course she had crushes on boys but every time I set her up with someone I knew before she left, she never agreed to a second date? And I guess things I couldn’t really set her up with anyone when she moved out here?’ I told jack, I didn’t realise what I’d just told jack.
‘Wow? Really?’ he answered with.
‘Yeah but you’re not to tell a soul got it?’ I told him. He nodded and I wrapped my arms around his neck.
‘Are you going to be alright with this, you know people will get jealous and magazines will write about us?’ he asked me.
‘It’s fine jack, I’ll be okay and if something I don’t like happens I’ll let you know.’ I told him planting a kiss onto his lips. There was a ring at the door bell and jack looked at me.
‘I’ll go.’ I told him, letting go of him and going to the side of the pool I pulled myself out and grabbed jack’s top and pulled it over my head whilst walking towards the door, I opened it to see the pizza man standing there.
’25 dollars please.’ He told me and I reached into my bag which was beside the door and got out my purse and paid the man, he thanked me and handed me the pizzas, I said my goodbyes and shut the door, putting my purse back I went into the kitchen were jack was waiting, he took the pizza’s and had some wine in another hand, he took them out to the pool and sat them down on the side, the heaters around the pool were now on to keep us warm, he had wrapped a towel around his waist and placed one around my shoulders. I opened up the pizzas and jack took a slice as did I, he then opened the wine bottle whilst eating it and poured two glasses.
‘You know legally I shouldn’t be drinking this.’ I told him taking a sip of the wine he’d just handed me.
‘And why’s that?’ he asked me taking a slice of the pizza and eating it.
‘I’m under 21 and you have to be 21 to drink over here.’ I told him taking another bite of my first slice.
‘You’re under 21?! I didn’t realise.’ He answered he was shocked I could tell.
‘I thought you knew?’ I replied, I thought he did, Alex would have at least told him, he knew I was younger than jack right?
‘No? Alex told me you were younger than me but I thought by a year not under 21?’ he replied.
‘I only just turned 18. That’s why I’m over here without my parents.’
‘Really? I honestly thought you were older.’
‘Yeah, sorry.’ I whispered maybe I should have said something a while ago.
‘Don’t worry; I don’t give two fucks about your age.’ He told me kissing my cheek; I smiled at him whilst taking another sip of the wine. We finished off the pizza and the wine and half an hour later we were back in the pool this time I had left the shorts and was just in my underwear. Still gripped on to jack.
‘You better be staying the night.’ He whispered into my ear, I giggled.
‘Why were you expecting me to leave you on your own?’ I told him.
‘Means that you’ll have to borrow my clothes again.’
‘Shame, means I won’t be able to wear underwear underneath them.’ I told him teasing him a bit.
‘Don’t.’ he told me.
‘Or I could sleep naked?’ I teased at him, I started to laugh and jack pushed me off him gently meaning that I went straight down into the water, he held onto my waist and help me have some balance in the water, he didn’t come closer to me, we just stayed like that with jack’s arms around my waist and that’s all. It was getting cold by now and I was shivering a bit.
‘Cold?’ jack asked me, I nodded at him and he helped me to the side of the pool and I got out jack soon followed, I picked up my phone from the side maddy had tried to call me twice. I dialled her number and held it to my ear, all mine and jack’s clothes were inside and so was the pizza and wine.
‘Heyy?’ she answered with.
‘Sorry I was in the pool, I’m staying the night here I’ll be over later, what times the flight?’ I asked her.
‘6 in the evening just be home before 3.’ She told me hanging up jack stood in the kitchen and I went and joined him.
‘Maddy alright?’ he asked me and I nodded.
‘I’m going home for a day tomorrow.’ I told him.
‘Why?’ he asked me.
‘I need to collect my exam results, I’ll be back, and I’ve still got 2 months left here.’ I told him and he picked me up.
‘Then I best make the most of tonight!’ he told me and we went upstairs, he put me down onto his bed, and pulled out some boxers and a checked shirt,
‘You’re lucky that half my clothes are in the wash and I’m letting you wear that.’ Jack teased me; I laughed and got up from his bed.
Were’s your bathroom?’ I asked jack.
‘Down the hall at the end.’ He told me I nodded and walked out his room and down the hallway until I reached the bathroom, I pulled off the wet knickers and put on jack’s boxers, then unclipped my bra and pulled it off, and put on jack’s shirt buttoning the third to eighth button and threw my wet things into jack’s laundry basket, I know he wouldn’t care. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and went back into jack’s room. He wasn’t in there so sat down on his bed and pulled my phone out from under the pillow to set an alarm for 12. I could hear jack walking up the stairs
‘House is locked up now.’ He told from the hall and reached his room, he spotted me sitting on his bed, he only had he’s boxers on.
‘Fuck you look good in that top.’ Jack told me and I giggled. He turned off the lights leaving the small ones on the side on.
‘Ready for bed then?’ I asked him getting up from his bed and helping him take off the extra pillows on his bed.
‘With you, oh yes.’ He told me as we both got into bed, I placed my head onto his chest and I felt his arm wrap around me, I kissed his chest gently and slowly closed my eyes.
‘Night beautiful.’ He told I and the lights went out and I fell to sleep.
I could hear my alarm going off on the corner of the bedside table, I went to reach over to stop it but jack beat me to it turning off the alarm, I smiled at him, I needed to leave within the next hour so I could have a shower and get changed.
‘Looks like I’m winning.’ He told me and kissed me. I smiled at him, cheeky.
‘It won’t stay that way for long don’t you worry.’ I told jack stretching in his arms.
‘What time have I got to take you home?’ jack asked me, I could tell by his voice he was upset with leaving me.
‘One o’clock at the latest. I need to have a shower and get changed.’ I told him. He looked at me.
‘You know sharing a shower can save water.’ He teased me. I wasn’t going to give in to him that easily.
‘And having a shower on your own is healthier.’ I told him. He gave me puppy dog eyes and I started to laugh.
‘I don’t given in that easily.’
‘Fine, come on I’m starving.’ He told me and we both got up from the bed and jack bent down so I got onto his back, he took me downstairs to the kitchen, it was half 12 by now and I needed to leave in half an hour. Jack opened the fridge door and I looked inside, the first three shelves were full up with alcohol.
‘Bit too early to drink.’ I whispered into his ear, a smile crept along his face.
‘It’s never too early, but I don’t think maddy would be impressed if I took you home drunk.’ He told me picking up an orange juice.
‘Maybe we can wait till I’m home.’ I told him as he put me on the kitchen counter, and poured us both a drink.
‘you nervous for your results?’ jack asked me popping two toasts into the toaster, truthfully I was I was shit scared, we finished off eating our breakfast and we went back upstairs, I sat down on jack’s bed and looked around. He handed me tracksuit bottoms. And I pulled them over my trousers. I got a text off maddy asking me when I was leaving jack’s house; I told her that I’d be leaving soon. I looked up at jack.
‘Maddy wants me to come back.’ I told him, he looked at me with an upset face. He nodded and we headed downstairs I picked up my bag and we got into his car, jack only had some shorts and a top on, we reached the car park and I looked at jack.
‘You will call me when you arrive won’t you?’ jack asked me and I nodded.
‘I’ll miss you, I hope you know that?’ jack told me.
‘I’ll miss you more than you’ll know.’ I told jack and I kissed him. I got out the car and went back inside I knocked onto the door and maddy answered it.
‘Alex is here.’ She told me and I nodded. I walked into the living room and I hugged Alex and walked into my room and pulled out the small bag for the overnight trip, I packed one of jack’s top and tracksuit trousers, I heard the ting from my phone, I reached into my pocket and pulled it out.
‘You left your top and shorts here. <3’ the text from jack read, then it hit me; shit I left my underwear there too.
‘I may have also left my underwear. <3’ I told him not really cringing at the thought.
‘kinky ;)<3’ jack replied and I started to laugh I put a couple more sets of clothes into the bag, then went back into the living room, Alex had left and the passport and ticket was waiting on the side.
‘Ready?’ maddy asked me getting up. I nodded and we left towards the airport.