Sequel: Redesign Me
Status: in progress

Remains of My Wasted Youth


When my phone was turned on I had a text from Alex. He said he was here waiting. About an hour ago it was sent.
“Special text?” Jenn jokes
“Just, I have someone waiting for me on the other side” I smile. When we get through I try and walk as fast as I could. I said goodbye to the two girls and walked out through the terminal. I saw that familiar figure I’ve been waiting to see for ages.The girls were walking behind me. Alex saw me and done a slow run up to me. I ran up to him too. When I got to him I dropped my suitcase and jumped into his arms. I missed him so much. He kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck.
“I missed you” He says
“I missed you too” I smile.
“You do know there are two girls looking at us right now, right?” I turn around to see Jenn and Sarah.
“This is Jenn and Sarah, I met them on the plane”
“Thank god you didn’t meet any boys or anything. Would of given me a run for my money”
“No one would, I’m with you, not with anyone else” Jenn and Sarah ask for a picture with Alex.He does so. They then say their goodbyes to me and walk out the airport. Alex picks up my suitcase and takes my hand. He walks me out of the airport to his car. He puts my suitcase into the boot. He then takes my hand. I smile at him. I get sunglasses out of my bag and put them on. Alex takes my waist and pushes me softly against his car. He leans down and kisses me passionately. I wrap my arms around his neck. I missed his lips. It had only been two days but I missed his soft lips. I pull back and look at him.
“What about cameras?” I ask
“Fuck cameras, I told everyone about you. They all want to see my perfect girlfriend so let them” Alex kisses me once more. He then opens the door to his car for me. I get in and so does he. He puts the radio on and I look out the window. “How was she?” Alex asks
“Your aunt” He said aunt and my heart dropped.
“S-She, she’s weak. She’s not gonna last long. My mum broke down. I can’t take seeing anyone like that” I say as tears start to drop down my cheeks. Alex pulls into his drive. He swiftly gets out his car. I stay there crying. The next thing I knew was Alex grabbing me by waist pulling me into a tight hug. I hug back as tight as I could. I wipe my tears. “I don’t want to think about her, Alex. I don’t want to sound horrible or anything but I can’t think about her. She is going to make me down and I don’t want that. I want to be happy. Let me just forget her situation. For now, please” He nods at me.
“Of course, I want you to be happy too” He gets my suitcase and walks me into his house. The last time I saw his couch was when I was snogging his face off. I smile because that’s what brought me back here again. He wraps his arms around my waist from behind me.
“Hello there Mr” I say as I kiss his cheek.
“Fancy coming on blog TV with me in a bit? The fans can then see you”
“Why not? It should be a laugh” I smile at him. He tweets “Blog TV in 15 minutes guys! Be there or be square. Special guest” He goes upstairs and the next thing I know is that he has his apple mac book under his arm. He places it on the coffee table and I sit down next to him.
“Picture before we start?” He looks at me. I nod. He gets the web cam up and we start to pull funny faces together. He gets a nice one and then puts it on twitter. Soon after we’re finished he signs into blog TV. I go into his kitchen to get some drinks. When I come back he is already one and there were so many viewers. “Theres the amazing girl” He says when I sit down. “This is Maddison. Say Hi Maddy,”
“Hiya” I say as I smile and wave
“Isn’t she pretty?” Alex says as he places his hand on my waist. Flood loads of comments came on saying yes. I smile and start to blush. Two hours went by and the fans accepted me. They were really nice. Alex kissed me a few times and the fans “awwed” at it. I was happy and for the first time in this relationship I didn’t give a fuck about cameras or anything like that. It was just me and Alex. That's how it should be. We said goodbye and he shut the laptop down. He leans back on the sofa and pulls me closer to him. I lay my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead and started to stroke my hair. I lift my legs up and lay down. He places his hands onto my waist and I felt safe, in his arms, once again. We sit in silence until Alex decided to break that silence.
“Your beautiful you know that” He kisses my scalp. I smile
“Not until you told me”
“Well you are. Stay here tonight. When I drop off Sebastian tomorrow at Jack’s come with me”
“Okay, sure” I say.
“Melissa is there, don’t talk to her or anything. I told her I didn’t know when you would be back and stuff. Let’s surprise her” He says as he plays with my hair. I nod. Alex looked at his watch. It was 5ish. “Dinner?” He asked.
“Why not?” I smile at him.
“You got any dresses in that suitcase of yours?”
“The one I wore at your party, why?”
“Wanna get dressed in it...? Go out to dinner properly” He kisses my forehead then gets up and walks up to his room. I got the dress out of my suitcase and go to his bathroom. I remembered where it was, thankfully. I change out of my clothes and change into the summer dress. I fluff up my hair and then walk down to the living room. Alex had changed into a plain white top with his signature denim shirt on top. I smile. I looked down and he was wearing tight skinny jeans. He looks at me and wolf whistles. I remember when he done that the first time he saw me in this dress.
“Bring back memories, Aye, Alex?” I laughs as I wink at him. He takes me by the hand and walks out. We get into his car and he drives about 15 minutes down the road to the Italian. We walk in and he gets us a nice table. We were sat in the restaurant for at least an hour or a bit more than that. We had an amazing conversation and there was no fans to disrupt us. I was going to stay at Alex’s that night and the next morning I was going over to Jack’s to see Melissa. I wanted to just give her a big fat hug. I text her and told her I was at home. When we got back to Alex’s he gave me his ravens top to change into again. It was so comfy and big enough to not show anything. I went back to the bathroom to change then I walk into his bedroom. Alex was in a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. He looked amazing in them even though they were just lounging clothes. He was sat waiting for me. I slip into the bed next to him and cover myself with the duvet. Alex lays down and I lay down next to him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I slowly hear him fall asleep. I close my eyes and fell asleep in his arms. The next morning I awoke but there was no Alex. He then walks in fully changed and I got up.
“Come on, get changed Babe. I have to drop you to Jack’s” Alex says as he kisses my forehead. I climb out of his comfy bed and pull down the jersey. I go into the bathroom with my clothes and put my jeans and vest top on. When I come out Alex already had the front door open. I run down to him. We get in the car and he drops me off at Jacks. He gives me a quick kiss and I knock at the door. I am greeted by a maid. I wasn’t expecting her.
“Oh, Um, hi. Melissa here? Alex just dropped me off...”
“Upstairs” The maid lets me in then closes the door behind me. I run upstairs and I see Melissa sitting on Jack’s bed. I run in and she gets up and hugs me.
“Melissa! Fuck, I missed you! I wanted to get on that plane with you to come back home. I didn’t want to stay in Essex without you”
“How is she? Lydia..”
“Weak, but I don’t want to talk about her. She would just ruin my mood. I want to talk to my best friend about everything. Not my dying aunt” She sits back down on Jack’s bed and then I sit next to her. I look around his room. Melissa was obviously in Jack’s clothes. She seemed happy.
“I slept here last night” She says as she catches my gaze.
“I stayed at Alex’s last night. Comfy bed with two people in it” I smile
“Maddy. His password on here is my name. The hint is the one he has fallen in love with. Isn’t he such a cutie?” She gleams.
“He definatly is. Alex made us official on twitter. He told me he loved me, Melissa. I told him I loved him too”
“It’s obvious you do, Maddy. Look at us. We’re both so fucking lucky” I look at Melissa. I knew she was right. I took in all she said and smiled. “right, you better be coming tonight?” She looked at me
“supose so...” She took me by the shoulders and shook me
“maddy going to a party with the whole of all time low, and you’re fucking saying suppose so? Snap out of it girl!” She told me. I nodded. What the hell was I thinking? I told myself I didn’t want to be depressed and here I am sitting there telling myself I shouldn’t go out with my friends.
“I meant to say, fuck yeah, I’m coming” I wink at her and laugh.
“Good! That’s what I thought you meant” She pulled me into a hug. We both checked the boys twitter. We checked to see if anything was said about what time we were going out, what time they were going to be back.
“Oh, Me and Alex done a blog TV last night. Making us even more official I guess?”
“Me and Jack saw the picture on twitter. Cute” She laughs.
“Melissa, I’m sorry about what happened in Essex. I didn’t want to leave you to go on a plane on your own. I just needed to see my family” I say as I look at her
“Hey, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just couldn’t stand being there when I have basically lost all the opportunities to get a job back home. I would of just rather been with Jack. I didn’t want to see my mum and dad disappointed in me. That was the last thing I wanted to see”
“What are you going to do when you go back?”
“I haven’t even thought about that yet. I don’t know what I’m going to do” She starts to look upset.
“Move in with me” I say as I smile
“What? Maddy, are you sure?”
“Hell yes! Do you not want to live with your best friend? Melissa, Move in with me. I could easily get you a job out here. I know where theres openings and I could take you to all the interviews and stuff I do to help out with crew. Please Melissa. At least think about it. I had to spend 4 years away from my life long best friend and now your here I don’t want to see you go back. I fucking love you and it’s going to hurt to see you get back on a plane to Essex and I won’t get to see you again for god knows how long. Plus you’re in this relationship now. Leaving after 2 months just doesn’t seem fair” I almost sounded like I was begging. Her being out here made me realise how much I loved having her around.
“Maddy, Course I want to move in with you. I didn’t want to leave after 2 months either. It’s not going to be as easy though. I have to get a visa. I have to have a reason for immigrating. How are we going to do it?”
“Easy, I get you a job. Then you can get your visa. You can have the spare room and me and you can go out to Essex together to see family and bring your stuff back here. We have two months to plan it”
“If your sure”
“I’m defiantly sure Melissa! Let’s do this”
“Haha, lets” I hug her and then she goes to change. I sit waiting for her. When she comes back she gets Jack’s webcam up on his laptop. “Time to give the fans a pretty picture” I laugh. She sits next to me and we take a picture 1st hugging and 2nd with our tongues out. She posts both of them on Jack’s twitter. Caption on both “You really shouldn’t leave your laptop on when Maddy is round. 2 girlfriends of a great band, Have fun, Fans;)” Melissa then asks if I wanted to hang out around the pool. I nod. She goes to her suitcase and gets out to bikini’s. She throws one over to me. She walks into the bathroom and changes. I go and find a spare bedroom and change in there. I plait my hair and quickly run back to meet Melissa. We got loads of food from the kitchen then walked outside to the pool. Alex’s dog, Sebastian ran after us and sat down with us. I sit down on the floor and Melissa follows.
“I’m going to tell Jack” I nod at her. She smiled. I was so happy that my best friend was going to be living with me.
“Tell him I’m staying here”