Sequel: Redesign Me
Status: in progress

Remains of My Wasted Youth


The following morning I was awoken by a text from my phone, I was lying on jack's bed he'd woken me up an hour or so ago with Sebastian, he then kissed me on the head and left for the studio I was left with Sebastian, jack had left he's car here just in case of a emergency, I opened the text that was from maddy, she told me she was here and was staying at home, I replied explaining I'd stay with jack until she wanted me back, I got up from the bed and went downstairs there was a middle aged lady in the kitchen wearing nothing but sweats I only had jack's top and my underwear on, she smiled at me then went back to cleaning, I pulled my phone out from my bra and texted jack
'Since when do you have a maid?' I asked him, I pressed send then boiled the kettle, I didn't really have anything to do today I knew maddy would spend some time with Alex, I poured myself a tea and went back up to jack's room, my phone was vibrating in my bra it was jack
'Heyy' I answered with
'I feel bad I forget my cleaner came today, she'll be done by 3, and I finish here at. 4,' jack told me, 'aright jack'
'Seeing as it is Friday, you won't mind coming to the bar with me and the boys will you?' Jack asked me I heard a voice in the background telling him to hurry the fuck up
'yea sure, go have fun recording' I told him and hung up I threw my phone on the bed and started to drink the tea that I'd just made if I'm getting drunk then so is maddy I told myself, I pulled jack's laptop up off the side and started it up, it came up with a password I clicked the hint button 'the one thing you've fallen in love with' my mind pondered this is jack it will be alcohol it came up with wrong, I typed my name just to see what it would say, it came up with correct, I laughed to myself, this wasn't the jack I knew I looked at Jack's background it was the same one from the picture the other day that he had tweeted to his followers I opened up safari and it went straight into twitter, jack was still logged in, I pressed new tweet and wrote – I really shouldn’t leave my twitter on, I’m a silly boy- I wrote and checked his mentions they were flooding in, saying that they knew it was Melissa, I laughed at them and pressed new tweet again, and wrote – yeas it was Melissa, jack is such a silly boy – I sent it then logged him out and logged myself in to it, I looked at jack’s profile he’d already tweeted, - yes that was my girl.- he wrote and I laughed at it. There was a knock downstairs and the maid answered it. I heard the person say her hellos. Maddy walked in and smiled and ran over and hugged me
“Melissa! Fuck, I missed you! I wanted to get on that plane with you to come back home. I didn’t want to stay in Essex without you”
“How is she? Lydia...”
“Weak, but I don’t want to talk about her. She would just ruin my mood. I want to talk to my best friend about everything. Not my dying aunt”
“I slept here last night” I told her
“I stayed at Alex’s last night. Comfy bed with two people in it” maddy smiles
“Maddy. His password on here is my name. The hint is the one he has fallen in love with. Isn’t he such a cutie?” I tell her.
“He defiantly is. Alex made us official on twitter. He told me he loved me, Melissa. I told him I loved him too”
“It’s obvious you do, Maddy. Look at us. We’re both so fucking lucky”
‘Right, you better are coming tonight?’ I told her.
‘Suppose so….’ She answer and I shook her,
‘Maddy going to a party with the whole of all time low, and you’re fucking saying suppose so? Snap out of it’
“I meant to say, fuck yeah, I’m coming” Maddy winked at me and we both started to laugh.
“Good! That’s what I thought you meant” I told her then pulled her into a hug, after that I drew away and got up jack’s and Alex’s twitter, to see there was any news for what time we’d be going out tonight
“Oh, I and Alex did a blog TV last night. Making us even more official I guess? ”Maddy told us.
“I and Jack saw the picture on twitter. Cute” I laughed at her it was a cute picture.
“Melissa, I’m sorry about what happened in Essex. I didn’t want to leave you to go on a plane on your own. I just needed to see my family” maddy told me, I didn’t really want to speak about it.
“Hey, you didn’t do anything wrong. I just couldn’t stand being there when I have basically lost all the opportunities to get a job back home. I would have just rather been with Jack. I didn’t want to see my mum and dad disappointed in me. That was the last thing I wanted to see” I told her, it was the truth.
“What are you going to do when you go back?” Maddy asked me, it had been playing on my mind ever since I set foot on the train.
“I haven’t even thought about that yet. I don’t know what I’m going to do” I was upset, I didn’t want to go home ever.
“Move in with me” maddy said with a smile.
“What? Maddy, are you sure?” I was surprised really?
“Hell yes! Do you not want to live with your best friend? Melissa, Move in with me. I could easily get you a job out here. I know where there are openings and I could take you to all the interviews and stuff I do to help out with crew. Please Melissa. At least think about it. I had to spend 4 years away from my life long best friend and now your here I don’t want to see you go back. I fucking love you and it’s going to hurt to see you get back on a plane to Essex and I won’t get to see you again for god know how long. Plus you’re in this relationship now. Leaving after 2 months just doesn’t seem fair”
“Maddy, Course I want to move in with you. I didn’t want to leave after 2 months either. It’s not going to be as easy though. I have to get a visa. I have to have a reason for immigrating. How are we going to do it?”
“Easy, I get you a job. Then you can get your visa. You can have the spare room and me and you can go out to Essex together to see family and bring your stuff back here. We have two months to plan it”
It sounded like a plan, I could be with jack, and I could actually see him, the thought made me so happy inside. Me and maddy toke a picture on jack’s laptop then posted it on twitter saying that they have the best girlfriends ever and then we both went downstairs.
‘Shall we chill out by the pool?’ I asked maddy she nodded and headed into jack’s living room were my suitcase was. I pulled out two bikini tops and threw one at her. I pointed to the bathroom downstairs and went up to jack’s room; I pulled on the bikini and tied my hair up. Then went downstairs to see maddy, we headed into the kitchen and got out lads of food to eat whilst being by the pool. Sebastian joined us outside.
‘I’m going to tell jack.’ I told maddy once I’d taken my seat on the floor.
‘Tell him what?’
‘About me staying here.’
‘You sure?’
‘Yeah I need to.’
We spent the next few hours chilling out with Sebastian and trying to catch up on our tan, there was a knock at the front of the door and I got up to go answer it. It was jack and Alex.
‘Heyy.’ I answered to giving jack and kiss then a hug to Alex.
‘Heyy, sorry forget my keys.’ Jack told me and all three of us went out back near the pool, Sebastian got all excited at the sight of jack and Alex. Alex went over to give maddy a hug and kiss.
‘We’re leaving at 7.’ Alex told us.
‘I’ve got nothing to wear.’ Maddy told Alex and he nodded
‘I’ll take you back to yours.’ Alex told maddy and we all agreed that we’d get collected at 7 ish and maddy and Alex left with Sebastian.
‘I’m going to have a shower, is that okay?’ I asked jack and he nodded I went into his bathroom and started up the shower until it was warm enough to get in, I washed my hair and body then wrapped a towel around me and went into jack’s room where he was sitting on his bed in his boxers. He wolf whistled when I entered the room.
‘I’ve brung your suitcase up.’ Jack told me and pointed to it.
‘Thanks.’ I told him, then went over to it and pulled out one of my dresses and clean underwear. Then took them back into the bathroom.
‘You can get changed in here!’ jack called out after me.
‘In your dreams!’ I shouted back and shut the bathroom door behind me. I dried myself then put on the underwear and the dress, I hung the towel up and went back to jack and found my shoes, he had now managed to find some jeans, I pulled on my black heels then found my believe necklace and leaf bracelet, I pulled my hair down which fell into curls, I then put on some light makeup, and put it in my clutch bag along with my phone and purse.
I turned around to find jack had find some shoes and top, he came over and wrapped his arms around my waist, then kissed me.
‘You look beautiful.’ Jack told me and I smiled at him. There was a beep from outside and we drew apart and went downstairs, I got into the back of Alex’s car and then jack got in and they drove us to the bar.