Sequel: Redesign Me
Status: in progress

Remains of My Wasted Youth

Just a fan

We get back to mine. We walk up to the apartment door and I had the spare room ready for her. “We need to go get food and shit.” Her face when I told her.It was too funny. “Do you want to get changed before we head out?” She nods at me. I give her a chance to get cleaned up. She has a shower, dries her hair and changes into a pair of jeans and a top. She unpacks into her wardrobe and away we go. We then head out to my car again. I turn on a radio channel and put it down low. We would then be able to talk. “I can’t believe you were sitting next to Alex”
“Maddison, I’m sure it is a big deal to you but it isn’t to me”
“I know, I just need to shut up about it”
“It’s fine, your excited”
She laughs at me and I laugh with her. I pull into the shop and we both get out. I take off my sunglasses as we walk into the shop. I pick up a basket and pick up a few things. I then see a familiar face. Not like I knew him personally. I saw him from somewhere. He had jet black hair. He then turned around. I realised. I tapped Melissa and she turned around. “That’s Jack Barakat. He’s like Alex’s best friend and the guitarist in All Time Low” She keeps looking at him. “Hmm, he seems… nice”
“Melissa, he is good looking. It’s okay to say it”
She nods at me then laughs at me. As we look at Jack Alex then walks out and puts something in Jack’s basket.
“Go talk to him Melissa…”
“For me?”
I give her puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, But I’m making it look like I didn’t see him”
She takes the basket and then walks over to a shelf in which Alex is walking in the direction of. She then does some hand actions to say that I need to pick up something and bring it to the basket so he can see me. I pick up a jar of nutella and walk over to her. Alex looks at me and then looks to Melissa.
She turns
“Oh, Hey Alex”
“You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. This is Jack, The boy I told you about”
“Yeah, and you remember Maddy right...”
“Yeah, Oh Hi Maddy. Nice to see you again” He smiles and me and I melt at his smile.
“Hiya. Nice seeing you too. Sorry I didn’t say much earlier I was just a bit shocked” I smile at him
“Why were you shocked?” He says as he looks at me
“That Alex Gaskarth was standing in front of me. I’m a huge fan of you guy’s music” I look at Melissa as she is sitting there trying to laugh at me. I nudge her so she loses her balance and nearly fell over. She caught her balance before she could go any further to the floor.
“Maddy!” She laughs
“Sorry?” I then wink at her
“It’s good to meet the fans” Alex says as he looks at both of us
“Yeah, I’m sure it is” I smile but I hide the fact I am kinda sad that all I will be to him is a fan. I mean, I knew that I wouldn’t be more but here is Alex. Sitting here is all his perfectness and all I can be is a fan.
“Hi, yeah, Jack is still here too yanno?” Jack said sarcastically
“Jack, sorry man. This is Melissa. She was sitting next to me on the plane over here. This is Maddy, she is Melissa’s friend. Melissa is staying with her while she is over here”
“Nice to meet you ladies”
“Nice to meet you too” Me and Melissa say this in unison.
“No offence Maddy. So your living here in Baltimore but you have like half a British accent?”
“Haha, no offence taken. I moved from Essex when I was about 14. My dad got transferred out here. It’s how I know Melissa. She is my best friend from Essex. We went to school together and she was my neighbour”
“Oh right. You have an American name though?” Jack questions. He seems so confused
“The full name, yeah it is”
“Full name? I seriously just thought it was Maddy” Alex says as he does a cute giggle.
“It’s actually Maddison but everyone calls me Maddy except my parents. It’s easier to say Maddy instead of Maddison. Nick name I guess?” I put my hands in my pockets. They didn’t need that long explanation.
“And on another note…” Melissa says to change the subject.
“Alex, you should totally invite them to the party later. It would be so awesome to have a couple of fans there. Plus they seem pretty cool” Jack says excited
“One fan, I didn’t really know about you till Maddy screamed at me yesterday that I didn’t know who Alex was” She looks at me and smiles. I go red in the cheeks. Fuck. Embarrassing moment.
“Well, Thanks Melissa. Embarrassing much”
“It wasn’t embarrassing. It was cute” Alex says. I look at him and let off the biggest smile I could. It made me smile so much my mouth started to hurt. “Jack is right though. You should come. It will be fun.” I turn to Melissa and she nods at me.
“It sounds like fun” Melissa decided to answer. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t. I was going to Alex Gaskarth’s house.
“I’ll text you later the address and the time. Okay?” Alex says. Melissa nods and they wave goodbye. They walk off to pay for what was mostly beer and liquor in the basket.
“Thank you! I owe you” I say to Melissa as I hug her tight like she did at the airport. She has no choice but to hug back.
“Believe me. If Jack was going to be there I had no reason to say no” She smirks. We pick up a few more things then pay and drive home. When we get home I unpack what we got at the store. Melissa slumps on the couch and I laugh. Her phone bleeps. It was Alex. “He sent me the address. The party starts at 7:30”
I looked at my watch at it was 5:30. “We basically have 2 hours to get ready. And then he lives about 15 minutes away. Say we leave him about 7:35-7:40?”
“Yeah, that seems cool.” We sit at watch T.V for an hour and then we both go to our rooms to get ready. We decided to wear dresses but not over the top dresses. Just like summer dresses. I pick out one. Melissa comes out of the shower and I jump in. I spend 10 minutes in there and then come out. I dry my curly hair and then straighten it. I like it when it goes wavy so I do not straighten it fully. I fluff it up at the back and put in hairspray. This took at least half an hour. I looked at the clock. 7:15. I put my iPhone on charge and play some music from it as I do my makeup. It had to look perfect. This took at least 20 minutes. I put my dress on and look into the mirror. I was looking as good as I could anyway. I pick up a cardigan and then placed a lip gloss and mirror along with my phone and some scruffy notes and odd coins into a bag. Everything I needed and I was off to go. I placed a small pair of black heels on and walk out. Melissa was waiting for me in a dress and a pair of cream heels. She held a clutch bag in her hand and then walked to the door when she saw me.
“You look amazing Maddy”
“Not bad yourself Melissa,” I laugh as I follow her out the door. We get into the car and take the 15 minute to Alex’s house. I look at it. I’ve been past it before. I’ve been to all these places before but never seen him. I was so shocked with myself. We walk up to the door and Melissa knocks. Jack opens the door for us and the music blares out from the door. “Come in ladies”. He leads us to the living room where most people are. Melissa makes her way through the crowd to pick up drinks. She picks up a beer for herself and I get a coke. I was driving so there wasn’t much point in getting drunk. She becomes shocked as a boy places his hands on her waist to hug her. It was Alex so she hugged him back. “Hey” Melissa said so casually. He looked me up and down as I done the same with him and then he wolf whistled. I would usually be put off by this but it was Alex and he was fucking amazing and so fucking hot. I smiled as I looked down at the floor at bit my lip. I wanted to say something, anything but nothing could come out my mouth. “Not drinking Maddy?” He points to my cup. “Got to drive home, So I can’t really”
“Ah, fuck it. You can crash here.”
Alex Gaskarth was asking me to stay here. At his house. I looked to Melissa for guidance. She nods like she done in the supermarket. “Are you sure?”
“Fuck yeah! It’s a party it’s gonna get crazy anyway. Just sleep here. I could give you a t-shirt to wear.”
“Thanks, Appreciated Alex” I say as I smile
“You’re welcome Maddy” He smiles at me. I smile back and we just stand there smiling. I then giggle and smile at the floor. When I look up Alex is still standing there and Melissa and Jack are smiling at each other aswell. “Listen, I gotta go talk to someone, talk to you later yeah?” Alex says
Me and Melissa nod and then Alex walks off. I trade my coke for a beer. Some chart music plays and me and Melissa decide to dance. We start dancing and singing and soon an hour has past. Alex walks over again. This time he isn’t alone. He’s with Jack. “Ladies” Alex says and then they start dancing with us. Alex faces me and Jack faces Melissa. We smile at each other before we turn to the boys. They get a bit closer to us and by this time the boys were half drunk and we were tipsy and everyone around us was either dancing, making out, going to the bedrooms or a spare room or passed out. Some people were also in the pool outside. Might go out there later. Alex wouldn’t remember this in the morning anyway. I’ll be just a fan by then. It made me upset a bit. It obviously showed cause Alex took my hand and it made me look up. “Are you not enjoying the party?” He said concerned.
“No, It’s really good. Thanks for inviting us”
“You seem sad though…”
“Your drunk, it wouldn’t matter”
“Tell me, so at least if you don’t want me to know I’ll forget”
“That’s exactly it Alex. You won’t remember in the morning anything about tonight. I’ll just be another fan to you in the morning”
I never noticed it but Melissa and Jack were gone and I had Melissa clutch. Alex was also still holding my hand.
“Your already more than a fan Maddy… sure okay you like our music but I see you as kind of a friend already. I know it’s only a day but you’re a cool girl and Melissa is my friend. Maddy, I want to get closer to you and Melissa”
That kind of hit me. He thought of me as a friend. He wants to get to know us. Where could that lead though? I bet he’s got loads of girls falling over him. I didn’t really care about who was around us at the time. They were all getting crazy anyway.
“Maddy… please say something. Anything”
“Your amazing” It’s all I could think of and it was a stupid comment anyway
“And so are you. It’s why I want to get to know you. I want you to be more than a fan. I want you to be my friend”
“Alex. You probably won’t mean that. Your drunk”
“I wanted to meet you earlier. I waited with Melissa didn’t I?”
“I suppose”
“Maddy. Just believe me okay? And if I don’t say this in the morning then I would be stupid to let you get away without taking the chance for you to be in my life”
As a friend, obviously. I say this over in my head. He drops my hands and pulls me into a hug. I wrap my arms around him and hug him back. His hugs were so warm. He gets me another beer and we dance for a little. It’s been ages since I saw Melissa and Jack. Glad she’s getting to know him. They would fit perfectly. I was hopeless at dancing but I tried. He was too to be quite honest. I drink more and more and soon I start to feel like I am drunk. I couldn’t give a flying fuck at this moment in time. I was dancing with Alex. Alex Gaskarth. I saw Jack and Melissa slip in. I wasn’t bothering to ask right now. She’ll tell me in the morning. We danced for another 3 or 4 songs and Melissa and Jack soon re joined us. I looked at her and she just mouthed; Morning. I nodded and carried on dancing with them.
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Hey guys, I know its pretty long, but I hope you enjoy it :)