Status: in progress

Breaking Free

Chapter 4

Louis’ POV

I heard her get up. It was all quiet for a few seconds, then there was a loud crash.

‘’Ouch!!’’ Sara yelled so loudly she could wake the whole neighbourhood up. I didn’t wait for her to answer the door anymore. I just let myself in and flicked the lights on. She was laying down in the middle of the room, clearly in a lot of pain.

‘’Sara, what happened?’’ I was slightly confused.

‘’I… ouch…tripped…ouch. I can’t…move..ouch…my leg.’’

Oh fuck. This didn’t sound good. At all. I helped her get up. I read somewhere that if you can’t move your leg, there’s a chance it can be broken. This wasn’t looking good.

‘’Liaaaaaaaam!’’ I hoped they weren’t asleep yet. ‘’Could you bring some ice upstairs please?’’

He appeared on the doorstep wearing a confusing look and with no ice of course. I knew I should’ve called someone else.

‘’Mate, what do you need ice for?’’ then he finally looked at Sara twitching in pain. ‘’Oh my God what were you two doing?’’

‘’Nothing. Now would you get the ice please. I need to call the ambulance.’’

Sara clearly didn’t want her leg to be checked because she started to get up reassuring me she’s fine. She knew she wasn’t fine, she just wanted to act brave and didn’t want anyone to fuss over around her. But this wasn’t the time to worry about that. She could have her fucking leg broken and it’s all my fault. I called the ambulance, explained them what happened and they said they’d be here as soon as they can.

Obviously Liam explained everyone what happened because they came upstairs. Zayn carrying a cup of tea, Niall bringing cookies, Harry with and extra pillow and Liam with the ice. They are just such nice lads, I still don’t know how did I deserve to get to know them.

‘’Guys, it’s fine really. I’m feeling great.’’

Waiting for the ambulance to arrive felt like house. Seeing her in pain, made my heart broke in little pieces. I just wanted to hold her and tell her everything will be okay. While Zayn, Liam and Niall were trying to keep her mind busy with some singing, Harry came to the hall where I was sitting on the top stair.

‘’What even happened?’’

‘’I have no fucking idea. I just wanted to talk to her. Mate, I think I really like her.’’


But I cut him off. ‘’No, this is different than other times. I don’t want her just for a one night stand. I feel like it’s time to get serious.’’

‘’Well okay, this is something new. But it’s been about time. You’re old enough to have a serious girlfriend. So you wanted to talk to her, then what happened?’’

‘’I just knocked on her door and heard a loud ‘ouch’ from the inside. Didn’t you guys hear it? I think it could wake the whole neighbourhood up.’’

He laughed and thought for a minute if it’s really a good idea to say what’s on his mind. ‘’Just spit it Harry.’’

‘’Of course we heard it… We just thought you two were having some fun so we kinda ignored it.’’

The bell rang so I ran downstairs to open the door. ‘’Fucking finally guys, she could’ve died in this time!’’

They didn’t say anything. I think I kind of offended them. Never mind, I’ll apologise later when they tell me what’s up with her leg. I led them up to the guest room, slightly worried. They checked her up, she was getting in more and more pain as they examined her leg. I wanted to punch both doctors in the face, they should be gentle with her!

‘’Sara, it looks like you tripped pretty bad, I think it’s not broken so we’ll bandage your ankle and give you some painkillers. But be sure to go to the doctor first in the morning so he can run some more tests. Okay?’’

‘’Yeah. Thanks a lot guys!’’ she tried to fake a smile but she really wasn’t good at it. The guys walked paramedics to the door and left us alone. I laid next to her and held her hand. ‘’Looks like I’ll have to stay here tonight, just to be sure you don’t trip again.’’ I could feel myself making an innocent face. And it clearly made her laugh. It had to be a good sign. Girls love guys who can make them smile! I opened my arms waiting for her to cuddle into my chest.

She hesitated for a few moments. I saw tears in her eyes.

‘’Oh dear, what did I do now? Does it hurt too much, do I have to take you to the hospital?’’

‘’No, no. You’re doing great. I just feel like a huge pain in the ass. You should be having fun with your band mates, not looking after a girl who you just met today.’’

This seemed like a good moment to express my feelings. I looked her deeply in her eyes and revealed my soul to her. ‘’Sara, I know I just met you. But why would I leave my phone at the radio station if I didn’t want to see you again? You’re special. And for the first time ever, I wish for a serious relationship. I was always more for one night stands. I can’t remember the time when I had a serious girlfriend. But I’m ready to change because you’re beautiful. Funny, and you totally can’t fake smiles or painless faces.’’ I finished with a grin on my face. I thought I did a pretty good job.

She laughed, stopped sobbing and cuddled into my chest. Everything was going great.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are finally getting interesting! (: