Status: in progress

Breaking Free

Chapter 5

Niall’s POV

I woke up early again. It’s going to be a long day in the studio again. We have to finish up all lyrics for the new album and then the recording can start. I’m looking forward to it, even though I know it’ll be really tiring and we won’t get any time for ourselves.

I heard my stomach growl. It was in a desperate need of food so I had to get out of my comfy bed. I walked down the hall and saw an open bedroom door. I remembered Sara’s incident and Louis being crazy about her. I took a peek inside and I swear it was one of the most beautiful scenes I’ve ever seen. Sara was cuddled into Louis and he was sleeping with his super cute half smile. He only slept like that when he was really happy.

And I have to say I’m happy for him too. He’s always been more of a one-night-stand guy because he’s never been able to find the right girl. They looked perfect together and I’d lie if I’d say I’m not jealous. Of course I am. I’ve always wanted someone serious. But my career doesn’t really allow messing around. I don’t even get the time to go out and meet someone.

I decided to prepare breakfast for everyone. Cooking is one of my favourite hobbies so the boys always look forward to trying something new.

Since we have to leave at 9:30, and it’s 7:15 right now, I decide to prepare some pancakes. Everyone loves that!

As I was half way through the cooking, Zayn and Harry came to the kitchen. ‘’Morning! Ooh, you should stop spoiling us Niall. We’ll get fat!’’ I laughed and continued to cook. ‘’By the way, did you see Louis and Sara? Me and Harry couldn’t stop but stare. They’re so adorable!’’

‘’I have to agree. Louis deserves someone like that. He’s been through a lot.’’ It was silent for a few moments. Like everyone was thinking about their own plans for the day, week, future. Then the phone rang. Harry picked it up. It sounded like a quick conversation. Just as someone called only to inform us about something, without really letting us change his plans.

‘’You might wanna make a few more pancakes. Tom and his daughter are coming over earlier.’’

Zayn and me were slightly confused. ‘’Why would his daughter be coming with him? We have a busy day ahead.’’

‘’She has this school project to do so she’s coming to the studio so she can get some first hand information.’’

Ah well. Sounds good to me. It’s always more fun if there’s more people in the studio. We head someone coming down the stairs. Liam was wearing his confused face way too often lately. I wondered what bothered him this time. ‘’Morning mate, what’s wrong?’’

‘’Dude! There’s a chick in Louis’ bed!!’’

We all laughed. He was definitely not a morning person! Zayn tried to explain. ‘’Do you remember the Radio 1 interview yesterday? And then Sara coming over? And breaking her leg?’’

Liam started to smile. ‘’Oooooh I remember it now! The loud scream we all ignored. Ah yeah, and the ice thingy. They look adorable though!’’

Sara’s POV

I woke up in so much pain I thought I won’t be able to move. My leg was killing me and I was desperate for some painkillers. I tried to get up but there was an arm around me not letting me do so. ‘’Lou let me go! I need painkillers!’’ He grumbled half awake half asleep, not wanting to move. ‘’Please!’’

It took me a few more moments to convince him into moving for a few inches so I could get up. But then I realised walking is even more difficult than laying in bed. I need to see a doctor. ‘’Hey Lou, do you know where my phone is? I need to call a cab so I can go see a doctor.’’

‘’No, no! No need for a cab. I’ll drive you to the hospital. I can’t leave you wander around with an injured leg.’’

Niall’s POV

Sara and Louis slowly arrived to the kitchen, Sara obviously having trouble walking. ‘’Sara, you really need to go see a doctor.’’ I said.

‘’I’m taking her there right now. Do you think you can pick us up at the hospital and we’ll drop her at the radio and head of to the studio?’’

‘’Well you’ll need to clear that up with Tom. He’s coming here early.’’

We were eating in silence, when there was a knock on the door. We knew it was Tom so nobody actually bothered enough to answer. I could hear his loud steps approaching the kitchen. ‘’Do I smell pancakes? Niall, were you cooking again?’’

Everyone laughed. There was no need for an answer because he already knew it. I was the one who always cooked. When I looked up to greet him, I saw a girl standing behind him. She looked as she was my age and I felt my jaw open.

She had the most beautiful smile in the world. And her eyes, blue as the sky were stunning.

I think I now finally believe that love at the first sight exists.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really need more comments on this to keep me going! Right now it feels like nobody even reads the story. :(