Status: Revised and being updated... slowly.



It's a Tuesday. An ordinary, mundane Tuesday that happens to be like all the others; boring, uninteresting and tiresome. Working at my dad's law firm is like jail and he's the guard. I'm on constant watch and if I even try to step foot from behind the reception desk, I'll probably actually be sent to jail.

I aimlessly thumb through a magazine while dad speaks privately with a client in his office. Even though I'm not legally supposed to know the intimate details of dad's clients (I'm not on the payroll, strictly "volunteer"), I do. I know that right now dad is speaking to a Chester Hastings, who is filing for divorce from his wife on grounds of infidelity. Typical. What's not so typical is that his wife cheated on him with another woman. I can't imagine explaining that to the kids. Eventually after flipping through three magazines, the phone rings and I can actually do my job.

The greeting is automatic. "Newbury firm, how may I help you?"

From the other end the voice of an older woman speaks. "Hello, I'm looking to speak to Arnold Newbury."

"Mr. Newbury is in a private meeting right now but if you would like to call at a later time or have me take a message, I'd be happy to do so."

"Ah...", the woman starts, weighing her options. As she takes her time, a man I've never seen before walks through the door. At first glance he's the average Joe. A little scruff going on but clean looking. He appears to be around my dad's age, maybe younger. The man approaches, sees I'm on the phone, then waits back patiently. "Will the message be guaranteed to get to him?"


"Hmm, I don't know. Maybe I'll call back later, I can do that right, call back later?"

"Yes m'am,"

"Alright," she says hesitantly. I hang up. I look up to find mystery man checking me out. I notice his eyes are a gray-green color.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm just waiting for Arnold."

"Well he's busy right now. If you'd like me to schedule a meeting, I can do that for you."

"Oh, no, no." He waves a dismissive hand. "I'm not a client, just and old friend."

"Not many of those come by the office," I inquire.

"Hmm," is all he offers in response. He messes around with the stack of business cards sitting out. I stare at him. He catches me staring and flashes a small grin. "So, you seem a little... young."

"Is that a problem?" I ask, eyebrow cocked.

"Not at all," he say suggestively, letting out a light laugh.

"I can imagine," I scoff. The click of a door interupts conversation. Dad's client steps out first then dad. They shake hands and part.

Dad adresses mystery man. "Jared,"

"Arnold, it's been too long," Jared says.

"Excuse us," Dad says, whisping Jared away towards his office. With the door open I see dad hand Jared a package. Jared inspects the contents. Then they shake hands and Jared heads out. Before he leaves he smirks at me. He actually has the nerve to smirks at me.

I notice the clock has struck six, which signals my time to leave. Getting up I happen to see one of the business cards Jared was playing with turned over, with digits written on it.

In retrospect, I shouldn't have picked up the card. I also shouldn't have called the number when I got home later that night. But what can I say? He just has that affect on people.
♠ ♠ ♠
It took me disgustingly long to even post this, I'm sorry. It just might be shit but I had to post this to get out of my writer's block. Anyway, I'm posting mobile so bare with me if there are any mistakes which you should feel free to point out.

Comment, rec, sub.

Don't be a silent reader!