Secrets of the Spell Bound

Under Pressure

“Nate, I said stop!” I said pushing him off of me and back onto his own side of the car.

“Come on Ren! We’ve been dating a whole six months! I don’t understand what the problem is. It’s no big deal!” He said to me as he moved closer to me and started to kiss me again. I pushed him back. As gorgeous as Nate was with his Abercrombie blonde hair and blue eyes that didn’t make it enough for me to have sex with him.
“Not a big deal?” I scoffed. “Take me home. Now.” He sighed in defeat and put the car in reverse to back out of the spot we parked in. Parking used to be fun when it was just making out and telling each other how much we care about each other.
We have been dating for six months of pure bliss. Well until recently when he started to pressure me about sex. Any girl would kill to have the football team captain in their pants but not me. I sometimes think that’s why Nate is dating me. He likes a challenge and I won’t budge. My father calls me a mule because of my stubborn personality. I was not going to be giving my virginity up anytime soon especially in Nate’s hand-me-down truck.
We drove in silence and I avoiding his eyes. I looked down at my legs against the seat. They looked sort of chubby against the worn grey leather. I tapped my foot lightly. When we did pull up to my house I kissed him lightly on the cheek and said a quick I love you and got out. He didn’t try to stop me or tell me anything more. I wanted him to profess his undying love for me and tell me he’s willing to wait for me. But no, he just put on a sour face.
This was my Friday night. People expected me to be at every party, the head of every important committee, be the prom queen, and manage to look presentable while doing it. It wasn’t easy especially when you have everyone assuming that you’re having sex with your boyfriend when it reality it’s the last thing you want to do. It’s all about your image and in high school you had to keep it up and do well because only the strong do survive. The strong go to amazing colleges. The strong live beautiful lives. The strong keep it together and do not crack under pressure. I am part of the strong. I have been since I was little. I have always excelled.
When I walked into my house my mom was curled up onto my father on the couch asleep. In front of them on the coffee table was a mug. My mother always drank tea before bed. She says it helps her sleep. I believe it works because every night at eight she falls asleep.
“Hey honey,” My dad said.

“Hey dad,” I smiled. “You guys must’ve have partied hard,” I joked. He laughed at me. His hair was thinning and becoming white. He reminded me so much of my older sister Adair. His personality was friendly and his sense of humor was sarcastic. Somehow it worked for him. He works for a real estate company while mom owns her own teashop. It’s extremely successful for her. But she is driven and she wouldn’t have accepted failure. I guess that’s how I’m like her.

“Is Adair home?” I asked.

“Yes, she’s in her room with a book. Who would’ve thought Adair would ever find a book?” He laughed.

Adair wasn’t one to read on her own unless it was about something totally useless. But that’s Adair. She and I couldn’t be more opposite though we are just a year apart. She is graduating this year and is still undecided about college while I’m trying to get early admissions to college. She’s my sister though. I find her extremely dependable when it comes to me.

“I’m going to head up to bed. I love you,” I said and blew him a kiss because I didn’t want to risk waking up mom even though she slept like a rock. He blew one back.
I walked upstairs where Adair’s bedroom door was shut. Since she was reading I didn’t even want to disturb her. I went to my room and everything was in place. I sat on my bed and looked around. It’s Friday I should be doing something. I texted my best friend Kylie to see what she was up to. And within minutes got a reply.

Kylie: Party @ Fletcher’s. Coming to get u now.

Drunk people was just what I needed.
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xo Madd