Status: A new story that I will be continueing.


Kross : Chp 1

As a two hundred year old vampire , who only looks nine-teen, I've come to realize that I like moving from place to place. I've finaly settled in a gothic castle . I live with my identical twin brother , Talon. Along with Hagen and Wolfgang. All four of us were born and created in Berlin Germany. As a vampire you have to blend in as best you can. Meaning that I have to go to high school. While I was in bed thinking about school, I noticed a moving van park across the street from my home. They started to unload regular house hold items. Then a Lexis car pulled up into the drive way. Out stepped a woman who about in her thirties.The passenger side door opened , out comes a girl about my age with shoulder length dark brown almost black hair.She was about 5'5 her skin was flawless.She was a mocha latte color. Her eyes were big and black . Her lips are a blush pink color. " She's so pretty" I thought to myself. " Kross it's time to go meet our new neighbors" Talon said to me , leaning against the door frame of my room. " Perfect " I said and a wicked smile spred across my lips exposing my fangs. I turned to from my window , and walked out of my room with my brother behind me , and we went down stairs.
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Bill Kaulitz is Kross
Tom KAulitz is Talon
I just wanted to make that clear incase there was any confusion.