Status: A new story that I will be continueing.


Kross Chp 4

I started at the mile long corridor , on both sides of the hall were several doors that all kind of looked the same. They all had the same color door which was a light gold with markings on it. The door knobs were silver with gold assents on it . As I kept staring down the hall I noticed one that was at the very end of the haal . It was black with white markings on it. It had a certain allure to it that made very curious to see whats behind it. " That one" I said and pointed to it. "Okay" he chuckled next to me . " Is there something wrong with that room?" I asked as we walked toward it. " No , its just that its my room" he said and opened the door. " Welcome to my room " he said with a guesture of his arm. I walked inside , his room is amazing. It was huge. The walls are a dark grey almost black. His dressers are cherry wood. In one corner of the room was a large bed with four bed posts at all the corners with a silk canopy that was kind of see through. His comforter is a dark grey and it had a what looked liked vines and paint splatters on it that was a blood red. He had pillows all over his bed , some were black , red, and grey. I just realized he was infront of me when he cleared his throat. " What do you think ?" he asked me moving to the windows. The window was about half way up the wall, and stretched down to the floor. It had two handles on it was well. I noticed on the back of his neck he had a tattoo. It looked like a " H" and a "T" combined , it was surrounded by a black circle , well almost full circle, it had a little opening insted of being fully closed. " I really really like it " I said and walked over to him . I got very cold standing next to him. I looked out the window to my house . " I love the view" he whispered. " It is pretty" I replied twriling the end of my hair. Through my window I seen my whole bedroom. Everything thats inside.That means HE could see inside my window . " Have you ever been in a realationship before ?" he asked me and put his hand on the small of my back. " No I havent " I sighed. " What a shame" he whispered in my ear. " How is that a shame ?" I asked. " Any man would be honneredd to have you as their girlfriend. " he paued . " I know I would be " , he finished. I blushed at the compliment. Thats when my IPhone rang. The screen was flashing " MOM" . I sighed in irritation and answered. " Hello?" . "Its time to come home " my mother said. " Okay" I said and hung up . "You have to go ?" he asked it wasnt really a question. " Yeah I do " I mumbled. " Oh , I'll walk you home" he said and grabbed my hand . " Thanks" I sighed happily. We walked out of his room and we went slow down the stairs. I tripped and fell. Before I hit the next flight of stairs , Kross had caught me. He ha me in a dipping position. Like people do when they are dancing. " How did you do that?" I gasped. " I'm cool like that" he said with a sexy look.
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Late update. I will probably start updating the first or last weekend of each month. I dont know which yet. Oh , and this is going to sound weird but I made a FaceBook page for this story. On the page it will have extra content like pictures etc. So check that out too if you really like this story like the page please !!/pages/Kross/289284064481710
Thank You. 8D