Status: I'm working on it

Somewhere in This Lonestar State

Chapter 22

Briana's POV:

I was back in california filming I was almost finished. We were in the second week in September and I planned on flying back to have the party for Liam then go back to california. Cameron was picking me up. Jax had come to see me 3 times but he was working when I was coming back. I got a flight a day early and flew back on Friday. It was game night so I hid then drove to the game and the kids were excited to see me. I had missed them so much. Sutton wouldn't want to leave my side. I saw Lea walk towards the band with Peyton and they told Jax hi. I walked over there and the girls freaked out. Jax looked up from talking to Peyton and saw me. He shoot me a smile and looked back down at peyton.

"Hi Nice to meet you. I'm the head instructor." I said introducing myself to the new girls. We had a guy this year He was camilla's brother. I walked over to Mariah the Dance teacher to tell her hi. Camilla saw me and freaked out.

"You're back for good?" Mariah asked.

"No I just got a week off so I came back to see the kids and stuff."

"Oh that's nice. Does Troy know you're here?" She asked.

"No not yet. They knew I was coming in tonight but he didn't I know I came early and is here."

"Oh. Yeah you haven't seen him play right?"

"No I haven't so I'm really glad I came early." I said. I went back to where Cameron and the kids where.

"Where do you want to go eat after?" He asked me. Before we got divorced Cameron and I would go eat with the kids. Last year we stopped because we got divorced and now he wanted to start that again.

"What about Stacy?" I asked.

"We broke up." He said grabbing my hand. I knew exactly what was going on. He wanted us back together and that was his way of trying to start again.

"Celia want to go see Tio Joaquin?" I asked her. She nodded and started getting up. We walked over to Joaquin and I started telling him what happened.

"So just get back with him." He said.

"I've been dating Jax for 4 months." I said.

"Well just stay with jax."

"I know that but I don't know how to tell him. It would be really awkward."

"Yeah That's true. Just let him find out tomorrow I mean he's going to Liam's birthday party right?"

"Yeah he is. His whole family is." Joaquin just looked at me in shock.

"You've met his family his daughter but didn't tell me or desi about it."

"I never had time to tell y'all."


The next day we were decorating the house for the party and I told Desi that I was dating Jax. She had a whole bunch of questions for me. Joaquin came and I told them the rest of the story. Desi was mad at me but then Zach and Cameron came with the kids. Later on Jax got there with Peyton everybody was there. Brandon came with his fiance and she could tell that I was dating Jax. I saw her whispering to Brandon he just nodded and looked at me.

"So who else was coming?" Kat asked.

"My dad um Cameron's sisters were coming a few of the kids from the church." I replied.

"Oh okay." She said nodding.

"Who's are those people sitting at that table?" She asked pointing at Jax and Brandon.

"That's Jax Brandon and Brandon's fiance London. I work with them." I said.

"Oh you just invited them?"

"Yeah and Jax has a daughter that's 2 years old and Brandon is Liam's god father."

"I thought desi and Zach were his god parents."

"No They know I've known brandon since I was in high school he was there for me when I had the Adrianna stuff going on. He's my friend and was like a dad back then." I said.

"Yeah. Why don't you make me a god mother?" She asked. I just looked at her if she was kidding. "What? I'm a good mother. I'd be a great godmother."

"Yeah well I'm proably not going to have kids anymore." I said.

"Why?" she asked.

"I have 6 kids. I don't need more."

"I want to be a good mother to your kids." she said.

"No more kids. Desi and Zach have the twins and Sutton Josh's god mother is Athena."

"And Troy?"

"He doesn't want god parents." I said walking away. I went to sit with Jax and Brandon I turned and saw Kat talking to Troy.

"Right I'm Liam's god father!" Brandon said.

"Yeah he is. He's been wanting to be one of the kids god father."

"Troy said He wants me as his god mother and Michael as his god father." Kat said walking over there.

"Fine I don't care." I said. "This is my friend Kat."

"Hi nice to meet you Kat." She said shaking their hands. We sang happy birthday to Liam and took pictures with Brandon and Heather Liam's god parents and gave out the cake. We opened presents for liam and he wouldn't stop playing with the toy cameron got him.

"You like that toy daddy got you huh?" Cameron said.

"Look at the one Mommy bought you." I said putting the present in front of him. He liked the toy and left Cameron's on the side. Once we finished people started leaving and I started to clean up.

"So tomorrow after church you're going back?" Cameron asked.

"No I have a whole week. They're filming in New York and I'm not in those parts." I said.

"Oh so are you taking them?"

"Yeah. I'll take them." I said.

"Yeah Troy's been living here or at a friend's house for the past month."


"He takes Josh and Camilla to school every morning so you just need to take the twins and sutton to school."

"Alright. I know." I said.

"Mommy can Peyton spend the night?" Sutton asked me.

"ask her dad." I said.

"No she has to go to daycare." He said.

"Where does she go to daycare?" Sutton asked him.

"little tikes." Sutton's face lit up.

"That's where I go. Please mommy can take her when she takes me."

"Tomorrow. I'll bring Peyton over and she can spend the night." Jax told Sutton. Sutton nodded and went to her room to change. I hugged him and told him goodbye. Once everybody left it was just cameron and I with the kids. We got them to bed then Cameron and I talked. We were in the bedroom and were talking.

"So I heard that John's going to court to get custody of Troy." He said.

"I know. He's using the she's always working and leaving Troy with you."

"Well we need to talk about this week and Liam." He said.

"Well I want to pick them up everyday this week." I said.

"Okay I want Liam to stay with me while you go back." He said.

"I don't want that." I said.

"Well he's my son too." He said.

"I know but he's barley a year and he still needs his mother a lot."

"Whatever. I want us to work things out." He said.

"Well It's not going to happen." I said.


"Because You don't trust me. You say you will or do but inside you'd be angry and get jealous when you see me with a guy friend besides joaquin. I saw you clinching your jaw when Jax told me bye.

"So I still love you and want to work things out it'll be good for the kids their parents wouldn't be separate."

"We wouldn't be separate if you hadn't had left when I was telling you what happened." I started yelling.

"That's the past. It happened this would be a way to fix it."

"You want to make it seem like nothing ever happened. Well it did and-" Cameron kissed me and before I knew it we were both under the covers and not thinking.
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Liam's Birthday