Status: Completed!

Life; It's Just Full of Secrets

Arguments Are Very Bad

Two Weeks Later.

Zach's POV.

"Concert!! Concert!!" I yell.

Cam looks at me. "Yey." He says with no enthusiasm at all.

"Come on Cameron! Be more happy! Our concerts are awesome!"

"Sorry Zach but I'm really tired. My kids wouldn't shut up last night."

"Oh, sorry dude."

"It's not your fault. Where's Mikey?"

"The washroom I think."

"Okay. Can I nap?"

"Sure. You deserve it. I'll wake up up when it's sound check."

"Thank you." He smiles.

I feel bad for Cameron. He's so tired lately.

Michael walks in. "HEY ZACH!!" He yells.



"Cameron's sleeping!"

"Oh. Sorry." He rolls his eyes.

"How are you and Skyler?"

"Stop asking! We're good." He grins happily.

"I'm happy for you."

"Hey, do you have your eye on anyone?"

My eyes narrow slightly. "Why do you ask?"

"Just wondering."

"No. No one." Actually, I've been in love with Cameron for six years. But I can't tell anyone that.

"Okay." Mikey leaves the room.

I glance over at Cameron. He's such an angel. I want to be with him so bad! But it will sadly never happen. Sigh. I follow Michael. "Hey, how old is your girl?"

"Skyler is 17."

"Five years difference. Wow."

"Age is only a number."


"I wanna marry her."

"Whoa! After six months with a girl and I'm hearing you say this!"

"We're in love."

"I can tell. This one doctor says I'm possessed."

"Seriously?" Michael falls onto the floor howling with laughter. "Possessed! Most stupidest thing I have ever heard!" He gasps.

"I know. But Vic won't go near me now."

"What an idiot!" He wheezes.

"Yes he can be."

"Possessed. HA!!"

"I gotta go wake Cam."

"I gotta breathe! Can't breathe!"

I just go back to Cameron and start shaking him. "Cam? Wake up. Wake up."

"Already?" He asks half asleep.

"Yes. Sorry."

"Okay." He rubs his eyes and leaves the room.

"Dude, are you staring at his butt?!?" Michael asks from behind me.

"No!" I turn around. "Come on. Sound check time."

He raises an eyebrow but shrugs.
After the concert and meet and greet we're driving back to Poway from LA (where the concert was). Cameron's sleeping in the back.

"Dude, turn right." Michael instructs me.

"No! I do not need to!"

"You do so!"

"No I don't!"

"Let me drive!"


Michael ignores me and leans over and grabs the steering wheel.

"MICHAEL!!" I yell as I grab the steering wheel. Great now he's trying to go right and I'm trying to go straight.

Suddenly all goes black...
♠ ♠ ♠
Dun dun dun....... XD FOUR COMMENTS TO UPDATE!