Status: Completed!

Life; It's Just Full of Secrets

Cameron's Intro

Hi!! I'm Cameron Michael Quiseng. I just turned 22 five days ago on April fifth. I've got a million dollar personalty and according to my band mates I'm the nicest guy they've ever met. I've got two younger Sisters; Anna is 19 and Bridget is 13. Our parents just got divorced a month ago and Mom got custody of Bridget. Since me and Anna are legal adults we got to chose Mom or Dad. We choose to live with Mom and Bridget but all three of us get to see our Dad on the weekend and holidays. I live in Poway, California and I'm in a famous band, Allstar Weekend, with my best friends. Zach sings and Michael does the drumming. I've never gone on a date or kissed anyone in my life. I'm waiting for the perfect person. Did you notice how I said 'person' and not girl? Here's why: I'm really a girl myself. Yes, you read right. I'm really a girl. Ever since I was thirteen and my curly hair started to slowly go from blonde to the dark brown it is today I just felt like I should be a boy and not a girl. Since then I've dressed like a boy and I've worked on my voice so it's deeper. No one knows that I'm a girl except for my family. I don't even know if I'm looking for a female partner or a male partner. So I guess I'm gay. Now I think that's enough info of my life for now. I'll let you go off and think about my secret. Oh, please don't tell anyone that I'm really a girl!
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