Status: Will Write Every So Often, Comment For More.

Love Struck.


Juno had tons of things to worry about already. School, Troubles at home, Staying at her job. She wasn't perfect, but she wasn't trying to be as well.

Juno worked at Hot Topic, and she went to work alot, she usually only had one or two days off, every two weeks. She loved work, a reason to get away from home and clear her mind.

She was that kind of girl who wore skinny jeans, band tee-shirts, and vans. She loved to have color in her pants though. Whether, yellow blue, purple or white. She'd wear them. She was extremly small compared to other girls, Juno was 5 foot, and had a size 5 in shoes as well. But she loved being small.

She always had her music with her, and was a real friendly girl, her only issue was being shy, and the fact people hated that she cut her wrists or thighs. Sometimes, even her stomach.

Juno was a whole hearted girl, who wanted to explore the world. But one thing was missing in this small and imperfect world. A guy who could pick her up when she fell, a guy who would treat her right, a guy who would back her up. Since her last tragic relationship, she's been looking for someone new. She wants a change, and she thinks a man can help her out. Make her put a smile on everyday, and make her want to get up every morning.

Just when she was re-folding the shirts on the clearence rack, a guy walked in, and passed her. She smelled the cologne he was wearing, and loved his style in clothes. He was wearing blue skinnes, sagged a little bit, with a studded belt and a BlesstheFall tee-shirt. He also had that sway in his blonde-brown hair, and the shine that reflected off his hair in the store made her want to know him, but of course her being shy and all, she didn't approach.

Juno went to the register and was talking to her friend Fee, who worked almost the same hours as her, while looking at the cute guy across the room.

"Isn;t he just so adorable?" Juno explained.
"Yeah, you should go talk to him, get his number, girl" Fee sounding interested and hopeful said.
Juno was thinking, about waiting untill he came to check out or walk over to go fix the other shirts and pants.
"Should I go fix the shirts and pants over by him?"
"Yeah, you should. He keeps scanning the room over here. Go get your chance girl. You can do it."
"Thanks. Let'e hope i get a number out of this." Juno thought hopefully, maybe she could get one. Her little purple flip phone could use a new contact after all.
Juno walked over to fix the shirts layed around over around the cute boy.
"Hey, do you work here?" He asked.
"Yes, do you need help finding something?"
"Yes. This shirt doesn't have a price tag on it."
She was stil hopeful. Smiling so big, even he noticed.
"Uhh. Come to the register, let's find out how much it is."
"Alright" He said while his face lighting up.
Beep, Beep.
"It says its on clearence for 15.50."
"Alright cool. I'll take it, And hey whats your name?"
Juno blushed.
"Juno, I'm usually always here. What's your name?"
He grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil off the store desk.
He wrote really neat and fast.
"Oh. I'm Micheal."
He handed her the paper.
It said " Micheal. (817)-444-8791"
She screamed "SCORE" in her head. She blushed, folded it up and put it in her pocket.
"When's your next day off, Juno?"
Good question she thought.
"Uhh. Fee, when's my next day off?"
"You can have tomorrow, or Saturday off, I can take cover for both days" She yelled from the back room.
"I have tomorrow, or Saturday." She explained.
"Fine. Call me tonight, Let's make plans? If that's okay." Micheal seemed excited.
"Certainly. I'll call once i get off, and have a great day, Micheal." She let out a huge smile followed with a flush in her cheeks.
He smiled at her, grabbed his bag, and left the room.
"FEE!, I GOT HIS NUMBER!" She yelled.
Juno ran back there, with her breath taken, and Hugged Fee, with the biggest smile on her face in the last few months.
"Just go home, darling, I can close by myself, Go get your plans set with him, I'm so happy for you. "
"Are you serious?"
"Yes. Go have fun, Juno."
"I Love you, Fee!"
Juno hugged Fee and ran out of the mall to her shiny silver Colbalt LS. And drove home with a huge smile on her face.
♠ ♠ ♠
The Number is fake.
Comment what you think, please.
Feedback would be awesome.