Status: Will Write Every So Often, Comment For More.

Love Struck.


Juno rushed out her car and bolted to the door. She fumbled her keys untill she found the right one. "Finally" she breathed. She locked the door behind her and darted to her room. Even her mom didn't say anything, she was too focused on the television.

Juno took a quick shower, and changed into some comfortable clothes and layed on her bed, grabber her petite phone and dialed the number.

It rang for a quick few seconds, and his soft voice answered.

"Hello, this is Micheal."
"Who is this?" He sounded a little bit confused.
"It's Juno, You gave me your phone number and told me to call you tonight."
"Oh, Hey. What are you doing, beautiful?"
She blushed and smiled so big.
"I-I uh, Just got out of the shower, and I'm laying in bed with some comfortable clothes on, How about you, Micheal?" She was thinking about how this would turn out. She barley knew the guy but wanted to know more about him, maybe go out, or grab some coffee in the morning.
"Hmm. I took a shower a little while ago, And, what would you like to do tomorrow?"
She was thinking hard as her heart started to pace around.
"I-I-I-" She started but couldn't finish. She was nervous.
"Well, where do you wanna go?"
"It doesn't matter, up to you" She said very fast, trying to get it out, without stuttering this time.
"Let's get coffee in the morning around say, 9:30 and i'll pick you up, we'll go from there?"
"Yeah, sure. I love coffee."
She was wanting him to ask her to get coffee, she really enjoyed coffee, but she worked too much to buy some.
"Well, I'll park my car outside of your house at 9:15 or so, so keep the lookout, i'll be there, and we'll grab coffee together."
"A-Alright, sounds fun. See you tomorrow, Micheal."
"Bye Juno, sleep well."
"You too."
She tryed to breath slow and steady, but then started to worry about what she would wear. Then the thought to call Fee, and ask her.
A little while after she called Fee.
"Hey Fee, Micheal invited me to go get coffee in the morning with him, what should I wear?"
Juno was still telling herself to breath steadily, not trying to get too excited over this.
"Your going to get coffee with him?! Oh My God. You go girl, You did it!"
"Thanks Fee, but really, what should i wear.?"
"What about your super cute white skinnys with the little rips donw the leg and your Hello Kitty V-Neck?"
"Hmm, that does sound really cute. I should wear that, shouldn't I? See this is why i call you, first. Got to love you Fee."
"Aw thanks. And yes. Wear it, call me after your done with your little morning date, and tell me everything, okay?"
"Alright, go get some sleep Fee."
"Okay, Goodnight Juno."
Fee disconnected, but Juno still held the phone up to her ear for a moment. She was still shocked Micheal asked her to morning coffee so fast. What was he trying to do? She wondered.

Juno plugged in her flip phone next to her digital clock that read 11:43. Crap i need to go to sleep, or I'm going to be late.

She quickly set an alarm for 8:15 and turned her lamp off and drifted to sleep, without any worries to thought for once. Not about cutting, not about issues. She just slept peacefully for once in a few months, and she was perfectly fine with that.
♠ ♠ ♠
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