Status: Will Write Every So Often, Comment For More.

Love Struck.

Feels Like Heaven.

Beep- Beep- Beep- Bee-Beep-Beep-Beep

Juno quickly fumbled her alarm clock and turned the alarm on sleep. She was worrying really bad now. She threw her covers off her with discomfort, and layed there for a minute. Hello kitty shirt, and ripped white skinnies. Alright.

She got up and walked to her closet and grabbed what Fee told her to wear. She stripped down to underwear and a bra, and slowly pulled one leg of the pants over her left leg, then her right, and zipped the zipper. Then she opened a drawer in her dresser and grabbed a black tank top and slipped that on and then her Hello Kitty shirt slipped on as well.

She looked at her shoes and remembered, she needed to match. She looked at her white slip-on vans and slipped them on. Then, she went into her bathroom to brush her teeth, put on deoderant, and fix her hair.

Her hair was long, past her breasts, but barely and she straightened it, and put in a little pink bow to make the outfit perfect. She sprayed on some purfume and walked to the window. He wasnt there yet. She looked at the clock. 9:05. Hm. She still had time to spare.

She went back to the bathroom, checked if everything was perfect. Oh wait! She needed makup. She quickly applied some pink eyeshadow, with mascara and black eyeliner. Then she rushed to the clock. 9:14. She dashed to the window, he was just pulling up. She fluffed her hair, and walked out.

His face lit up as she opened the door to his car.

"Hi, Micheal."
"Well, Hello Gorgeous."
Juno let ut a blush and looked over to smile at him.
"So coffee or my house?"
"Up to you, suprise me."
"Alright, I can do that."
He looked at her and smiled, then looked at the road and left.
Juno and Micheal passed the coffee shop, so its a definate were going back to his house.
They pulled up in his driveway.
"Nice house" Juno muttered.
They both got out, and shut the doors. Walked up the driveway to the nice house. Her eyes were wide with fascination.

"Lets go to my room" Micheal muttered.
"Alright." She whispered back,
He sat on his bed, and patted a seat next to him.
Juno walked over, and Micheal put his arm around her. She didn't stop him.
He leaned toward her face, and said "You know how beautiful you are?"
She didn't say anything.
He put his hand around her wrist, and took a quick glance at it.
He backed off.
"Damn, you cut?"
"Uhh. I-I have before."
"Well, stop your too beautiful to cut."
He leaned back in, and kissed her.
She kissed him back, and his tounge slid in her mouth, and he pushed her back on the bed, her head fell into a bunch of pillows.
While they were kissing, he slid his hand across her stomach and her hips.
He then took off his shirt, and slid on her, then flipped her on top of him.
She slowly but surley took her shirt off as well with the undershirt. She didn't mind.
He was gliding his hands all across her body, and she was loving it.
She let out a soft moan, and he kissed down her neck and felt her hips and stomach.
She let her hands glide down his stomach, and he whispered "further."
She went further, slowly untill she reached the spot and then they both took thier pants off, and got under the covers.
Juno was a litle nervous and she was kind of new to this.
Micheal sure was good at this, she thought.
He slid his hands, across her butt, and she let out another moan, he kept kissing down her neck.
She whispered. "Micheal, your not going to stand me up, are you?"
He got close to her ear and breathed back, "of course not, your one uniqe girl, if i let you down i'd be dissapointed."
She smiled.
Juno knew this wasn't good to do, with a new guy she just met, but she felt okay doing this. She felt perfectly fine, laying across his body, naked.
Eventually, they both fell asleep, and Micheal wrapped Juno in his arms, and leyed there for the rest of the evening, without any disturbances. It was nice.
Juno didnt call Fee that day, and Micheal and Juno began to date, She knew they were perfect together. So they spent the night together at Micheals.
No worrys.
No cutting.
No Justin.,
Just Juno and her new boyfriend, Micheal.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm. Tell me what you think?