Status: Will Write Every So Often, Comment For More.

Love Struck.


Micheal. Her breath was knocked out of her, he was breath-takingly beautiful, and he knew how to treat a girl. She quickly thought.


Micheal streched out across Juno, and they both looked at each other, and smiled, real big. Juno looked at him while he streched and let out a burst of laughter.

He looked at her.
"What?" He said with confusion along with his smile
"Oh, nothing, your just cute when you strech out, like that."
"Oh, ha-ha."
"No, really you are," She blushed, and felt her face heat up while she smiled at him.
"Okay, whatever you say, beautiful."
They layed there for a while, Micheal holding her in his arms talking abour ridiculous events in their lives, and incredible adventures they've taken. They were getting to know each other alot better. It seemed as if they clicked with each other.


When Micheal finally took Juno home around 2:30 he kissed her and said "Call me" She shot an "Okay" and a smile, before she kissed him, and got out of his car. She walked up her driveway smiling the whole way. She had major butterflies.

Juno walked up the stairs to her room, and called Fee.
"Hello? Juno? Tell me everything!" Fee was talking fast. She really wanted to know.
"Well, we didnt get coffee, and we went back to his house-" Fee cut her off mid-sentence.
"You went back to his house? Say what?!" She sounded so into this, and so excited at the same time.
"Yes, we went back to his house, He kissed me, and we like. Almost had sex, but we didn't. So we fell asleep there, and woke up talking and telling stories. And he drove me back, and i called you."
There was a pause, i bet she was breath-taken.
"You. Kissed. Him? Hmm. You two are dating now aren't you?" She sounded a bit curious.
"Yes, we are in fact."
"Good job girl, I'm happy for you. Well, i must go. See you at work later?"
"Yes, call me if i need to go in early."
Fee disconnected.

Juno felt alright about this. She knew she liked Micheal alot. So she shouldn't feel awkward with it. She was accually very happy for once in a very long time. Juno loved the feeling Micheal gives her. He was so breath-takingly beautiful. She let out a huge smile, and head for the shower and went to bed. Smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
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