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The Nerd Daughter

One Year Later

One Year Later

This year couldn’t come any faster, the year was filled with good and bad memories, but all I was looking forward to is leaving this place to find my father. Tyler was able to get some information on my father, and all he found out was where he was from which was a place called Huntington Beach in California. Well, anyways here I was waiting in line for my diploma, Derek and Lily on either side of me, Derek smiled down on me, and I smiled right back, we were leaving in a couple of days and I wanted to make sure everything was ready for when we left. There was something else that had changed and that was me, I had had enough from my mom’s verbal abuse, so I asked Lily and Susie Q to give me the makeover of a lifetime.

I went to the gym with them, I ate what I wanted, but in small portions, and I started playing sports, I played tennis, volleyball and softball, so I had a lot more on my plate my senior year. I got my hair done, so it was no longer frizzy thick and untamed, it was now wavy and silky smooth I started using that proactive and my clothes were upgraded with the help of George, the only did I did keep for myself was that I still wore my glasses. Oh, and George was forgiven by Tyler a day later, I don’t understand boys so I didn’t bother asking. My mom started to see the changes in me and started to use harsher words towards me, every night I would cry myself to sleep, but I would never tell my friends about it, I had to be a tough girl, I didn’t want to seem weak. It got to a point that in the middle of the semester I tried killing myself, and Derek was the only one that knows, because he had saved me. He took me to a shrink and ended up getting prescribed anti-depressants, and I’ve been a lot better now.

Anyways, back to the present my name was called and I smiled at the principal, “It has been an honor having you as a student” he said, I thanked him and grabbed my diploma from him and made my way down the ramp where I was going to make the last speech before it was over. “All right so before we end this, we have an amazing speech from one of our students” he gestured to me and I went up to the podium. I sighed nervously, “To the graduating students of this school, I have only these words to say to you; Go out there to the real world and show it what you got. Because people will try to push you down and tell you that you won’t make it, but you will prove them wrong when you come back ten years from now you’ll come back stronger than ever and successful. The word will be harsh and difficult, but with perseverance and determination you know you will make it so far in life, that nothing will stop you from growing and making the world a better place. Many of you will be doctors, lawyers, teachers or CEO of a growing company, but in the words of this philosophical man, Confucius “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Lastly, I congratulate you all for making it this far and good luck with all your future endeavors. Thank you class of 2010”

After my speech the crowd and the graduating students cheered. I made my way to where my friends were waiting for me. Derek was the first one to see me, “You did great up there” he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and twirled me around, I giggled. “Thanks” I said when he put me down, Derek’s parents were behind him “Congrats Derek and Jamie” they said, I went to hug them after Derek did, “I’m so proud of both of you” I smiled. I was happy where I was until I saw someone stomping their way towards me, my mother Valary was on a rampage through the crowd and I was scared. My smile left my face and I hid behind Derek, “Jamie, get your ass over here now” she said sternly, I walked away from Derek’s family and I stood in front of her, “What is the meaning of this?” she said holding out the paper in front of her, “Those are emancipation papers” I stated. She scoffed, “What makes you think I would sign these?” I started to shake, but Derek stood behind me for support, I regained some composure and said, “Because I don’t want to live with you anymore, I have had it with your constant berating and your put downs” I said.

By now we had other families eyeing us, and all my friends were already surrounding us hearing this for the first time, she laughed, “You think that by doing this you’re better than me? You’re nothing; you wouldn’t be this person if it weren’t for me. By the way, those pathetic people you call friends are using you I’m just showing you how the real world is like” at the end of her rant, I narrowed my eyes, if there was one thing I hated the most was someone putting down my friends, “How dare you? My friends have been there more than you ever have, and the thought that you actually think so highly of yourself shows me that your shallow, selfish, and a major uber bitch” I ranted, “The only thing you ever showed me was how negative people can be, but as long as I have my friends to pick up the pieces I can conquer the goddamn world, I changed because I wanted to not because of you so get off your fucking high horse and sign the DAMN papers” by the time I was done ranting, I was breathing heavily.

My mother looked appalled that I had talked back to her that way, but I had no other choice; I was done feeling so lowly of myself anymore. Derek, Lily, Tyler, Frankie, Susie Q, and George were all surprised at my outburst, my mother tried to say something, but her mouth just kept opening and closing, she huffed when she couldn’t find anything else to say, “Fine, but when the world gets too much don’t expect me to be here when you need me” I scoffed, “I doubt that, once you sign those papers I’m out of here” she angrily signed the papers and practically threw them at me, “I never wanted you by the way” were the last thing she said before turning on her heel and leaving me there stunned. I stood there for a second in shock, but then I cleared my throat and put on a fake smile and turned to my friends and their family, “Well, that was uneventful” I joked, some of them chuckled nervously that I was taking this so well, but in reality I was sad, angry, and I felt like crying.

“Are you okay?” Derek asked since he was the most worried I would break, but I kept it inside, “I’m fine; actually I’m better than fine I am FREE!” I yelled with my arms raised in the air, I handed the papers to Lily’s father and asked, “Do I have to wait anymore or am I free to go?” he chuckled, “You’re free to go” “Well, Let’s get this party started” Tyler screamed, making everyone else laugh. Lily and Susie Q wrapped their arms around mine and escorted me to the car. “We’ll meet you at the restaurant” they said before closing the door on the guys and having Lily drive us to her house, her parents decided to ride with Susie Q’s parents to the restaurant. “Where are we going?” I asked a little scared at what they were going to do to me, “Don’t worry, but I am totally surprised you said that to Mommy Bitchy” Susie Q said. I chuckled nervously, “Trust me, I wasn’t that confident, but I couldn’t take it anymore” they nod now understanding, what I couldn’t take from my mother.

We arrived at Lily’s house and we went into her house, “Okay, so is it okay to ask what we are doing?” Lily and Susie smirked, “We are going to make you hot” I furrowed my eyebrows, “The makeover wasn’t enough” I asked, they scoffed, “No, we’re making you hotter”

Derek’s POV

I was talking to my mom about what I should do about Jamie, “Honey, why don’t you just tell her how you feel” she said, I sighed, “Easier said than done. I’m going to hang with the guys” she nodded and went over to my dad and he wrapped his arm around her waist. I smiled, and headed to where Tyler and George was, “Hey guys” they nodded their head towards me, “I can’t wait for the road trip, man, it’s like no parents, no rules, just us and the world” Tyler said, “Wow, who knew you could be so deep” George teased, “Watch it Richie Rich” he teased back. We were laughing about some nonsense when Tyler stopped mid-sentence, his jaw slack, then George did the same, I furrowed my eyebrows and looked behind me.

I had to do a double take, there standing at the entrance of the restaurant were Lily, Susie Q and Jamie looking extremely beautiful. Lily and Susie Q went over to their respective boyfriends Tyler and George, and Jamie stood alone. I walked up to her and I smiled, “You look beautiful” I told her and she blushed, “Thank you” she said shyly. I placed a hand on her lower back and escorted her to the table where we were getting ready to eat, I pulled out her chair and she sat down. Tyler and George looked at me weird, while as Lily and Susie looked at me knowingly.

Dinner continued on, and conversation filled the table until George’s Dad asked, “So, are you guys ready for tomorrow?” he asked. After finding about George being rich, we found out that George’s Dad is pretty cool, and understood his son as to why he wanted to go to a public school. When George told him about the road trip he pretty much gave us the money for it, our parents weren’t really okay with it, but Jamie was able to convince them that it was for the best, since most of our parents needed the money to pay the bills. “We’re ready, Tyler was able to find some information on my father so our goal is to find him” Jamie said. “Well, I hope you do” Tyler’s father said. After dinner was over, we were going to head over to George’s house and stay over so we could get ready there for tomorrow’s trip.

We said our goodbyes to our parents and promised them that we would call when we could, all of our stuff was already at his house and we were kind of curious as to where he lived. Once we got there it `looked pretty odd having three boys and three girls walking behind George’s parents, we all seemed to fit in the elevator which I was surprised by the way. Anyway, we made it to their floor and realized that the whole floor was their home, “Holy shit, this is where you live Richie Rich” Tyler said, “Yeah, it’s nothing really” Tyler scoffed, “If this is nothing, I want to see what you’re definition of something is”

The girls would be staying in one room, while we guys were going to be in our own, Frankie and George kissed their girlfriends goodbye and soon I was alone with Jamie. “So I think we should head to bed” she said, and she was about to turn away to go to her room when I grabbed her wrist, “Wait” she turned around, “What’s up” I pursed my lip before I said, “I--” she looked at me with such innocence I couldn’t tell her, “I wanted to say goodnight” she smiled at me and gave me a hug, “Goodnight, Derek” and walked away from me, I face palmed myself, “idiot” I mumbled.

Narrator’s POV

The next morning the 8 teens woke up early so they could beat the New York traffic, George’s parents already had breakfast ready for them to take to go, once everything was settled in the two minivans they started their journey to find Jamie’s father.

Huntington Beach

Matt’s POV

I woke up this morning feeling strange like something was about to change, but I wasn’t sure, I sighed as I sat by myself on the counter eating my breakfast. It’s been 15 years since I’ve seen Val, and I’ve always wondered why she left, I thought she loved me, but I guess she didn’t reciprocate my feelings. I tried jumping back into the dating world, but it didn’t seem to work out since they either wanted their 15 minutes of fame or wanted money; so I gave up and focused on the music. I heard the door open and suddenly a voice yell out, “Lucy I’m home” I rolled my eyes knowing that it was the fucktards Jimmy and Johnny. “What brings you to my humble abode guys?” I asked, not really wanting to know an answer, “Well, Shads me and the guys are bored so we decided to have a beach day. Want to join?” Jimmy asked, I smiled “Sure, It’s been a while since we’ve been” Johnny nodded, “All right, we’ll meet you there in 30 since we still have to wake up Syn and Vengeance” I furrowed my eyebrows, “I thought you said they were bored” Jimmy smirked, “Oh they will be, so beach in 30”

I shook my head; it’s never a good sign when Jimmy and Johnny are doing something together, but it sure made me feel good that I was getting their end of the pranks and shit. Once they left I went back upstairs to get ready for the beach day we were having.

Somewhere in the Middle of Nowhere.

Jamie’s POV

So we’re barely halfway into the trip and let me say that’s it has been the most entertaining one, Tyler had decided that he was going to film our trip of self-discovery and father finding, I rolled my eyes. “Okay, we’re halfway there and we’ve seen so much that I’m sad that we’re almost done” Tyler said into the camera, “Now, let’s hear the thoughts of our roomies” he faced the camera towards me, “So, are you sad this trip is halfway done” “No, because that means I can finally meet my dad” he feigned hurt, “But the trip was worth the work right, I mean without me there would be no trip” I laughed, “And I will always be grateful for it, but I really want to meet my dad”

He sighed, “I guess I can take that. Moving on” he said as he videotaped Lily and Susie and asking them about the road trip. We here heading into another small town to get more gas and stock up on food, I decided to ride with Derek since Lily, Susie Q, and Tyler were getting to rowdy. “Hey, Derek is it okay if I ride with you. Tyler and Lily are getting mushy and Susie is to quiet” Derek nodded, “Course, I’ll send George over there so that the couples can ride together” “I’m going to get a snack, you want something?” I asked Derek, “Yeah, but you’re not old enough to buy it, so I’ll go with you” he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked inside the small gas station store.
♠ ♠ ♠
Second Chapter, I Hope it's Amazing. Comments are Appreciated.

I'd like to thank my Silent Readers, Subscribers, and My First Commenter:

