Not All Stories Have Happy Endings

Chapter One

Chapter One;
Day 1-
I woke up in the morning with a killer headache. There was an old man standing in the doorway, dressed up in a tux. Is he a ghost?
“Good morning, Miss. Christopher asked me to wake you up.” He spoke in a voice that sounded calm. “He’s waiting downstairs in the family room… I’ll be taking my leave now.” The man walked away.
OKAY… So, maybe he’s not a ghost.
I sat up in the bed, I felt instantly nauseous.
Where am I? That’s right, Kevin… Broke up with me… and I left, ended up here… Now, Christopher Monroe is my boss… So, I’ll be living here and taking care of his daughter Melissa.
I got out of bed and stumbled down the stairs, I didn’t even bother getting dressed.
“Good morning, Elizabeth.” Christopher smiled at me.
He looked just as gorgeous as last night, dressed in black slacks and a long sleeve white button up shirt.
“Good morning.” I nodded, I wonder what he wants.
“I’m going to go out for the day, will you watch over Melissa for me?” He put on his coat, I guess it’s cold outside – well, that’s normal since it is February.
I nodded. “…Um… Sir…”
“Who was at my doorway? I don’t know him… or remember meeting him…” I bit my lip and looked down.
“That was my butler – Sebastian. He didn’t scare you, did he?”
“Yes, I have a butler, a cook, a gardener, a maid… And now a nanny.” He laughed.
“Oh… Okay, sir.” Christopher must really be rich; it would probably be rude of me to ask how much money he has.
“Elizabeth, your clothes are put away in your drawers.” A young woman said from the stairs.
She had on a plain maid uniform on, not sexual, or attractive… Just plain and simple. She was a bit chubby, but it was obvious that she was strong, she looked like she was from Romania – with her skin and hair and everything her accent even sounded like it.
“Thank you.” I yelled up to her, and then turned to Christopher. “Does all your servants know my name?”
“Yes, I already notified them.”
“Ah… Now, I feel bad… Because I don’t know any of their names...” I blushed.
“That was Kathleen, but call her Katie… My gardener name is Jayme, he’s a good man. My cook is a woman named Genevieve…. Now, I have to go.” Christopher answered rudely.
“…Okay.” I looked down and Christopher walked out.
…Does he have two personalities? Last night he was nonetheless, nice to me… but just now he was an asshole…
“Elizabeth, Melissa is crying!” It was Kathleen’s voice from upstairs.
“I’ll be there!” I turned around and ran upstairs.
Melissa’s room was the first room on the right, after going upstairs.
She was crying – obviously – and she looks a lot like Christopher. Except for her eyes, she has green eyes.
“Don’t cry.” I picked up Melissa, and she just kept crying.
“Are you hungry?” I set her down and she just stared up at me – luckily it got her to stop crying.
“I’ll get you some food.” I laughed, she is so adorable. “Let’s go downstairs and see what’s in the kitchen.” I picked up Melissa and went down and into the kitchen.
No one was in the kitchen… How do you make a bottle? Does Melissa even drink out of a bottle? “Excuse me is anyone around?” I called out.
“If you’re looking for me, I only cook for my master – Christopher. So if you’re looking for food, fix it yourself.” A woman walked in, I’m guessing she’s Genevieve – the chef.
“Um… Do you know how to make a baby bottle?” I asked her, I felt so insecure… Genevieve was gorgeous; she looked and sounded Italian… I was just this chubby American girl…
“I’m not doing your job for you… So, why don’t you figure it out on your own?” She walked out.
…Did I do something wrong?
I chased after her. “Can you please help me?”
“Since you’ve asked so nicely… No.” Her expression was flat.
Why is she being so rude? I didn’t do anything wrong! “Please!”
“Ugh! Okay… First off, Melissa is too old to drink from a bottle.” Genevieve seemed very cranky.
“Um… Okay… So, then what do I feed her?” I looked back to Melissa; she was now sitting on the kitchen floor.
“Normal food, but chopped up.”
I’m a horrible cook, unless it’s a stick in the oven thing… This place looks like it doesn’t have those kinds of foods… “Um… Could you help me?”
“Considering that it’s your job to take care of Melissa, no.” She said hastily. “Plus, you should know how to make a basic meal.”
A pain struck me in my stomach, so I turned around and went back to my bedroom. I stayed in my room for the rest of the day, with the door locked.

At the end of the day, I finally left my room. I thought everyone was asleep – but I guess I was wrong… Because Christopher was up with some woman in the family room…
“No, Samantha – Elizabeth didn’t leave her room… except for this morning… and she defiantly didn’t take care of Melissa.” Christopher sat on a chair.
I had a good view of them both, the girl was a pretty blonde in a very inappropriate outfit.
“Then you should fire her, Chris.” The woman sat on Christopher’s lap and they started kissing.
She should keep him distracted; just long enough for me to get something to eat.
I ended up slipping on the first step and sliding down the stairs on my butt.
I looked up from the ground to Christopher; he saw me and got up. “Elizabeth? Are you okay?” He ran to me and helped me get up off the ground.
“I’m fine.” I sat up; luckily I didn’t hit my belly. “I-I’m sorry for not working today, but I didn’t feel good sir… I was just going to get something to eat now… Unless I’m not allowed to eat your food…” I looked back down to the ground, I felt like I was intruding.
“No, nonsense, you can eat… Is the baby alright?” He picked up my face, with his hand at my chin.
“Um… fine…” I mumbled.
“Samantha, go home – we’ll get together tomorrow.” Christopher turned to his lady friend, who now put on a black trench coat.
“Whatever.” She shot me a dirty look, and then walked out.
She didn’t seem very nice… If Christopher was dating her the only reason he was, was probably because she's skinny and pretty.
I looked at Christopher; I noticed a hickey on his neck. “Who is she?” I gulped.
“…She’s Samantha… She’s my Secretary.” He looked so uncomfortable answering me.
“Um… I’m going to get something to eat…” I got up, and started heading towards the kitchen until Christopher wrapped his hand around my wrist. I turned around. “What is it?”
“…Don’t tell Genevieve or Katie about this, they’ll be devastated.”
“I don’t understand… What do you mean?”
“Genevieve and Katie both like me – they work so hard and cheap for me because they want to marry me… But, I’m already engaged to Samantha… I don’t want them to stop working so hard.”
I stared at him, blankly. He was playing with Genevieve and Katie’s emotions? I slapped him. “Asshole!” I yanked my wrist away from him and ran into the kitchen.
I can’t believe he’s one of THOSE guys’… So, he’s engaged and leads other girls on? Why do guys have to be such jerks?
“Elizabeth, your fired!” Christopher yelled.
“I don’t care! I don’t want to work for you! You’re an asshole!” I cried and ran outside.
I wasn’t wearing a coat, its really cold outside.
Where will I go?

I slept that night outside, but I didn’t sleep much… It’s freezing outside.

“Elizabeth?” I heard a male voice call to me.
I looked beyond the pool to see Sebastian; I’m staying in the pool house because it’s warming in here then outside and there’s like a million small blankets.
“What do you want?” I sat up, my stomach hurts… I wonder if the baby’s okay.
“Master Christopher wanted me to give you, your stuff back.’ The butler handed me two suitcases full of clothes. “He wants you to leave the property ma’am.”
I took my bags and covered my face.
Where will I go?
“Tell him that I’m very sorry for intruding.” Tears started flowing out of my eyes… I’m so scared.
“I will send him your regards Miss.’ Sebastian walked out of the room.
I forced myself to get up. “…I guess I can’t stay here any longer…”
“Sure you can.” Christopher was at the doorway. “…And if you want, since you’re going to be having a baby… You’re going to need an actual house… Or at least a two room apartment-“
I cut him off. “Nonsense, me and my baby can share the room you gave me… If you would give me my job back…” I looked down.
I really need this, this is my last resort.
He chuckled lightly. “You can have my pool house, I never use it anyway. I always use my guest house for parties, but never my pool house.”

I started crying. “I’m so scared… I’m pregnant with my ex-boyfriend and I don’t have a place to live… And I don’t know how to take care of a baby…. I’m so sorry, it’s probably best for me to just disappear so don’t worry.”
Christopher looked anxious. “I can help you with Melissa until you get the hang of it… And you’re right about teasing with Genevieve’s and Katie’s feelings. So, I told them and Samantha is going to move in soon with her son… So you will need to take care of him along with Melissa.”
“Yeah, she has this adorable three year old son named Dalton.”
“Oh… What happened to her husband?”
“…He wasn’t her husband, he was her boss… He was married to another woman and when Samantha told him she was pregnant he casted her aside and he wants nothing to do with her. You both are a lot alike.”
I don’t think me and Samantha are anything alike. “…Oh…”
“Master, Samantha wishes to see you.” Sebastian interrupted.
“Bring her out back.” Christopher answered.
Sebastian walked away.
“Will she be dressed decent?” Unlike last night, because that was just…
“Of course,” he chuckled.
A few minutes of silence then Samantha appeared. “Hey, what’s going on out here?”
“Nothing just re-hiring Elizabeth,” he gave Samantha a lovely smile; she just sent me a dirty look.
“Re? Why can’t we just raise our own children, darling? Oh, and along with that we could clean our own house and make our own food. Because it would be fun… Dalton and Melissa would be so much closer that way.”
Was she trying to get me out of a job?
“Elizabeth needs a job… She’s going to be raising a child soon.” Christopher shot me a smile.
I smiled half-heartedly back.
“Child? You’re pregnant? With whom?” Samantha had the nerve to ask.
“…My ex-boyfriend.” I looked down.
“Ah… And where is he at?”
“…Um, I guess at my old house.” Should I tell them that I practically ran away?
“Then why don’t you go back to him?” Of course, she wanted me out of the house.

“I’ll even send you money for you two to just live their together.” She added.
I started crying and covered my face, Kevin left me… How could I go back to him?

Samantha sent me on my way back home, back to Kevin.

I knocked on the door, when I reached home, and Kevin answered.
“Elizabeth? What are you doing here?” His eyes were opened wide.
A pretty girl, like a victoria secret model, walked behind the door. She was wearing nothing but her panties and bra. It sent bad butterflies that made me want to puke. My hand gripped onto my stomach.
Samantha gave me 5,000 dollars just to leave… But now Kevin’s with someone else.
“Who’s she?” I pointed to the half-naked bimbo hanging on his arm – practically moaning ‘Kevin’ over and over again until he told her to stop.
“She’s Aubrie… My girlfriend,” he wore a smile that said he was proud.
“Um… How long have you’ve been together?” How could he just move on so soon?
“Well, bout three months… I was waiting for you to leave to move her in…” He admitted.
Aubrie shot me a drunk evil glared and started kissing Kevin and he just shut the door.

So, he was cheating on me… All along…
I stumbled walking away – going to the bus stop.
I’ll just… try to find my parents.
Would they even take me back?
Would they let me live at home?
I wonder if they even miss me…

Once at the bus stop, I suddenly felt dizzy… And instead of it going away, it got worst so I laid my head down on the bench… Maybe if I close my eyes… This will all just go away.

Day 4-

I woke up in the hospital, Christopher was at the side of my bed sleeping.

I wonder what happened?

Christopher opened his eyes and smiled at me. "Glad to see you up and okay."

"Th-thanks." I ran my fingers over my belly, "is the baby okay?"

"As far as the doctor knows, yeah." Christopher smiled and took ahold of my hand.

"Does Samantha know your here?" I looked away.

"Yeah... But, she doesn't like it. She wants me to be spending time with her - not you."

"As you should be spending time with her, she is your fiancé."

"Yeah, but whos going to make sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine... You go to Samantha."

"Okay, well, thanks... Bye, stay safe Elizabeth." Christopher made his way to the door, then turned to me. "You're welcomed to my pool house still, the keys are on the table next to you." Christopher walked out after saying that.

I guess, that I should be grateful I met Christopher - because if not then me and my baby would probably be dead by now.

A few hours passed and the doctor's finally let me leave, but only if I take care of myself properly. I made my way to Christopher's mansion and then to pool house in the backyard - where I found magazines that were for redecorating and a notefor Christopher that said 'pick whatever you want, doesn't matter about the price so just tell me and i'll buy it for you - Chris.'

Christopher didn't need to be so nice to me... I can make do with the things I have, that he's already given me...

There was a knock at the door, so I went to answer it.

There Kathleen stood, tears flowing down her face. "It's all your fault!" She barged in.

"What's all my fault?" I froze, staring blankly at her.

"That Chris dumped me!' Kathleen turned and ran out.

I shut the door and locked it, then walked into the sun room.

The pool house had 2 floors and consisted of 7 rooms - a kitchen, two bedrooms, a bathroom, living room, sunroom and a dinning room.

They each had a theme of color's, the kitchen was decked out in lavender and grey, the first bedroom green - the other blue, the livingroom tan and red, the bathroom - blue, the sunroom was yellow - but it was surronded mostly by windows.

When Christopher got home, he came into the pool house to bring me food - it was a sandwich, applesause and baby carrots with ranch - also including a coke to drink.

"You'll probably going to need money for grocerys." He sat across from me on the oak wood table.

"...Probably." I looked around the room. "Um, Christopher, you shouldn't be buying me everything."

"Don't worry about it, Elizabeth, I have the money... And you work for me, so you'll be paying for it that way."

"Oh... Okay." I looked down, if that's so why do I feel so bad about taking all this stuff that I don't diserve?

"I'm thinking of breaking up with Samantha." Christopher blurted out.

"Why?" I looked up.

"She wants me to fire you, Katie and Genevieve... But, I don't want to, especially you... Because, right now, you need me the most."

"I'm perfectly fine taking care of myself!" I yelled, sanding up.

Christopher let out a light chuckle. "Is that why I found you sleeping outside under a tree? Because you're so good at taking care of yourself?" Christopher's tone is sarcastic.

I began crying, he is right... I'm horrible at taking care of myself... But I'm not about to admit it. "I am..."

Christopher stood up and grabbed me, pulling me into a hug. "Idiot..."

I hit him, "let me go!" I yelled.

Christopher hugged me tighter. "I'm not letting you run away again, you'll end up hurting yourself or hurting your baby."

He's right... I would. Wiping up the tears, picking up the broken pieces of my heart I looked up. "Thank you for taking care of me... Since Kevin... Left me."

Christopher rubbed my head and smiled, then let me go.

I looked away, "I'm going to go to bed, goodnight Christopher."

"Goodnight Elizabeth," Christopher walked out - after locking the front door of the pool house.

Day 5-

In the morning, Christopher took me and Melissa shopping - because I needed clothes.

Christopher ended up buying me way more then I needed; a few shrts, skirts, makeup, jackets, leggings, pants... and more.

He also bought Melissa a few things, like new dresses and toys.

Then he offered to out to dinner, I declined of course because... He shouldn't be buying me all of this stuff - I should be buying myself this stuff.

So, he just dropped me and Melissa off at home and then left.

I don't know where he went, but I'm assuming it had something to do with Samantha.

But it wasn't my concern, it was his...
♠ ♠ ♠
Please comment. :S
Originally the first Chapter was broken up in 3 - now it's in 4.
Just to let you know. :S