Not All Stories Have Happy Endings

Chapter Two (Day 15 and 16)

Day- 15.

It's been two long week's since I started working for Christopher Monroe. All-in-all he's a pretty decent guy, he loves his employes and cares for them very much. But, his girlfriend, my bad I mean fiance Samantha is an absolute bitter woman. She's also entirely selfish, and you'd think getting pregnant by her old-boss and not being rich... That she'd be different, but she's not.

"That's the last of it, Elizabeth." Jack, the furniture guy, finished bringing in the items that I told Christopher I wanted in the pool house.

"Thank you." I smiled, gratefully.

I requested a white sofa for the sun room and a new bed for the room that I will be sleeping in...Because somehow and someway the one that was in the room before was broken when I found it. So, Christopher had them replace it for me.

"Your welcome." Jack leaned against the doorway.

"Jack, come-on now let's go!" Jack's partner Matthew called him from the truck they drove here with.

"I will hold on!" Jack yelled back, then looked straight at me. "You're a very pretty girl, you know? You seem pretty nice too... So, um... Would you like to go on a date with me?"

This has been this first guy since Kevin to ask me out, I don't know if I'm ready...or if I should even go out... But, I supposed I should start trying? "Um..." I bit my lip and blushed a deep red, I could feel the heat on my cheeks. "Sure?" I smiled a little bit.

I said sure, because I would be lucky to go out with a guy like Jack. He's cute, old enough and yet pretty young - like he might be 19 or 22. He looks a bit more mature for his age though, his brown-spiky-hairstyle told me he was young and his dark brown eyes told me he was sincere. His muscles told me he was strong, so he could defend me and his tan told me that he loved the sun. But, of course, I could be just misreading things.

"Great. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 8?"

"Okay, sure." I tried not to seem too desperate.

Jack turn and left, got in his truck next to Matthew and then they left.

I smiled and shut the door of the pool house.

I have a date with Jack... I wonder if he's a nice guy. I hope he is.

There was a knock at the pool house's door, when I answered it - I saw Christopher, my boss, the guy who allowed me to live here... After my tragic break up with Kevin.

"G'morning, I see that you got the furniture already." Christopher welcomed me in with a hug.

I let go of his grip, "Yeah." I paused, thinking of the right words to say. How to tell him I got a date. "Um... Jack, the furniture guy, asked me out."

Christopher raised his eyebrow's, "and you said?"

"Heh, I said yes!" I giggled a bit, because I'm kind-of happy, which I'd thought I'd never be again...

"Lucky you, Jack's a nice guy." Christopher walked into the living room and I followed him.

"Since you know him, could you tell me a bit about him? I feel weird because he's basically an entire stranger... I'm worried that he might...even end up like Kevin..." I tried not to wince at the memory, I probably shouldn't have just blurted this out...Elizabeth, why do you have to blurt out nearly everything that's on your mind?

"Okay." Christopher sighed, then chuckled. "Well, Jack is a stand-up kind of guy. He was married to this chick, Bailey. They ended up breaking it off, don't really know why, other then the fact she was a straight-up bitch to everyone including him... That's all I know about him."

"Oh, really?" He was married before? But he looks so young...

"Yeah, really."

"Um... How are you and Samantha?"

Christopher smirked slightly, "she's mad at me."

I laughed, because this is usual behavior for Samantha. "Why is she mad at you now?"

"I told her that I wanted to break up." Christopher blurted out a straight face.

I couldn't tell if he was being serious, or if he was joking. "I can see why she would be mad at you, so why did you and Samantha break up?"

"You want to know why?" Christopher chuckled and shook his head. "She doesn't like the fact I have women working for me - like you, Genevieve and Katie. You all need the jobs and to live here... Or else, you all would be homeless."

"Homeless? Katie and Genevieve would be homeless? Since when?" I wonder why... Why she hates everyone... And why everyone would be homeless... Except me, I know why I would be... But, still Christopher shouldn't have to take care of me. I feel selfish, I think that a lot about myself.

"This is personal, so don't tell them you know... Katie was a prostitute when I had first met her. She was beautiful, but she looked extremely ill, but that was mainly drugs and alcohol and getting abused a lot - which came with the job she had. When I saw her pimp, Zeric Star...that's his 'fake name', he hit her until she was bleeding. It was horrible, I almost cried, so I payed for her to come and have sex with me - except we didn't have sex. Instead I insisted she'd come and just talk about her life, how she ran away from home at only sixteen after her step-father sexually abused her. You'd think her mother would care, but she told me her mother blamed her, that it was all Katie's fault..." Christopher shook his head. "So, I payed off her dept to the pimp - so she could have a better life and then I hired her."

"What about Genevieve? What about her?" After hearing about Katie, and how sincere Christopher was. I felt like crying, yet I yearned to learn more... I felt bad about it all, even though it wasn't about me.

"Genevieve, she had a mom, dad and a littler sister - her little sister name is Camille. When Genevieve turned 13, her dad left - leaving her mother and her sister in a huge dept. Genevieve loved to help people... But, she started helping the wrong kind of people - just to make money so her sister and mother could live happily. So, when I met her, I thought she was unique... I decided to give her and her family the money to live - and then she began working for me - shortly after my parent's death."

"That's so sad!" I hugged myself, tears pouring out of my eyes. Christopher really was a nice reliable guy... I need to find someone like him.

"Yeah. As for your story, all I know is you got disowned by your parents. Your boyfriend, Kevin, or should I say ex-boyfriend? Cheated on you with a girl named Aubrie - got you pregnant, dumped out and well... Now here you are." He smiled at me, causing me to blush.

I can totally see what other girl's see in Christopher. He was really sweet, attractive and rich.

"Did something bad happen to Sebastian and Jayme?"

"Sebastian's family has always served mine and Jayme runs and owns a private gardening company."

"Oh, I just thought you only helped girls." I guess I'm right now?

"Nope. I helped this guy named Alen, to divorce his wife. She was harassing his friends and him. He didn't have the money to get a lawyer, but I helped so...yeah."

"That must've sucked for him."

"Yeah, she tried harassing me... Until Samantha told her to get away from me, or else she'd get her in trouble."

"Ah... That's good, I guess."

"Yeah," Christopher paused.

Day - 16.

The following day, Jack came and picked me up at 8 pm - like he said he would.

"So, Liz - I can call you Liz, right?"

"Go ahead." I shrugged, I really didn't mind what people called me referring to my name... Just as long as it wasn't rude.

"Okay, um... Tell me about yourself?" He asked.

"Okay... I'm Elizabeth Coleman... I'm currently only 18 years old, I'm pregnant with my ex." I looked away, there isn't much else to know about me... Other then that I'm stupid. "What about you?" I asked.

"I'm Jack Schuester, I'm 20 years old and I'm going to College to become a doctor - but I help out at a furniture company to get me through med school."

I felt the need to ask, "you don't mind that I'm pregnant? It's not your child." Guy's typically don't like girl's who are carrying children, it's even worst when that child isn't their own. So it was extremely hard for me to understand why Jack would like me.

"Not really, it's just a date Liz. It's not like we're going to get married." Jack drove.

I would like to get married sometime in the future, but Jack's right. Right now it's just a date, we should live in the present, not the future and nor the past. "Right." I blushed.

My date with jack was pretty normal, we just watched a movie, then hung out in the park. He told me stories, about his family - his childhood, his ex-wife, how he decided he wanted to be a doctor. He asked stuff about me, too, but I decided to keep it brief. I just told him how in high school, I wanted to be a writer. Which is true, I even used to write for the school's newspaper, but I stopped because Kevin wanted me to spend more time with him. How foolish I was to actually choose Kevin over that possible career, I could've had. I guess I shouldn't view it like that, because it's like saying this baby's a mistake... And I love this baby, even though it's Kevin's.

When Jack dropped me off, he got out to say hi to Chris. Who invited Samantha over while we were there. After Samantha came and Jack left, I politely excused myself to my room. I didn't want to be around Samantha, and she obviously didn't like me, so I felt that it'd be best if we weren't around each other.
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