Just a Fling


I felt myself wake up and groaned.
Not ready to get out of bed, I turned around and
felt someone's presence next to me.

I opened my eyes slowly and I knew enough.
Thought of last night came back to me
and I blushed at them.
We'd let ourselves go this time.

I yawned and then felt my bladder
protest, like it always did in the morning.

Sighing, I pulled the first tshirt I found
over my half naked body and made
my way over to the bathroom.

When I was done with my business, I
walked over to the sink to wash my hands
and stared in the mirror.
I looked absolutely horrible.

My make up was on my cheeks and my hair
was all over the place.

I tried to comb it out with my hands a little, trying
to flatten it with some water but it was no use.
I sighed and splashed some water in my face,
trying to wake up.

My eyes were still thick with sleep and I tried to
wipe my make up off of my cheeks while
yawning again.

"Hey beautiful."
I heard behind me and I turned around.

"I look terrible."
I replied and turned my head to the mirror again.

"Not from this angle."
he said, smirking.

I snorted and shook my head.
"You have a dirty mind, Radke."

"You love that about me, though."
he said, yawning and ruffling through his jet black hair.

"God, I'm hungry."
I said, turning the tap off and turning around,
leaning against the sink.

"I'm gonna get myself some breakfast on the way home."
I said, making up my mind on what to do.

I walked over to where Ronnie was and walked
past him, to the bedroom.
Where every item of our clothing was on the floor somehwere.

"Mind if I shower before I go?"
I half yelled, grabbing my stuff.

"Not at all."
Ronnie yelled back, from the livingroom.

I ran into the bathroom and took a quick shower,
and then remembered I forgot a towel.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Ronnie! Can you get me a towel?"
I yelled from behind the shower curtain.

After a few minutes I heard the door open
and close.

I peaked around the shower curtain and saw he
had just left the towel close enough for me to grab.
After drying and dressing myself, I added a little
eyeliner and brushed through my hair with my hands.

"That'll do for now."
I said to myself, walking out.

I said, shaking my hair so my hair would fall down normally.

"No problem. Want coffee?"
Ronnie asked while lighting up a cigarette.

"I don't drink coffee, hun."
I said, stretching myself out.

"Why is that again?"
he asked, frowning.

"Because I don't like the taste or smell of coffee."
I replied, sitting down on his couch so I could put
my shoes on my feet.

"You're a weird one."
he just said, sipping his coffee.

I smiled at him.
"So are you. There's a reason we hook up all the time."

He smiled and nodded.
"I guess."

I grabbed my phone and my keys and then went on a search for
my red leather jacket.
Ronnie held it up after a few minutes of looking around
and I smiled at him.

"How'd it get in the kitchen?"
I asked, frowning and walking over to him.
"And aren't you cold?"

Ronnie was still walking around in his boxers, drinking his

"I think the jacket got here because of me. And no,
I'm pretty much always warm."
Ronnie replied, yawning again.
"God, you tired me out last night."

"Well, sorry but you wore me out as well.
We'll call it even. I'll see you later, okay?"
I said, while pulling on my jacket and trying to find
my car keys in the pockets.

When I found them I walked over to Ronnie,
kissed his cheek and walked off.

"I'll call you."
he said and I waved at him, making sure he
knew I'd heard him.

I knew what would happen next time I saw him.
Unless he found some other girl what always pissed
me off way too much for my own good.

Walking to my own apartment,
I opened the door and found Jessie asleep
on the couch.

I walked over to her and grabbed a blanket and
put it over her so she wouldn't get cold.

I decided to go to my room to catch up on my reading,
so I grabbed something to drink, something to eat and then
made my way over to my room.

This was going to be a great day.


I was standing in front of the mirror, getting myself dressed
and ready for the night.

Ronnie invited me to some bar he always went to.
I hardly went to bars but because Ronnie wanted me to go,
I said yes.

I'd seen him merely hours ago but I was already craving his
company again.

"You look hot, Charlie."
Jessie said, appearing in the doorway and wiping her eyes.

"Oh whatever. Had a nice sleep?"
I asked, applying my make up.

"Yeah, I did. I didn't sleep much last night. Or
the night before that."
she said, yawning.

"How come?"
I asked, checking my hair for the last time and
then turning around.

"No clue. I really don't know. But I'm exhausted
before the day even begins."
she said, yawning again and smiling at me.
"You look gorgeous."

"Thanks, Jessie."
I thankfully smiled at her.

"So when are you leaving to see Ronnie?"
she asked, smirking.

"Right about now. I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?
I hope you'll sleep some tonight. Don't wait up for me."
I said, winking and kissing her cheek.

"Be careful!"
she yelled after me.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. She was very protective of me
for some reason. When it came to Ronnie, anyway.

I walked up the stairs and then made a left to the apartment
above ours.
I knocked on the door and waited for him to open the door.

It was kind of convenient he lived right above us,
that's how I met him.
We crossed paths on the stairway, we got to talking
and something clicked that day.

"It's open!"
I heard from behind the door so I stepped inside.

"What if I'd been a man rapist?"
I asked, walking towards his room.

"I'd have kicked your ass, that's what!"
Ronnie said, with his back facing me.

My eyes locked on his tattooed arms and his
black skinny jeans.

"I'd love to see that one day."
I said, leaning against the doorpost.

Ronnie turned around and smiled.
"You look gorgeous."

I blushed a bit and shrugged it off.
"That's what Jessie said. Make up your own lines,

He smiled and pulled his Iron Maiden shirt
over his head.

"I'm done. Ready to go?"
he asked, while walking over to me and kissing my cheek.

"Yup, let's roll."
I replied, turning around and walking over to the door.

I felt the kiss on my cheek, still.
Trying to shake it off I wiped my cheek.


When we arrived at the bar, we walked inside and Ronnie
was greeted by a bunch of people I'd never seen.

I heard someone yell.

I turned my head to see who it was and felt
relieved when I saw it was Max.

"Max. I didn't know you'd be here."
I said, walking over and hugging him close.

"I'm always here. Want a shot?"
he asked, holding one in his hand for me.

I shook my head.
"I'm not in the mood to get shitfaced."

"Suit yourself!"
he said and drank the shot.

I laughed at the face he made and then I sat down
next to him. Looking around, I saw alot of people but
no one I knew. Ronnie was standing with a few guys,
close to the bar. It looked like he was having fun, what
made me smile.

The rest of the evening went by, pretty much like that.
Ronnie was off somewhere the whole time, minding
his own business while Max was getting even more

"Max, I'm gonna find Ronnie for a bit, okay? Don't
do anything stupid."
I said, making him face me with the palm of my hand
against his cheek.

"I always do stupid, Charrrrrrlie."
he said, extending the 'r'.

"I know, just don't do anything even more stupid than
I said, smiling at his adorable face.

I kissed his cheek.
"Be back in a few minutes!"

I found Ronnie in a few minutes.
He wasn't drunk because he knew he had to drive,
he wouldn't let me drive his car.

I stood next to him, leaning my back against
the bar.

"Charlie, love. How have you been this fine evening?"
he asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and kissing
my cheek.

"Looking out for Max, trying to make him stay in one
spot so he won't do anything stupid."
I said, looking over at Max and saw he had two shotglasses
in front of his eyes like they were glasses.

I started to laugh a bit before I felt Ronnie's gaze on me.
I turned my head to face him and looked into
his eyes.

His lips pressed against mine for a few seconds before
he pulled back again.

I smiled before standing in front of him and pressing
him against the bar.
Placing my lips on his, I softly bit his bottomlip
and winked before walking away.

"Your mine tonight!"
he yelled and I smiled, walking over to Max.

"Charlieeee! Therey'are."
he slurred a bit.

"Hey Maxie. How are you feeling?"
I asked, sitting down and looking over at Ronnie.

I saw him looking in my direction, smiling.
Shaking my head I looked at Max.

"I'm doing pret-ty good. I feel like I have wings, you know.
I'm flying. I fly. High."
Max said, spreading his arms a bit.

I snorted and patted his head.
"Of course you are, hun."

After about half an hour of looking out and laughing at
Max, my eyes caught Ronnie standing with
a girl.

I felt my stomach churn, not wanting to share him
with anyone.

"Max, I realllly have to pee. I'll be back soon, okay?"
I asked, making him face me again.

"I have to pee."
he just said, what made me laugh.

"Well, come on. I'll walk with you so you don't fall."
I said, grabbing his hand and guiding him over to the

"You'll have to do this part on your own. I'll
be at the bar, waiting for you."
I said, and gently pushed Max towards the right

"I wanna come with you!"
he said, leaning against the wall.

"You can't, Max. I promise, I'll be at the bar."
I said, opening the door for him and nudging him in.

he said, stumbling in.

I hoped for the best and did my own business
before walking over to the bar.

I stood quite close to Ronnie so I could overhear
the conversation he was having with the unknown

"..back to my place if you'd like? We can finish drinking
I heard Ronnie say, what made my hands turn into
fists angrily.

"I don't think that's such a good idea, Ronnie.
What about that girl a while ago? You seemed together."
the girl said, smirking.

"Charlie and me? No, we're not. We're just hanging
Ronnie said, shrugging.

I felt my heart tear a little.

"You seemed awfully cozy together, though."
the girl said, sipping her drink.

"Nah, she's nothing to me. It was just a fling.
You and me on the other hand.."
Ronnie replied.

I felt the tears in my eyes.
I was nothing to him?

I heard next to me, loudly.

I looked down at my shoes and wiped my eyes
before looking up, smiling at Max.

"There you are. See, I promised, didn't I?"
I asked, kissing his cheek and hugging him

Max wrapped his arms around me and I felt the
tears start again.

I cleared my throat and sighed.
"Max, I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna
give Jessie a call, do you need a ride?"

"That would be nice.."
he said, sitting down on a barstool and leaning his
head on the bar.

I grabbed my phone and dialled Jessie's number.

"Hey, Charlie. What's up?"
she asked, wide awake.

"Can you come pick me up, please?"
I asked, sniffing a bit.

"What did that douchebag do?"
Jessie asked immediatly.

"Nothing. I'm just tired and really need to get home."
I said, leaning against Max so he wouldn't
fall off the stool.

"I'll be there in 15, okay?"
Jessie said and I heard her walk around.

"Sure. Thanks, Jess."
I said, before hanging up.

I sighed and ordered a glass of water for Max.

"Max, come on. Drink this up."
I said.
He wouldn't move so I threw the water in his face.

"Can I get a towel?"
I asked at the bartender.

He handed me one and I gave it to Max
who had shot up, shocked.

"I can't believe you did that!"
he said, wiping his face.

"Well, I can't take you home like this.
Sober up just a little and you should be fine."
I said, smiling at Max.

"I'm sobered up alright. Jesus."
he replied, handing the towel over to the bartender.

I smiled and grabbed his hand.
"Let's go, Maxie."

Max walked with me and realised we
were going outside so he stopped walking.

"Where are we going?"
he asked, frowning.

"Jessie is coming to pick us up, remember?"
I said, trying to clear up his memory.

"Yeah, I know. But why aren't you going with
he asked, pointing over his shoulder.

I glanced Ronnie's way and saw him staring at me.
The girl was looking at him and then at me, before
getting his attention again.

"He's busy and I want to go. You can stay here,
you don't have to come with me."
I replied, letting go of his hand and
walking outside.

I sat down on the sidewalk and waited for Jessie to come.
After a few seconds, I saw a shade.

I looked to my right and was shocked to find Ronnie standing

"Where are you going?"
he asked, sitting down as well.

I replied, moving away from him a little.

he asked, frowning.

"I'm tired and I didn't want to make you leave."
I said, hoping he'd buy that.

"That's bullshit. You could've told me and I would've
left with you. You know that."
he said, yawning and leaning back.

I shrugged and decided that I didn't care about
him or the girl.

Except I did care. I'd started to care about
Ronnie along the way and I only realised it just now.

"Where's Max?"
I asked after a few minutes.

"He's at the bar, drinking with some chick."
Ronnie replied.

"So all the men in my life are douchebags.
Nice to know."
I said before I'd thought about it.

"What do you mean?"
he asked, sitting up again and watching me.

"Just forget it, okay? It doesn't mean
anything. I shouldn't have said that."
I said, standing up and wiping dirt from my

"It has to mean something if you said it. Come on,
Charles, what's up?"
Ronnie asked, making me face him by placing
his hand under my chin.

I pulled his hand away and stared him in the eyes.
"You are what's wrong. Just leave me alone."

I wanted to turn around but Ronnie was faster and
he grabbed my wrist.

"Let me go."
I gritted through my teeth.

"Not until you tell me why."
Ronnie said, facing me again.

"Why should I? If I mean nothing to you, why should
I tell you anything?"
I said, getting angrier by the minute.

I hated the way he made me feel and I loved it
as well.

"What? Who said you don't mean anything
to me?"
he asked, looking confused.

"You fucking did! You just stood there, with that
chick and told her that I was nothing to you,
how I was just a fling. Fuck you, Radke."
I said, ripping my arms out of his hands
and walking down the road.

"I didn't mean that, Charles!"
he said, walking after me.

"No, of course you didn't. You just wanna
get laid tonight so you'll say anything to
make me come over. Not this time, Ronnie.
Not this fucking time."
I said over my shoulder.

I kept walking and it didn't take long before I saw Jessie's
car parking at the sidewalk.

I ran over and jumped in but before I closed the door,
Ronnie held it.

"Come on, Charles. Can we please just talk about this?"
he pleaded.

I shook my head.
"Like I said, not this time. Let me go, Ronnie.
Just let me go."

I stared into his eyes and I felt mine well up.

he said, looking lost.

"No, Ronnie. I actually care about you.
Fuck, I love you. But if I'm just a fling
to you, then I'll never be more after all this time.
Forget about me and just let me leave.
I said, wiping the tears away.

"I can't.."
he started but was cut off by Jessie.

"Ronnie, just let her go. She's right. If
she's just a fling to you, after everything..
She'll never be more and it's time to accept that
you guys need to part ways. In other words;
fuck off."
Jessie said while leaning over me and
closing the door before driving off.

Jessie was silent the entire ride home.
She knew I had to deal with this in my own way,
which involved alot of silence and thinking
about what the hell happened between Ronnie
and me.

When we arrived home, I walked up the stairs
to our apartment and opened the door.
I waited for Jessie to come in and then closed
and locked the door.

"Thanks for picking me up. If he shows up just
tell him to go. I don't want to see him."
I said, pulling my shoes off.

"I will. I'm sorry it didn't work out."
Jessie said, and she hugged me tightly.

I wrapped my arms around her and started bawling
my eyes out.

After a while she led me to my room and got me under
the covers.

"Try to sleep. Maybe you'll feel better in the morning."
she whispered before walking out of my room and
closing the door behind her.

It didn't take long for me to fall asleep.
I was exhausted by going out, being angry at Ronnie
and crying.

I'd deal with everything tomorrow.