Sequel: Close Yet Far

Anything but Ordinary

New Clothes Showdown

(Aimee's POV)

The LFA roared into a parking spot at the mall. People were defiantly paying it some attention and I saw some guys actually drool over it only ot have the women in their group question the men if they had balls or not. It was something that got the overly quiet Heather to smile. “What would you like to wear to your interview?”

“Well, since it’s for Fairman’s, I was thinking about maybe nice pants and a flannel or something.” Well the outfit probably wouldn’t work out well, but she tried. “It’s in a couple days, but I want to get something now so I don’t have to worry.”

Heather … using worry in her vocabulary? Now I was worried!

“Maybe flats or something, too? I feel so lost.” She opened the huge glass door and waited for me to follow.

Silently looking through several stores, we eventually walked into Forever 21. Heather walked around a few times before finally looking in the dressy clothes. “How do you girls handle all this shit?”

“We don’t. We are just use to it I guess.” Spotting a cute black short-sleeved cardigan, I snatched it off a rack and checked it out. “How about this with the pants you found?” motioning towards the grey dressy slacks, I watched Heather look between the two items and then nod her head. “Cool, lets try these on you and see how they look with that nice silky looking tank top. Pick out a color.” Some excitement filled her eyes as she selected a dark purple one.

Making our way to the fitting room, Heather went ahead of me and grabbed a room. Looking at the shoes, I picked up a couple pairs of flats to bring Heather to try on with the outfit. I walked in and instead saw something else.

“THAT is the cardigan I had in my fitting room.” A familiar looking girl pointed at the one Heather was wearing. The very one I had picked out for her. “I want it back.”

Looking back at the girl I studied her face. It wasn’t the girl herself that made her look familiar, it was certain features that gave me that feeling. “Unless the whole store is your fitting room, you can shove that lie up your ass!” Heather spat at the girl before looking to me. “What do you think Ames?”

“I think its perfect.” Holding the black flats up, I kept the teen in the corner of my eye. “With these, so lets buy it and head back.”

Disgust filled the teen’s face. “This is total bullshit.”

“Yeah, well get over it.” Heather added before heading back into the fitting room to change into her clothes. “I hate children, swear!”

The teen had been chatting with a blonde girl with an I.D. tag who also I could have sworn I had seen before. Not paying any mind to them, I waited for Heather to join me before we made our way to the register.

Thinking the day’s drama was over, we headed to the mall’s bar for a quick beer before heading back to the castle for some real fun. “You going to tell me why you have been acting weird?” Closing our tab, I gave the bartender my card.

“It was Lisa, she went to the police after I beat up Ethan.” Sipping some Guinness down her throat, Heather glanced over at me. “She made the report that Ethan was too afraid to do himself.”

Heather had another beer or two before we got up to leave. It was a little boring sitting there while she drank, but since I usually got pulled over for going a little over the speeding limit, I only had one beer. “Then some bitch named Bianca got them out of the Note before I could finish off Tammy.” Heather had shook her head during my whole recap of Abbey’s filming experience. “Bianca was the other chick Bam was seeing at the same time as Tammy.” Just saying it caused me to feel disgusting. What kind of woman could let the guy she’s dating actually date another chick. What made it worse was the guy was my current boyfriend…

“And I missed all of it?” It was the only think Heather had said about it.

Out of nowhere, I felt like I was being watched. “Look, it’s the Viva La Losers all alone at the bar without the guys they stole from other women.”

Spinning on our stools at about the same time, I watched as Heather’s brow raised up.

It was the teen from the store and the blond associate. Almost instantly I knew why the brunette looked familiar. She looked like a younger, cleaner version of Tammy. Must have been the daughter Abbey told me about. It still didn’t make me give a shit though.

“They act like they are all that, but can’t even pay a dinner bill.” This time it was the blonde and both of us became baffled. Who the hell was she?

Hopping off my stool, I walked closer and crossed my arms. “Is there a problem?”

“Besides you stealing my mom’s boyfriend. They almost had a baby, you know that right?!” Tammy’s daughter smirked. “Highly doubt he would tell you about it.”

Heather stepped in front of me and stare the girl down. “You mean she lied about being pregnant and then lost it.” Was there something I didn’t know about? Not reacting to it, I appeared as if it were something I knew and didn’t give a shit about. On the inside, I reminded myself that if it were serious then Heather would have told me, and then beat the shit out of Bam for it.

“That is NOT what happened.” Unnerved, the brunette seemed to go within herself.

Her friend then took over. “You don’t know Tammy! Even your once best friend saw through the situation and sided with Tammy.”

Heather smirked as I spoke up “Jaimie is a slut who can keep her legs shut. She fucks anything with a dick and is the worse homewrecker on the face of the planet.” The blonde’s face shifted into one of anger. “Of course she would side with a fellow whore. What exactly does this have to do with you?”

“You are the reason I got fired from Duffers. You walked out on your check!” I looked at the girl and then to Heather who looked more confused than me. “She was dressed as a pirate!”

“Duh” it flowed from Heather’s mouth, “I always go out dressed as a pirate, be more specific.”

The blond rolled her eyes, not noticing the small crowd that had formed around us. Considering they had their phones ready to go, I had a feeling they knew who Heather and I were. “It was YOUR birthday!”

“Then why the fuck are you taking it out on me?!” I spat out as security walked up behind the girls. “Isn’t there a curfew in this mall for kids?”

Both girls went to lunge at us but there was a problem, the guards had grabbed them causing both to fall on their faces.

Three guards proceeded to walk us to the car and ask us not to return to the mall without arranging an escort. Heather was skipping the whole way while trying to get one of the guards to join her. It was getting rather annoying that I couldn’t walk around town, in the Note or even the mall now without a shadow. Think all cases it wasn’t for my safety as mush as for the safety of others.

Driving home, in record time of course, I pulled into a driveway full of cars. Whipping the car into the garage off the house, I saw the reaction of everyone outside. Chad, Jess, Deron, Shitbirdz, and Dico had never seen the car before and it obviously turned their heads.

Inside the girls were trying to recover the appetizers that the guys shoved into the oven out of pure hunger. “Then the blond bitch tried bringing up about Tammy’s fake pregnancy.” The men I group mostly rolled his eyes. Abbey had joined them as well while the rest of the girls in the room looked a little shocked. Not surprised, but just thrown off a little probably because it was never brought up.

“It wasn’t really important to me, it’s why I never brought it up.” My boyfriend whispered into my ear hoping to get off the hook. “Please don’t be mad.”

Shrugging I turned away from Heather’s story time. “I’m not mad.”

“So I’m assuming you are going to be excited about going to the Gathering of the Juggalos like Kay was.” Pulling me against his chest, arms soon wrapped around my back to pull me even closer and lock me in. I couldn’t help the smile that grew on my face. Going to the Gathering was going to be the perfect summer vacation. Meant I could add onto my Hatchet Man necklace.