Sequel: Close Yet Far

Anything but Ordinary

Christmas Cheer

(Kay's POV)

Christmas morning had arrived and I rolled over in my bed to find Chad soundly sleeping on the other side. My cat, Muffin, was sleeping above Chad's head purring so loudly I was pretty sure she was the reason I was awake this early.

The apartment was very quiet as I laid there. I didn't know if Carina was up yet or not. Christmas was her favorite holiday, well besides her birthday which she claimed was a holiday in it's own right. She was always the first awake on Christmas morning and it made my brother and I angry that we couldn't sleep later than 4am.

Glancing at Chad again, I smiled to myself. He was sleeping so peacefully. The cat wasn't bothering him in the least and the sight of the two of them happily asleep squeezed at my heart.

“I love you.” I whispered to him as I reached over to cuddle against his chest. It was the first time I'd said the words out loud and though I knew he probably didn't even hear me, it was the safest way for me to say them. I was still worried about how he would react when I really said how I felt and I was putting it off for as long as possible.

Sighing in happiness, I placed my head on his chest and listened to his slow and steady breathing. Chad was lucky to be such a heavy sleeper. I didn't think I'd be able to go back to sleep.

The door to my bedroom burst open. It swung so fast that it hit the wall hard and bounced closed again. I sat up as the door reopened to reveal my sister, still in her flannel pj’s and her hair pulled to the sides in pigtails as if... God, as if she were five years old.

“Merry Christmas!” She shouted out in her excitement. The next thing I knew, she was jumping on the bed in an attempt to rouse Chad. “Get up! Santa was here!”

The sight almost made me laugh, but I knew Chad was going to be furious. As it was, Muffin had run away and hid under the bed the moment the door had opened. Chad, on the other hand, couldn’t hide under the bed and was sitting up against the headboard, his eyes still half closed in sleep.

“What the fuck are you doing, child?” Chad muttered before a yawn erupted from his mouth. “Do you want to get hurt?”

Carina stopped bouncing on our bed to level my boyfriend with the stink eye. “You're lucky I didn't ask for Clubby's help to wake you up.”

Chad's eyes widened slightly, the thought of Clubby possibly being in the apartment waking him up in an instant. “Point taken.” Tossing the covers off of his body, Chad left the warmth of our bed for the bathroom. I smiled stupidly as I sat there and watched him walk down the hallway.

Once the bathroom door closed, I glanced over to see my sister staring at me with an odd look on her face.


“What happened?” Carina asked quietly, moving to the spot Chad had vacated.

“What do you mean?” I asked as innocently as I could. Not that I could ever fool my sister though.

“Hurry up before he gets back.” She demanded. “What did you do?”

I sighed and smoothed back my hair. “I told him that I loved him.”

“What?” Carina shrieked before she realized she had been really loud. She grimaced as an apology before continuing with her questioning. “What did Chad say?”

I shook my head. I was acting so stupid. “Nothing. He wasn't awake when I said it.”

Carina raised an eyebrow at my admittance. “Wimp.”

“Shut up!” I said with a laugh despite the situation. “I don't know how he's going to react when I do tell him. I need the practice.”

The door to the bathroom opened and my sister put a hand on my knee. “I think you're worried over nothing. Don't think about it so much.”

I smiled at her as Chad returned to the room. He glanced between us looking uncomfortable. He was clearly not used to celebrating Christmas... it was either that or he was just waiting for Carina to do something else crazy.

“Are we going to open the presents or sit in bed all morning?” Chad asked, maybe a little grumpily, but I smiled at the effort he was making. He may have found my sister irritating at times, but he was dealing with her for me. It was all I could ask for.

I left the bed and grabbed his hand. “Let's go.”

Chad followed me to the living room without a word, Carina trailing behind us.