Sequel: Close Yet Far

Anything but Ordinary

In Need of a Drink

(Aimee's POV)

Whipping the car into what seemed like an alleyway, I began to wonder if the millionaire had lost his mind. “Is this a road?”

“Sure.” smiling, he parked the car in the middle of the alley. In front of us people where carting boxes in and now had to go around the expensive Audi. “It's the back entrance to the Note.”

Opening the door, I climbed from the car. Had to roll both my ankles around before taking any major steps though. Riding in a car with heels was hard, climbing out of a low car in them was near impossible. Made me wonder how other chicks pulled the maneuver off. “So how much longer until the others get here?”

A smirk covered Bam's face as he held his arm out for me. “Any minute now. Want a drink?”

Placing my hand on his bicep, I raised a brow as the Jackass star led me into the venue. I only knew him a short time, but could already tell he was up to something. People were rushing around the inside of the small kitchen area we passed. Having worked in a couple restaurants and currently at a bar I couldn't help but feel bad for them. Seeing people relaxing while running around in a panic was never a great motivator. Always reminded me that I had to work at that time while other people where there to relax, drink, and have a good time. “You alright?” snapping out of my thoughts of working in a few days time, I looked next to me. “Coming back from Aimee world?”

“Yeah … sorry … just remembered I have hell to go back to in New York.” rubbing my temple for a moment, I realized a headache had been setting in. Would have nothing to do with waking up to Heather in my face, demanding juice, then her getting nearly arrested followed by her starting a pirate war. And it happening all in the past 12 hours wasn't helping either. “You mentioned a drink?”

Being escorted to the upstairs bar, I watched as the same chick from a month ago prepared my Jack and Coke. She smiled the whole time again which caused me to believe she was possessed by Satan or something. It just wasn't natural. “These past few Clubby free hours have been heaven by the way.”

“Have no idea why that would be.” Placing his iPhone back into his pocket. Bam grabbed one of the glasses the bartender placed down. “She seems like a relaxing person to have around.”

The Satan bartender placed a couple of coasters down before walking back to where she had been cutting lemons or something. “Time to hook you up.” a guy with a shitload of wires had somehow appeared, placing his mess onto the bartop. “Cameras are already filming on the bus, and Franz is downstairs waiting on you.”

“For what?” asking I looked at a very nervous Bam Margera. “Bam? What is he talking about? Don't tell me I have to deal with Flannel Franz on my Bir- vacation.”

A look of confusion soon switched to pleading eyes. “We were already scheduled to film before we met. But after the whole pirate attack ...” pausing, I watched Bam help the audio tech feed the chord down the back of his shirt. “Dico talked to the producer of this season and-”

“Are we wiring her up too?” the man with the 80's rapist mustache motioned towards me. Course I choked on the liquor in my mouth. “Otherwise it's just you when the bus pulls up.”

Swallowing the liquid in my mouth I attempted to recover from the burning in my throat. “Only if she wants to.”

“The rules” A man I had only seen before on TV walked over and crossed his arms. “Be yourself.” Jeff Tremaine slowly placed his hands on his hips as Franz reached us. I was already regretting this.

Getting a mic, the sound guy went to hook me up, but Bam insisted he do it. “Think I got it right.” placing the wire up my side since my top was backless, I figured out why he wouldn't let the sound guy do it. “There's the bus.”

I would have looked outside to see it myself, but I found myself up on Bam's shoulder. “I can still walk!!! It was only one drink!”

“This is more fun.”

The sidewalk outside had a huge line that was full of makeup faced fans. Course once they saw Bam, they went a little crazy. A three person film crew didn't help matters either. “I think they like you.” nudging the skater he looked over at me sharply, attempting not to laugh. “It's like they know who you are or something!” Chuckling was all I got was as the tour bus doors opened. The first thing I heard was yelling. None of it in English.

Growing concerned, I was completely shocked when a head popped out of the doorway. Heavy eye makeup, glitter and a top hat. “I have to thank Bam for my seven ljubi!”

Hearing a language I didn't know was weird. In Albany all you heard was either English or French, both I knew. Would have asked what it was but instead the lead singer of Turbonegro walked off the bus and stood by the door. With his hand extended back inside he assisted each of my friends off the bus as they watched their footing. Most never really wore heels, but picked tonight to show off their new shoes. Bad choice on their part, gave it an hour before they were all barefoot.

Think the worst part of all was Hank Von Hell kissing each of the girls on the cheek as they passed by. Even better, Kay seemed to be the only one ok with it all. Don't think any of the others had even heard of Turbonegro before.... Now they were all being claimed by the lead singer.

Amid eventually joined the others and didn't seem happy at all. Not even stopping, he ventured right into the night club with Kelly and Jaimie right behind him. “Guess I only have five now...” Hank grabbed the remaining girls and lead them towards where we stood. “So which one is the birthday girl today?!” looking at his 'girlfriends' Hank pointed at each one only to have them all stare at me.

“I left my drink upstairs!” Turning around quickly, I was a little surprised when Bam grabbed my arm. “I need booze right now.”

Behind me, I realized Hank had a make-up kit in his hand and I had a feeling about it's purpose. “I didn't know it was your birthday, Ames.” whispering in my ear, I could feel his breath on my neck. “Don't worry, I'll save you.” tapping Hank's shoulder, Bam pointed at Clubby who actually started jumping up and down. “It's Heather's birthday today.”

“YES YES YES YES!!!” a makeshift victory dance caused chaos among the people waiting in line. Guess they could tell how insane Clubby was. “I get to be-” striking an awkward pose I shook my head at her “CLUBBY FROM HELL!”