Sequel: Close Yet Far

Anything but Ordinary

Vampire, Vampire

(Kay’s POV)

It was my first full weekend off since Aimee’s birthday in West Chester. Kelly, as usual, was working all day at her retail job. She wouldn’t be getting off until around six and then after she, Dan and I were meeting up with Amid to have dinner. It would be the first time Dan and Amid got to meet each other and I was expecting a fascinating time.

For the time being, however, I was curled up on the couch in the living room with my cup of coffee in one hand and the remote to the TV in the other. My sister had visited the weekend previous to this one and even though it was insanity while she’d been around, I missed the hell out of her. Not having Aimee around sucked and now that I no longer had my sister to keep me company, I was even lonelier than I’d been before.

One of my favorite television shows played as I sat in the quiet of the apartment. I had missed the newest episodes and after I’d caught up on them, I decided to pull out the first 3 seasons and have a marathon.

Hot vampires took over my TV as the door to Kelly’s bedroom opened. Glancing over the top of the couch, I watched as Dan, still in the sweatpants and t-shirt he slept in, shuffled into the room.

“Mornin’ sunshine!” I called out to him knowing full well he was hung-over from his night out with the few friends from college he’d caught up with.

Groaning at the sound of my cheery voice, Dan flipped me off before heading into the kitchen. I smirked and sunk back down into my spot. Pulling the throw blanket up around my body, I waited for the man of the house to resurface. When he did, he collapsed beside me on the couch.

I raised an eyebrow at the sight of him sitting beside me. “Can I help you?”

Dan didn’t speak, but instead gave me a grin before drinking the coffee in his hand. Deciding I was going to ignore him, I let my attention return to my show. It had barely been ten minutes later when Dan interrupted.

“What is this?” He asked in a high pitched voice the man was famous for. Being around Dan was going to make me miss Clubby more than I ever thought possible.

“It’s a TV show.”

Dan glared at me for that answer. I had to keep myself from laughing. “No shit. What is the point of this show?”

Picking up the remote, I turned off the episode I was currently watching and stood up to walk to the DVD player.

“You didn’t have to turn it off. I was only asking questions.” Dan said with a frown. I didn’t understand why he cared what I was doing, but it made me smile. “What’s so funny?”

I held up my hand to silence him. Pulling out the DVD from the player and replacing it to its case, I grabbed the first season and put a new DVD in. As the menu came up, I returned to my seat. Dan gave me a questioning glance.

“Instead of asking questions,” I told him as I selected ‘play all’ on the menu screen, “let’s just watch the show, shall we?”

The entire first season of the Vampire Diaries had finished around five o’clock. As the credits to the season finale rolled, I glanced over at Dan to catch his response. The man was literally staring at the blank screen with wide eyes. I suddenly felt worried.

“Dan? Are you alright?” I asked my friend’s longtime boyfriend in concern. He hadn’t moved or spoken yet and I didn’t know how to interpret that. “Dan?”

At the sound of his name the second time, Dan turned to face me very slowly. I gave him a strange look as he stared at me.


“That was absolutely… the best show I’ve seen in forever!” Dan jumped out of his spot on the couch almost knocking his full cup of soda off of the coffee table. He looked way too excited over a television show mostly designed for teenagers.


Dan walked up to me and grabbing me by the shoulders, pulled me to my feet before shaking me in his excitement. “Is there more?”

I nodded, but couldn’t find my voice. I had no idea how to react.

Releasing me, the man pointed to the DVD player. “I must have more! Peasant- give me more vampires!”

Unable to stop myself, I lost my nerve and burst into laughter. I literally laughed so hard that there were tears in my eyes when I’d finally gotten myself under control. Dan stood beside me with his hands on his hips and an angry look on his face.

Wiping the tears from my face, I took a deep breath, “I’m sorry.”

“Why is this taking so long? Do what I ask of you!” Dan’s face didn’t yield to the laughter I felt bubbling back up.

“Fine. Sit down, my king.” I said with a grin as I replaced the season 1 DVD with the first disc of season 2. Dan did as he was told and as the next disc played, he turned towards me as I sat.

“So who do you think Elena is going to choose? Stefan or Damon?” Dan asked before the episode even started.

I gave him a look that told him to not even mention that subject. “You need to catch up to where I am before you even try to have that discussion with me.”

Dan took the hint and turned back to the TV to start the next season. About halfway into the episode, the door to the apartment opened revealing Kelly who seemed to have gotten out of work early.

“Hey guys- I’m gonna hop into the-” She began, but Dan interrupted her out of nowhere.

“Silence woman!” Dan shouted at his girlfriend. I sat quietly with wide eyes as the drama unfolded in front of me. “You have interrupted Stefan! Do not speak when Stefan does!”

Kelly, ignoring everything Dan had just said to her, glanced at me without a change in expression. “What the hell was that?”

“That was the Vampire Diaries. Don’t even ask.” I told her with a shake of my head.

Kelly took the hint and escaped into her bedroom to prepare for the night. Dan returned to the couch as if nothing had happened and was riveted again to the television. I laughed under my breath and continued watching as well.
♠ ♠ ♠
As an FYI, every character in this story is based off of a real person. Some names have been changed, but most are still the same. The characters in this story are friends (and not friends) in our lives and their personalities are the same as in real life. I just thought I should throw that in there so everybody knew this isn't all in our head. Thanks for reading!