Sequel: Close Yet Far

Anything but Ordinary

The Game of Extreme Dodging

(Chad's POV)

Jaimie still hadn't taken the hint. I was to the point that I was ready to file a retraining order against the single mother so she'd leave me the fuck alone. I had even gone to the lengths of changing my cell phone number and telling Aimee that if Jaimie happens to show her face, to end it. Aimee didn't question the request and as I thought back on it, it worried me a little.

I drove my SUV over to the bank where Kay worked. I hadn't seen her in over two weeks and it was really starting to bother me. I had the undeniable need to see her and I would be damned if I let her avoid me anymore. During the drive over, I kept telling myself it was necessary for me to go see her since she wouldn't go out of her way to see me.

I pulled into the parking lot and noticed the bank had a few cars, but not as many as Kay claimed usually appeared during the day. Putting the Chevy in park, I paused in my seat and gazed at the large brick building in front of me. I had no idea what to say to Kay when I saw her and I figured I would say something that I was going to later regret, but I needed to know what the Hell was up with the kiss a few weeks ago.

Climbing from the vehicle, I closed and locked the door before walking towards the bank's entrance. As I neared it, the door opened to reveal the very person I was searching for.


The girl's blue-green eyes shot up to meet mine. It was clear by the expression on her face that she hadn't expected to see me. Her auburn hair had gotten long and it amazed me that I hadn't noticed it a few weeks ago. It hung below her shoulders in large waves and the style suited her. It made her beautiful.

She smoothed one of those stray waves behind her ear as she took in the sight of me. “Hey. What are you doing here?”

“I actually came to...” The initial reason I'd come flew out the window as I stared at her. I cleared my throat when I realized I'd trailed off. “I haven't seen you and wanted to know you were OK.”

“Oh.” She seemed slightly disappointed by my response, but quickly covered it with a smile. “Thanks Chad. That's nice of you. But you could have just texted me.”

I nodded knowing I looked like an idiot doing so, but I didn't care. This was Kay. If anyone was understanding, it'd be her. “I know, but I've changed my number and I, well, I forgot to save the ones I had on my phone.” I rubbed my neck next figuring she thought I was a total tool. “I should have just asked Ames.”

Kay broke out into laughter. I glanced at her in confusion then felt my face melt immediately into happiness at her smile. “You've been dodging me, Chad. I know it isn't anything to do with your phone.”

I grinned. I couldn't put anything past her. She'd already figured me out. “Seriously- I did change it. And yeah, I've been avoiding you, but you've been doing the same to me.”

Her smile fell a little but it still touched her lips. “True. We can't hide from each other forever, can we?”

“Not if we both manage to stay friends with Bam.” I admitted, putting my hands into the pockets of my jeans.

She cocked her head slightly. “I'm not going to dictate that with a response.”

I chuckled. “Fair enough.” Glancing around us, I realized we were still standing outside. “Are you going to lunch?” I was sure it was too early for breaks.

Kay shook her head. “You didn't hear?”

“Hear what?”

“Clubby, Jimmy and Brandon got me fired yesterday.” She didn't seem as upset as I'd expected her to be, but it was obvious the situation didn't sit well with her.

“Shit... How?” This didn't sound like our friends. Getting someone intentionally fired was a horrible thing to do.

“They thought they'd introduce themselves to my coworkers... as robbers. As you could probably guess, it didn't go over too well.” Kay lifted the stack of papers in her hand. “I'm cleaning out my cabinets.”

“Did you need any help?” I couldn't stop myself from asking.

With a smile, she nodded. “Yeah. I'd like that.”