The Willow

Chapter 7

She sat curled up tightly in the corner of her room. Tears of anger streamed down her faced as she clenched her hands into fists, her fingernails cutting into her palms. She began to shake with the pent up rage she harbored. Her eyes were squeezed shut tightly, in a feeble attempt to keep everything in. She held in her breath, afraid of what might come out if she were to exhale. She pressed her fingers against her scalp, running them against her head, leaving angry red welts in their wake. Thisbee finally exhaled a sharp irritated breath.
She punched at her thighs and knees in an attempt to satiate the beast ebbing inside her chest. She pressed her fingertips against her cheekbones, still damp with tears. She let out a silent scream, tossing her head to the heavens, shaking with the beast. She ran another hand through her hair, tugging at strands as it went. She clutched her hands so tightly together that they began to shake from the sheer force of her grip.
She clutched at the fabric of her shirt, directly over her chest; like an animal trying to rip out of its confinement. She scratched a trail of lines down her neck, almost breaking the skin as they made their destructive path. She made to pound on the very ground that she rested on, but on its descent, her hand slowed its velocity, and ended up merely landing with a muffled thud. She buried her face within her knees and broke down crying once more.
“How much longer can I go on living a lie?”
Thisbee wiped her nose and debated between setting the beast she had tried so hard to muffle free. That one slip of her will was all it needed though, as it came rushing to the surface to break free. Thisbee let out a sharp breath as the shock of her mistake hit her. Trying to fight against it, she tensed all if the muscles in her body, but it was to no avail; the beast was about to be set free.
She placed her right hand on her chest, in a tensed gripping position, while the other was up in the air, ready to release her insides. Her fingers were curled and flexed, in pain for it had been a while since she had committed such an act. Suddenly, a bright, brilliant beam of light shot out of her hand and into the air. It fizzled and crackled with the sheer intensity of its power. Thisbee let out a small whimper as a sore feeling spread through her veins, like an overworked muscle after a workout.
The light began to dim slightly, but when she caught sight of what had sparked her anger in the first place, it burned brighter than ever before. Thisbee began to shake from the intense anger she was feeling. Her tears began to glow and melt whatever crossed their path. The urge to scream out in anguish consumed her entire being, but the need to remain quiet kept it at bay. She wanted nothing more than to have a full blown tantrum and destroy things, but that would make people notice her; she would be different and crazy. She moved the hand that was clutching her chest into the air, as light began to burst from it too. Was it impossible for the world to take it easy on her, just for once?
She caught sight of her reflection in the mirror, and what stared back at her was frightening to her. Her hair stuck up and glittered with a golden glow, and her irises shone with a stark white light. She looked in the mirror, and wondered where Thisbee was- where she was. She shut her eyes tight and scrunched her face up in concentration. She inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly.
Her hair ceased it shimmer, and her eyes returned back to their normal brown color. The crackling light calmed into a golden orb, thrumming between her fingertips. She leaned her head against the hall behind her, while stretching her legs out in front of her. The melting tears returned to their normal saltwater form, running down her cheeks and onto her neck. She began to absentmindedly dip her fingers in her orb as she continued to cry. She brought one hand up and wiped her running nose, then returned it back to its place.
Slowly, the orb began to shrink between her hands, the glow diminishing. Then, it was as if the glow had flown into her chest, for that was what started to glow for some miniscule moments, before disappearing altogether. She curled back into a ball and ran both her hands through her hair and along her scalp, as she allowed her head to rest on her knees once more. She had no more tears to cry, only occasionally omitting a sniffle here and there. She wrapped her left arm around her legs, and let her other hand continue its grip on her hair. She lifted her head and chanced a glance back at the object that triggered her attack; a fortune. That fortune struck Thisbee deeper than anything else had in a while, and she wasn’t all too thrilled about how she reacted to such a small piece of paper; yet the words on it held more gravity than anyone could ever imagine.
“Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.”