Status: Drabble



To whom it may concern- You know who you are,

I'm laying down to sleep,
for the last time.

I'm sorry I'm not perfect,
I'm sorry I'm not what you want.

I'm flawed and imperfect,
oh how clearly it shows.

The offensiveness of my existence,
it practically glows.

You are who I love,
and I will never forget you,
I know this isn't love to you,
But what I say is true,
I love you.

I'm going to go to sleep now,
for the last time,
when I don't awaken,
please do not cry,
you'll find someone better,
someone worth your time;
you'll forget all about me,
it'll all be fine.

My dear friend I'm leaving now,
I love you more than you know;
when I don't awaken,
please do not cry,
you'll find someone better,
someone worth your time;
you'll forget all about me,
my imperfections too;
you'll find someone to love,
the one,
the true.

I'm sorry that it's not me,
that I'm not your true love,
that my hand doesn't fit yours,
like a glove.

I'm sorry that you ever met me,
that you ever cared;
I'm sorry I'm imperfect,
I'm sorry that I stared.

I'm sorry you had to deal with me,
all my imperfection to;
so when I don't awaken.
do not shed a tear,
you'll find someone better,
someone worth your time;
you'll forget all about me,
my imperfections too;
you'll find someone to love,
It'll all be fine.

xoxo g
♠ ♠ ♠
It makes me sad how easy this was for me to write.