Status: Active.

Sorry I'm Not Perfect

Annoying Family

"You’re kidding me, mom." I said as my mom told me that my cousins and aunt from England were coming to visit this week. She shook her head and sighed,

"Oh I wish I was, honey!"

I groaned in annoyance at the thought of having the terrible trio here for a week. My two cousins, Clarissa and Layla are the two biggest snobby and spoilt bitches I have ever met in my entire life, and trust me, I've met some pretty horrible people in my days lemme tell you. My aunt Karen enjoys flaunting her money from her "big amazing job". Reality, her job's not all that amazing. She's a travel agent, but wishes she was an air hostess. Yeah Aunt Karen, nice going. All of her money is her ex husbands which she stoles from him after he fled to Australia with his new wife. I honestly don't blame my uncle Charlie for leaving her, she's a physco!

Clarissa and Layla are private schooled and sometimes home schooled since they find it impossible to make friends because they think they're better than everyone else. They're your typical snobby, spoilt, stuck up girls. Always in pink, skirts, dresses and blouses and are such perfectionists. Clarissa had long blonde hair last time I saw her while Layla had short blonde hair. Layla is naturally black haired but continues to dye it blonde because she thinks black hair is incredibly tacky. Another reason why they hate me, we're so different.

I'm Ella and I'm the complete opposite of everything I've just described in my cousins. I have long dark brown hair with a few different splashes of light brown here and there. I pretty much despise the colour pink and you'd normally catch me wearing your typical California girl stuff, along with the occasional band shirt. I don't get spoilt rotten since me and my mom live in a house by ourselves and are struggling enough as it is, especially after my dad passed away four years ago.

I have five best friends and they are incredibly amazing. Matt, Brian, Jimmy, Johnny and of course, Zacky. Although Zacky's more than a friend, he's my boyfriend and has been for the past three years. I honestly love him more than anything and he's the reason I managed to get through the passing of my dad. He stayed with me for months making sure I was okay. He missed school, just so he could know I was okay and not doing anything stupid. We've been best friends for as long as I can remember and I can't imagine myself with anyone else. Ever.

My mood soon brightened when I heard my phone ring and seeing the caller ID made me smile,

"Hey you!" I answered,

"Hey baby," I smiled. He could still make me blush by calling me baby after three years, "Are you doing anything tonight?" he asked and I groaned.

"My annoying ass snobby family's arriving tonight to visit for the week, so I have to stay and help out my mom,"

"Oh, well sounds like fun!" He chuckled and I rolled my eyes, although he couldn't see me, "I was just going to ask if you wanted to chill tonight since Brian ditched to hang with Michelle, but it's cool. How about Saturday though? I'll kidnap you from your annoying family, take you out for dinner and then you can come back and stay at mine? Just feels like we haven't spent a whole day together in so long," He said, I smiled and nodded to myself.

"That sounds great babe," I told him, "Hey, my mom just said that we're having some fancy dinner tomorrow for my cousins, would you mind coming to hold me down when I'm about to fly kick my aunt or cousins over the table?" I asked and I could practically hear the grin on his face as I heard him chuckle,

"I'll be there, what time should I come by?"

"About five? Sound good?"

"Sounds good." I smiled, "Anyway, Matt's been nagging me about being late to practice so I should get my ass off the couch and go to his before he kills me again." He said and I giggled,

"Alright, have fun at practice and I'll see you tomorrow night."

"See you tomorrow," We said our 'love you' to each other and soon hung up.
I heard my mom call me from the kitchen and as I got closer and closer to the bottom of the stairs I heard those all too familiar accents that made me want to rip my hair out and stomp on it several times. I put on a fake smile as I emerged from the hall only to be met by Karen, Clarissa and Layla all with those same fake pathetic smiles gleaming from their snobby faces.

"Oh hey, sorry I didn't hear you guys come in, I was on the phone to my boyfriend." I said smugly, since the girls don't believe I actually have a boyfriend and I can't wait to see their faces when Zacky shows up tomorrow for dinner,

"What? The imaginary one?" Clarissa sneered at me and I laughed,

"Oh yeah, he's coming over for dinner tomorrow night so I guess you better watch you don't step on him." I said with sarcasm dripping from my every word. They both just rolled their eyes and huffed.

Damn, I could already tell this was going to be a long, long night.
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New story!
Would really love feedback from you guys, so comments would be appreciated :3