Status: Just starting out, updating whenever I can, as active as Jalex's/Brusnop's sex lives.

Tonight's Our Night

I Wish, I Wish You Didn't Exist

"Get up."
"Fuck off."
"Seriously, get up you have school, shithead."
"Seriously, fuck off, school can wait. Go away."
"If you don't get up in five...four...three..."
"What're you going to do about it? Complain? Oh god, I'm terrified!" And with that I pressed my face to the cool side of my pillow that I was forced to lift it from.
"No, but I can do this."
"Wait, what? Wha-" I was cut off by the duvet being ripped from my bed, taking my cocoon of warmth with it. I was about to start screaming when a pair of hands gripped my ankles and another pair of arms grasped my torso. I wriggled around as much as I could, but I was being lifted from the bed.
"Put me the fuck down or I'll castrate all of you in your sleep, I swear to god." But it was useless, my protests fell on deaf ears as I was thrown over a sturdy shoulder and carried down the stairs, having to shield my head from being smashed into the walls either side of me. Before I had time to bitch even more, I was being sat on the kitchen counter, slumping against the microwave.
"Now, I'll make you breakfast because it's your first day back at school, but don't expect this again. What do you want?" I rubbed my eyes that were full of sleep and concentrated on Joe, the one who was offering to feed me. I was truly stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand, he was offering me food without me having to actually do anything but on the other, he was one of two people who ripped me from my bed so I could go to jail, or as some people like to call it, school. Without casting a glance at him, I threw a piece of bread at the other duvet stealer who was stood in the room.
"Waffles please." Joe nodded before putting the waffles in the toaster and pouring my apple juice without me even having to ask. He yawned widely and raked a hand through his dark brown hair that was sticking up in every possible direction.
"What time is it anyway?" I managed to get out from behind my yawn. I suppose they really are contagious.
"Time to get a watch!" I narrowed my eyes at Kyle who took the opportunity to throw the bread back in my face.
"Don't expect to wake up tomorrow with your balls intact." He widened his eyes and tried to hide behind Joe, attempting to keep his balls protected. No such luck. Joe smirked and moved out of the way, holding his hands up in a way to suggest that he wasn't involved, and went and tended to the waffles.
"Keep an eye out, blondie." Was my only threat. It was too early to be taking any action. Nevertheless, it seemed to have scared him, as he scuttled from the kitchen, almost bashing his head in on the door frame due to being a fucking giant. I think he muttered something about getting everyone else downstairs so they could see me before I left. All was silent in the kitchen for a while before my waffles were being handed to me, lathered in Nutella by a grinning Joe.
"Thanks." I murmured, before allowing the comfortable silence that comes with early mornings to wash over us. It didn't last long, though. Soon we were joined by the other three inhabitants of the house; Sam, Ethan and Kyle shuffling along behind them, once again nearly braining himself on the door frame.
"Morning sunshine." Sam said, ruffling my hair as he passed me to get to the fridge. I looked up to give him an "are you fucking crazy" stare.
"How in the name of arse have you managed to get Nutella in your eyebrows?"
"Get out of the car."
"Do I really have to? Is the world really going to end if I don't? Are zombies going to take over and eat our brains and do all that weird shit you see in The Walking Dead?"
"Savannah, get out of the fucking car. I want to go back to bed." I sighed loudly and stepped out of Joe's car, swinging my Vans bag on my back and fixing my eyes to the ground. School's the worst. I hated it before everything started, and it only got worse. I turned my iPod way up past what would be considered a safe volume, and blasted You Be Tails, I'll Be Sonic as loud as possible. The walk to the Head Teachers office was only two minutes from where I'd been dropped off, but the stares and chatter that surrounded me made it seem as though it lasted for years. I was used to it, I'd developed a thick skin, but it didn't mean I was totally oblivious. Finally, though, I reached the almost sanctuary that was the office I was called to. I sat outside until I was called in, hands locked in front of me, eyes blankly staring at the wall coated in art student's work opposite me. I still wasn't totally awake, we had no coffee in the house this morning and it made me want to curl up into a ball and weep for my lack of caffeine in my system. Before I knew it, I was being ushered into the office and was sitting opposite the man in charge of my school.
"Savannah, how are you?"
"I'm alright, thanks."
"Good, good. Now, you'll be going into year 11 in September, which I'm sure you'll know is a massively important year in your education."
"I'm aware of that, yeah."
"Well, seeing as it's such a huge year for you, the school and teachers feel obliged to ask you if you're sure about your decisions regarding your studies?" He was talking, of course, about how I manage my classwork and exams. It can be pretty difficult, you know, attempting to get your GCSE's done on a moving tour bus, surrounded by a bunch of hyperactive idiot's. I wouldn't have it any other way, though.
"I'm sure, sir. I appreciate the concern, though. This system hasn't failed me for the past two years and I don't see it doing so soon."
"I see. Well, it's no problem with us, just don't let your grades slip."
"I won't."
"Well then, Savannah, it's a pleasure to have you back with us." Well that's a lie, no teachers like me. I have this amazing ability to do fuck all work in lessons and still get really good grades. It's a talent. "How long will you be with us this time?"
"I think around a week, Sir, so not long."
"Where are you off too next?"
"America, we have a month on one tour before we leave that one and join Warped Tour, which goes all around America. It's brilliant, I really love it."
"All very good experiences I suppose. When do you think we'll be graced by your presence again?" I winced slightly at the amount of sarcasm that was thrown in my face at that last statement but shook it off. People suck.
"I'm not entirely sure of our touring schedule yet, Sir, but I think at some point in September. I'll try and miss as little school as possible, my education's my sole priority right now." I threw back with a sickeningly sweet smile. Two can play at that game, douche. Just as I was imagining as many ways as possible to kill my fellow students with the contents of my bag (a bit difficult, I had a maths book, an English book, a physics textbook and possibly a pen rolling around in there somewhere), the bell rang. The shrillness made me jump, I never got used to it.
"Well, I won't keep you from your education, I can see how much it means to you, Savannah. Please remember to come and see me on Friday."
"I will do. Bye." I said sharply, not in the mood to put up with it for much longer. I strode from the room, towards my form room, wincing as I remembered that I had to face people.
"Hey, emo, over here!" "Are you sure you're not a man?" "It's been ages since I've seen you, hang out soon yeah? Great!" "Don't go killing yourself in school, there's a good girl... or boy. What even are you?" I rolled my eyes at the fake friends, the hangers on, and just the straight up dickheads, sick of them already.
"Just five more days. That's all it is until you get out of here and back on the road again. Just don't kill anyone. Breathe, in and out. That's it." I rambled to myself in my head, blocking everything out. Just five more days.
♠ ♠ ♠
So originally I was going to post this after I finished Watch You Take The Fall but I'm losing hope in that story, so here's this one.
I've had this idea for forever and I'm massively excited to write it.
Feedback, as always, would be lovely and very very much appreciated.
Thanks for reading.