Status: Just starting out, updating whenever I can, as active as Jalex's/Brusnop's sex lives.

Tonight's Our Night

We'll cast all problems aside, cheers to the future

“Jesus Christ!” What a nice way to wake up in the morning, being dragged from your bed by your feet and across the floor into the kitchen on wheels.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I yelled, grumpy at being woken up in such a way.
“It’s the first day of tour, stop bitching.”
“Did you really have to wake me up like this? I mean, seriously?”
“Yes, Asking are on their way over here.”
“How long will they be?” I barely managed to get my question out before another body was on top of mine.
“Savannah, I missed you so much!” Someone screamed. And then another body was added to the growing pile. I could barely breathe, let alone say anything as more and more people decided to jump onto the doggy-pile in the middle of our kitchen area floor. I gasped a little for breath, and eventually the weight let up.
“If you missed me so much, why are you trying to kill me?” I eventually managed to say, once I’d caught my breath.
“Because fuck you, that’s why.” Sam grinned. I smiled weakly back at him, before turning my attention to Joe, and the rest of the band assembled in the kitchen area.
“Have we got any food yet or are we waiting on it?”
“I think we have some.” Joe turned to the cupboards by his head and rummaged around for a second.
“Here we go.” He turned to me and handed over a new jar of Nutella.
“Holy shit, you do love me after all.” And with that, I dove into the jar of goodness in front of me.
“We have such a busy day today, oh my god.” Drawled Ethan, dragging a hand down his face.
“Why, what do we have to do?” I asked to anyone that was listening that would happen to know.
“You, Joe and Kyle have a video interview to do at 11, so in two hours, then at 1, we’re due at the warehouse to pick up the drum kit, then you have about an hour to fuck around wherever we happen to be before we get back on the bus, drive, at which point you have Biology coursework to be doing and Sam has a phone interview, arrive at the venue at four, load in, sound check at half five, show time at half seven.” Chris rattled off today’s events like a professional, which, I suppose he was. I allowed it all to sink and get my head around for a few moments before shrugging.
“It could be worse.” Everyone around me shot me horrified glances. I was known to be the lazy one, I wouldn’t move unless you forced me to.
“Do you have any idea just how much work I have to do on this tour onwards? I’m just lucky I haven’t been assigned anything else yet.” That received a few noises of understanding, before everyone turned their attention back to their phones, laptops or conversations.
“Wait, so we have two hours until we actually have to do anything, yeah?”
“Well, more like one and three quarters, but pretty much.” I nodded, not entirely sure why I asked. It would only take me all of ten minutes to get dressed and ready for the interview, and it’s not like there were any other pressing matters to take care of in the meantime.
“To the internet!” I exclaimed, startling everyone in the front room. James shook his head towards me.
“You’re so fucking weird, you know that right?”
“Honestly, Cassells, that’s the biggest compliment anyone could pay me.” I trudged towards my bunk and grabbed my laptop, not bothering with the charger for now. I waited as it loaded up and finally entered my password. I picked it up and walked back out into the kitchen where everyone was sat. I opened up tumblr and twitter as quickly as I could, they were practically my lifelines. I grinned as I saw a post about a fan driving for six hours to come and see the first show of the tour tonight. It would never not shock me that people would go to those measures and extremes to see something we were part of. I sent her a quick message, thanking her for dedication, and that’s how I spent the next one and a half hours. Sat in front of my computer, browsing through the wonders that the internet had to offer.
An hour and a half later and I was still sat in front of my computer, just for a different reason. I’d never done a video interview before so I was a bit jittery, worrying about how my answers would come out.
“So basically, the way this will work is we’ll conduct it like a normal interview, but we’ll be recording it to write down like a written interview.” The interviewer from the music magazine said. I nodded at her, feeling Joe nod on one side of me and Kyle do the same on my other side. In no time at all, the interview was started.
“So today I’m joined with three of the five members of When Darkness Falters. Would you guys like to introduce yourself and tell us your role in the band?” The interviewer asked.
“Hey, I’m Kyle and I play guitar.”
“I’m Savannah and I do all that vocal stuff.”
“And I’m Joe and I play bass.” We said in turn, waving as we did so.
“Brilliant. So you’re setting out on tour with Asking Alexandria and We Came As Romans right now, and Warped Tour after that, correct?”
“Yeah, we’re so excited. This looks like the biggest year so far for us already.”
“That’s great. Now, you’ve toured with Asking Alexandria before?”
“Indeed we have, they’re some of our best friends and it’s amazing to be back out on the road with them. We’ve never actually met We Came As Romans before, but we’re all fans of their music so this is shaping up to be one hell of a tour.” I said excitedly. It was true, this tour would be ground-breaking for us in so many ways.
The interview carried on for about another half hour or so, answering streams of questions about our most recent EP, recording plans, tour necessities and anything else you could think of. We managed to get a laugh out of the interviewer a few times, but other than that, it was a reasonably straight faced interview. Chris sat on the sofa opposite us the entire time, keeping an eye on us and no doubt checking that what we were saying was alright to go to press. We weren’t a heavily censored band compared to others, but there were certain things that we sometimes let slip by accident that the public really shouldn’t have found out about. Luckily, nothing with a huge lasting impact, but still enough to warrant concern. Once we were finished, Joe, Kyle, Chris and out drum tech Parker vacated the back room. I checked my school email address’ inbox and smashed my head on the table as I watched the emails pour in. Essays, worksheets and deadlines flooded the screen as I sighed quietly.
“Nope, fuck this shit, it’s the first day of tour, I refuse to pay any attention to responsibilities or priorities. You can fuck right off.” I ranted as I shut the lid of the laptop and stormed out to the front of the bus, stopping abruptly as everyone went silent.
“Erm, hi?” I awkwardly said as I cocked my head to one side, observing the recent additions to the company on our bus.
“This is Lou, Andy, Kyle, Eric, Joshua and David of We Came As Romans.” Oh.
“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m Savannah.” I said, still trying to work out why it fell silent as I entered the room.
“So, um, not meaning to be rude, but are you a sister? Cousin?” I didn’t manage to catch who said it, as I doubled over with laughter. A few (very un manly-like if I may add) giggles joined my violent laughing as I ended up on my knees on the floor, not really giving a shit about carpet burn.
“I’m Savannah Rye? I do vocals for When Darkness Falters? You know the band you’re touring with?” I managed to get out between random fits of laughing.
“Oh fuck, I’m so sorry, oh my god.” I assume it was Kyle who said this; he was the one who waved when the name Kyle was said anyway.
“No, it’s fine. I get it a lot actually. It’s the age gap, I guess.” I said, wiping a tear from the corner of my right eye, still not completely composed. It seemed funnier than it usually did, for some reason.
“How come? What’s the age gap?” I accepted Parker’s outstretched hand and hauled myself to my feet.
“Between me and Joe, the youngest beside me, there are a good four and a half years. I’m fifteen, he’s 19. There’s a six year gap between me Sam.” I explained, lazily waving a hand in the appropriate direction when I needed to.
“Jesus Christ, you’re fifteen? Really? What the fuck is up with this?” And with that, the atmosphere was flipped on its head. From light-hearted one moment to serious the next.
“Certain events happened.” Sam said clearly, before pulling me to sit between him and James Cassells again. Nobody spoke for a few tense beats, before Ethan broke it.
“Who the fuck wants to play Guitar Hero? We haven’t broken in the tv yet.” He half yelled, raising a few grins on the faces of the otherwise serious or confused faces. It was only a matter of time before something was let slip. I was just holding out for as long as possible. That’s the most I could do.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is so short oh my god.
There may be a time lapse in the next chapter, I can't get anything written about this stage of the tour at the minute, no idea why. My brain doesn't want to work or something.