Out of Touch, Out of Love

Lunch with Gemma

After relaxing with a few beers with the guys and being bombarded with questions, Jack was exhausted. It was only 8pm but she was a little jet lagged being used to the east coast time for so long. Even the California sun felt draining to her.

“So you’re staying in Piney’s room?” Jax asked. He was sitting next to Jack with her legs draped over his. He hadn’t left her side ever since he came out to greet her. He was the most excited to see his best friend back. Way more excited than everyone in the entire room. He almost refused to let her out of his sight again. It wasn’t a possessive trait, he just loved her more than anyone and not seeing her so long hurt him and Opie a lot.

Gemma always joked that the two of them were perfect for each other. They practically had the same name and she always thought it was the cutest thing ever.

“I guess so,” she said. Jack reached over to grab Jax’s beer to take a swig until he quickly took it back to finish it himself. “Piney practically grabbed my stuff from the hotel and told Phil to clean up his place for me.”

“Well,” Jax said leaning forward and placing his empty bottle on the table in front of him, “You can always stay in my room. It doesn’t smell like old man.”

“Yeah, but it probably smells like a fish market,” Juice said causing Jack to snort with laughter.

“I’ll take my chances in Piney’s room,” Jack said. “After you’ve been with a few old men, you become used to the smell.” Everyone stared at Jack with wide eyes and she laughed out loud again. “Take a bloody joke you guys!” They finally eased up as Jack tried to convince them all she’s never been with a guy no more than seven years her senior. Tig said to introduce the ex-boyfriends to him to have a few words but Jack knew it was the alcohol talking.

Eventually Clay and Gemma left to go home and a few others became so drunk they passed out in the middle of the clubhouse. Jack was feeling more tired now and said she was going to bed now. Juice, who was one of the only ones that was still sober, jumped to his feet when Jack stood up.

“I’ll show you to your room,” he said. He quickly realized how lame that sounded when Jax glared at him. “I mean, you probably know where it is, right?”

Jack nodded her head and smiled down at Jax. “Lighten up, dickhead.” She bent down to kiss Jax on his forehead and turned to Juice. “You can still show me if you want.” Juice flashed a grin at her. They walked to the back and she opened the door. Piney’s room still looked the same like it did when she was last here. “Still looks the same. I love it.”

“I, um, I helped changed the sheets,” he said, “Aired it out also. I made Ratboy get one of those Febreeze things.” Jack smiled at Juice.

“Thanks. You shouldn’t have.”

“Well,” he said leaning against the door frame, “I would have helped bring in your one bag too if I realized you were Lenny’s kid.” Jack pursed her lips and smiled at Juice. “Sorry about being a dickhead, your highness.” Jack laughed and lightly hit him on his chest. “Well, I’ll let you get some sleep. I’m down the hall; third door on your right if you need anything. Or have any nightmares.”

“Thanks Juice,” Jack said. “I’ll be sure to wake you up in the middle of the night when I can’t sleep.” Juice flashed another pearly white smile at Jack; he closed her door and headed down towards his room.

Jack opened one of her duffel bags and found her long t-shirt she usually wore to sleep. She slipped out of her clothes and into the shirt. She then flipped the light switch off and walked over to the bed. It took her a few hours but she finally settled down and fell asleep.


The next morning Jack woke up and looked for her phone. She found it on the floor in the pocket of her jeans. She noticed it was past noon. She hadn’t slept past noon in years so she quickly tried to get herself showered and decent in twenty minutes.

She slipped into her favorite pair of shorts and found a white t-shirt at the top of bag. She slipped on the same Vans slip-ons she wore yesterday and ran a comb through her long, wet hair. It was almost 12:45 when she walked outside and noticed it was clear. Walking into the kitchen was another story.

Chibs, Bobby, Juice and Jax were all in there talking and quickly stopped when they noticed Jack’s presence.

“Mother of Christ, where are your clothes?” Chibs exclaimed.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jack huffed. She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at them.

“Those are a bit short,” Bobby said as he nibbled on a muffin. “At least your ass isn’t hanging out though.” Chibs muttered again using Jesus’ name in vain causing Jack to shake her head.

“Appreciate the kind words Bob,” Jack said. Jax and Juice both stood quiet while Jack walked to the refrigerator to see what there was in there. She grabbed a bottle of orange juice and noticed the cups were behind Juice who refused to close his mouth.

“Goddamn.” Jack turned to see Tig was now standing at the doorway. “Are you wearing a kid’s shirt or something?”

“For fuck’s sake,” Jack mumbled. She decided to open the bottle and drink straight from it.

“You do know there’s such thing as a cup,” Jax finally said waving an empty cup at her.

“Oh she knows,” Tig replied with a grin, “She’s got two of them that gre---“ Jack walked up the Tig and shoved the bottle in his chest.

“Quick being a dick,” she said. She sauntered out of the kitchen before any one of them could get another word.

Jack made her way outside and squinted as soon as the sun hit her eyes. She walked to the opposite side of the lot to where the office was. She was hoping to find Gemma in there. Gemma was way better to spend her time with than the guys inside.

“Knock, knock,” Jack said as she opened the door and saw Gemma sitting in her usual spot at her desk. “Are you busy?”

Gemma looked up at Jack and smiled. “Not for you. Get in here.” Jack walked in and sat across from her. “Are you just getting up?”

Jack nodded guiltily. “Sorry. I don’t know why I slept so much. It felt amazing though. I haven’t slept this much in years.”

“Don’t worry about it,” she replied, “Have you eaten?”

“Not yet,” Jack replied. “Some of the guys were in the kitchen and they kept talking about my clothes.” Jack tugged on her t-shirt and tried stretching it. “It’s not too tight, is it?”

“Assholes,” Gemma replied as she reached over to grab her purse. “They better not get any ideas about you. They’re not used to cute looking young girls. Just whores. And that shirt is not tight, baby. You need to get some food in you however. Don’t want you passing out on me.” She stood up and reached for Jack’s hand. “Let’s get some lunch. My treat.”

“Sounds great,” Jack said as she took Gemma’s hand and the two of them made their way out of the office. Most of the guys were outside now, smoking.

“Which one of you assholes made the worst comment?” Gemma shouted. “Worst comment gets to work in the office while I take my baby girl out.”

“You guys are getting food?” Tig questioned. “May I come?”

“I have a feeling you were the one,” Gemma said. “Work the office, Tiggy. We’ll be back.” Gemma placed her free hand on his cheek kindly to get him to agree.

“You got it ma’am,” Tig said while he winked at Gemma and leaned in to kiss my cheek. “Sorry sweet cheeks. You need to warn a man before you come out looking like that.”

“The only warning you’ll get is my foot kicking you in your balls,” Jack said with a smirk. “You get me?”

“Loud and clear, babe.”

Jack and Gemma walked to Gemma’s car and drove off to Jack’s favorite diner in Charming. The two of ordered their food, Jack eating practically for two.

“Glad to see you’re over eating,” Gemma commented as she picked at her smaller meal.

“I can’t believe I used to be like that,” Jack said as she took a large bite into her burger. “I love food. You should have kicked my ass when I wouldn’t eat.”

“I think you’re remembering wrong,” Gemma said, “I believe I threatened you a few times to eat by telling you I’ll make Jax hold you down in a head lock while I shoved food down your hole.” Jack put her hand over her mouth and laughed.

“We put you through hell, didn’t we?” Gemma nodded her head while Jack laughed again. “Where’s Op at anyways? I really miss him. I kinda owe him a long overdue visit. I feel like the worst friend ever for not coming to Donna’s funeral. Not to mention I didn’t even call him.”

“He ain’t mad if that’s what you’re thinking,” Gemma said. She reached across the table and grabbed Jack’s hand. “Opie will always love you. He had us all to help him get through this.”

“That’s good to know,” Jack said. Jack started feeling guilty for leaving; especially being around Gemma who would forgive Jack for almost anything. “I’m sorry I left, Gem.” Gemma put her hand up to stop Jack from talking. “I really am though. I shouldn’t have left that way.”

“It’s in the past sweetheart,” Gemma said. “When SAMBEL called to tell us you were there, we were relieved. At least you were safe but we wanted you back.” Jack sat back in the booth and gave Gemma’s hand a squeeze. “And look at you. You went to college and became a nurse. Good for you, baby.”

“Yeah… except I quit my job,” Jack admitted. “So I’m just, you know, taking a much needed break in life to do absolutely nothing.”

“Glad that absolutely nothing brought you back home,” Gemma said. She cocked her eyebrow. In that one sign, Jack knew exactly what was going through Gemma’s head. She was going to sneakily talk Jack into staying Charming longer than she planned.

“We’ll see if I can say the same thing after today,” Jack replied. She pushed her plate forward and stared at it. “So what’s up with Jax? Isn’t he with Tara? That’s what Piney told me last time I talked to him. Her name never came up once last night.”

Gemma rolled her eyes and pushed her bangs out of her eyes. “They’re on and off. If you ask me…”

“Which I didn’t…”

Gemma scoffed and continued, “I don’t think they deserve each other if you wanted my opinion.”

“She’s not that bad,” Jack commented. “She was sweet when they were together in high school.”

“That was over a decade again. People change.”

“Is that directed to me as well?” Jack asked. Gemma cocked her eyebrow again which caused Jack to do the same. “You were always honest with me Gem. I’d appreciate if you gave it to me straight.”

“It’s not directed to you. I just don’t want you lying to yourself, Jackie. You said you came here to see Opie?” Jack nodded her head. “And everyone else?” She shrugged her shoulders. “Don’t go breaking hearts now. We all know that’s what you’re good at.”

“Learned it from the best,” Jack commented giving Gemma her famous smirk. “I’ll be out of the way. I might go see Otto though. See if he can send some sort of hello to my old man.”

“He’ll be happy to see you,” Gemma said. “Luann was killed last month so he’s been a complete wreck.”

“That’s horrible. Poor Otto. And you as well! She was your best friend. That’s already two this year.” Jack shook her head. This was secretly her main reason for staying away from the club. It came with many consequences; none in which she wanted.

“Thanks baby. But enough about that, what’s going on with you? Are you running away from anyone?”

“Not really,” Jack said quickly. “I mean, no, I’m not running from anyone. There was this guy a few months ago, but we’re friends now. I think.”

“That’s bullshit,” Gemma said with a grin. “There’s never “just friends”. He probably wanted kids and shit and you split.”

Jack let out a loud laugh causing a few people in the diner to stare at the two of them. “Nothing like that. I promise. I mean, you know me; I don’t want kids but to leave for just that… You’re being silly.”

“Uh huh…”

“So…” Jack wondered whether or not she should ask Gemma a question she wanted to ask someone since last night. Gemma was the only person that was, a: a woman and b: a person who wouldn’t go around blabbing. “That Juice guy is…” Jack was trying to think of a word besides cute and adorable because she never used those words to describe a human being, only a dog and maybe a baby. “Different.”

Gemma let out a laugh herself. She stood up and laughed again. Jack sighed to herself and stood up to follow Gemma out of the diner. She laughed one last time while she put her sunglasses on. “No, baby. Not that one.”

Jack grabbed Gemma softly by her arm and stood in front of her. “’Not that one’? What’s that supposed to mean? I just… I just, um, wanted to know what his deal is.”

“His deal?” Gemma questioned. “You mean if anyone besides some croweaters are faithfully banging him?”

“Whoa. I didn’t need to know that. Nor did I ask that, Gem. I was just wondering if he was an alright guy. I mean, I guess they wouldn’t allow him into the club if he wasn’t…” Jack stopped talking. She wasn’t making any sense. She was usually better with words. Actually, she was way better than the stuff she was spewing out right now.

“He’s a good kid,” Gemma said seriously. “He’s a bit of a dumbass but I’m pretty sure you’ve dealt with dumbasses.”

“Yeah, you raised one,” Jack said causing Gemma to smirk.

“Do you like him or something?” Gemma nudged Jack’s shoulder as she walked to her car. Jack followed her and entered the passenger side.

“I couldn’t tell you. I mean, I know as much about him as any stranger. All I know is he makes the bed the way I like it.”

Gemma practically slammed on the brakes while she was backing up her car. “Excuse me?”

“What?” Jack questioned. Gemma was staring at her waiting for Jack to finish her sentence. “I mean he changed the sheets for me. He tucked the blankets in super tight, just the way I like it. God, what did you think I meant?”

“Jesus Christ,” Gemma said. She went back to driving while shaking her head. “You made it sound like you woke up with him or something. I was about to cut off your beer intake if that was the case.”

“You act like that’s the worst thing in the world,” Jack said quickly. “You said it yourself he’s alright.”

“Yeah,” Gemma replied, “He’s alright for a one time fling. Nothing more.”


“Because your dad would never want you to turn into me,” Gemma replied. “Unless you’re into one night stands, then go for it.”

“No offense, but you’re not my mom.”

“Thank God for that. I would have killed you years ago,” Gemma joked. “But hey, what do I know? If you’re into one night stands go for it. I’m sure that Puerto Rican piece of ass would be the best lay you’ll have. I hear him some nights. He’s like a rabbit. Quick and…”

“This conversation is officially over,” Jack said while laughing. “I don’t even think I can look at him without thinking of what you just said.”
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit longer than the last chapter. I would love some feedback though, good or bad. I just want to know if I should continue this or completely scrap it. Thanks :)