Out of Touch, Out of Love


Gemma and Jack returned to the shop an hour later. The guys were all gone, Jack assumed on a run, so she headed to her room. She opened Piney’s closet and saw a few boxes stacked on top of each other. She hoped he wouldn’t mind if she opened them but her curiosity got the best of her.

Jack opened the lid to the top box and noticed it was full of pictures. She took it out of the closet and put it on the floor. She sat next to it and took out a handful of pictures. They were mainly of Piney’s family, of Kenny and Ellie. Jack’s smile grew as she saw how big they’ve gotten. Opie sent her a few pictures throughout the years of them but to see more pictures from when they were babies to now made her feel horrible for not being around.

She found more pictures, from over three decades ago. There were pictures of the original nine and she admired how handsome her father was back in the day. They all were. Eventually she got to the bottom of the stack and saw pictures from when she was still in Charming.

It was mainly pictures of Opie, Jax and herself. The three of them were practically inseparable. The age difference wasn’t even an issue. When the three of them were together they were practically the same age. They were all a bunch of adolescents at heart.

Jack became so engrossed in looking at the pictures, she lost track of time. She was currently looking a picture of the three of them and Tara playing chicken at Lake Chabot. It must have been almost 11 years ago. Jax even had shorter hair. She had forgotten about his short hair days.

Jack heard a soft knock at the door when she put that picture aside. She wanted to keep that one with her.

“Come in,” she said. She was looking down and saw a picture of herself and Jax with a 16oz can of beer in their hands and a cigarette in their mouths. She laughed to herself as the door opened. She looked up to see Juice standing in the doorway.

“Hi there,” he said as he looked down at her with pictures spread out all over the place, “Busy, are we?”

“Not really,” she said, “Found some old pictures. How Piney got ahold of them makes me wonder. These are so embarrassing.” Juice walked over and sat on the bed behind her. He reached down and took the picture she had in her hand.

“Classy and cute.”

“I know,” she replied and laughed again. “I need to burn these. With the amount of alcohol I consumed back then, I’m surprised my liver isn’t shot yet.” Juice laughed as he reached down to grab a few more pictures.

“You don’t look like much of a party girl,” Juice said. “Who lets a kid drink a 16oz of beer?” He picked up another picture most likely from the trip down to Lake Chabot. “And Jack Daniels? How are you not in rehab?” Jack laughed and smacked Juice. “I’m kidding. I did say they were cute though.”

“Well, I was a 14 year old whose only close friends were 22 year olds who could get her beer. Not to mention a mom who had a shitload of pills and made it an easy access to get to high whenever I wanted. Not that cute now that I said it out loud.”

Juice laughed, “I would say you were a cute 14 year old… but that would make me a pedophile, right?”

Jack laughed out loud and playfully smacked his knee. “Well, she isn’t underage anymore so your creepy comment doesn’t matter.” She put the pictures down and reached for her phone. “Shit. How is it already 6?” She stood up quickly and started putting the pictures back into the box. “I’m pretty hungry. Want to get something to eat with me?”

“Did you just ask him on a date without consulting me?”

Jack turned to the door quickly and her eyes widened. “I was wondering when you were going to come around.” She ran to Opie and wrapped her arms around his neck. Her face was being tickled by his beard that grew a lot over the last few years. “I missed you, Op.”

“You didn’t answer my question,” Opie said seriously. He kissed the top of Jack’s head and held her by her shoulders arm’s length waiting for her answer.

“Would you feel better if I asked you out then?” Jack questioned. “Because I just really want some food and I could care less who goes with me.” Opie stared at Jack, doubt all over his face. “And how did your dad get ahold of these pictures? I’ve been going through them all day.”

Opie grabbed a few that were on top in the box and chuckled. “He probably got these when you left. You do remember you packed just your clothes from your apartment leaving behind the evidence under your mattress? He burned the weed and flushed some pills.” Opie looked at a few more pictures and shook his head laughing. “You should also know Jax and I got a lot of shit when he found these. He said he wasn’t surprised you hadn’t run off sooner.”

“My bad,” Jack said patting her heart sincerely. “It’s all in the past though. I haven’t had anything to drink since last night. Good looking guys have that influence on me.” Jack nudged Juice’s shoulder and laughed as he blushed slightly. Jack laughed again when Opie stared at the two of them, his smile completely erased from his face.

“Am I interrupting something?” Opie questioned.

“Nope.” Opie looked at the two of them again. “So where are the kids? I found pictures of them in here too. How old are they now?”

“Eight and nine,” Opie replied. “They’re with Lyla. She’s… a…friend.” Jack noticed Opie quickly glancing at Juice and back to Jack. “You can come over tomorrow if you want. That is if you’re not already busy or have plans with someone.” He looked at Juice once again.

“Yeah. That sounds great. And maybe I can meet this Lyla too,” Jack replied. “Is she, like, your…”

“She’s just helping out,” Opie said quickly. “I’ll tell the kids you’re coming tomorrow. Juice, you got a minute?”

“Why are you being so weird?” Jack questioned.

“You’re imaging things, Jackie girl. Maybe you’re being the weird one.” Opie kissed Jack on her forehead. “I’ll see you later, okay? Juice, you coming?”

Juice glanced at Jack, catching her eye briefly and shrugged his shoulders. “Rain check on that food?” Jack shrugged her shoulders as the two of them left her room.

It was finally nice seeing Opie again, but the last minute of their conversation felt weird and awkward. He was either keeping something from her or he was turning into how Clay, Bobby and Tig always treated her when she lived in Charming; like a child who had no say in who she could hang around or what she was allowed to do. Times like those is when she relied so much on Opie and Jax but now they were the ones acting weird.

Jack grabbed a cardigan from her duffel bag, slipped it on and headed out of her room. She walked into the kitchen and noticed the muffins Bobby made were still there. She sat on top of the counter and started eating it. It wasn’t real food but it was something.

“Alright there love?”

“Peachy, Chibster.”

Chibs walked into the kitchen and leaned on the counter next to Jack. “Is that your first one?” Jack nodded. “I ate four this morning. Bobby is trying to turn us into fat bastards like him.” Jack laughed and took another bite into her muffin.

“Didn’t even know he could bake,” Jack said. “These are pretty good.” Chibs nodded and his hand went towards Jack’s muffin. He ripped a piece off causing Jack to playfully smack him on his shoulder. “Never take a girl’s food. Thought Fiona taught you better than that.” Chibs laughed and his smile quickly faded. “I miss her too you know. Almost didn’t want to leave Belfast because of how much she spoiled me.”

“Aye, she’s a helluva woman,” Chibs said. “But I’m glad you left. Belfast was shite before I came here. It must have gotten worse after I left.”

“You have no idea,” Jack muttered to herself. She averted Chib’s stare and became more invested in her half eaten muffin. “Anyways… what’s up with Op? I know the whole Donna thing has him down but that doesn’t look like the only thing that’s on his mind.”

“What do you mean?”

Jack shrugged. Maybe this is who Opie really is and she’s been gone too long to notice. “I don’t know. He kept asking if something was going on with Juice and I…”

“Is it?” he quickly interrupted.

“Is what?” Jack questioned. “Not you as well! I barely know the guy.” Chibs shot a look to Jack which caused her to roll her eyes. “Can you not be such an ass, Chibs?”

“It’s my job,” he replied. “You can’t hang around just anybody and expect us to be happy with it.”

“Excuse me?”

“You told me your mother didn’t want you being an old lady. You yourself said the same thing.”

Jack scoffed loudly and angrily bit into her muffin. “Who said anything about being an old lady? And who said anything about going out with anyone? You sure as hell didn’t have a problem with me dating your nephew.”

“Calm down,” Chibs said calmly causing Jack to scowl. “I’m not trying to tell you how to live your life.” She scoffed again. “I’m really not. I just don’t want you getting hurt or hurting the idiot because you’re bored with him.”

“Hurt? Bored?” she questioned. “First of all, mate, I didn’t even say anything was going on between us. Secondly, he probably doesn’t even like me… I mean, shit, this is sounding girlish because it’s not like I like him.” Jack stopped talking quickly and bit the inside of her cheek. “Why are you saying I wouldn’t be happy with someone like him anyways? He’s just a guy, right?”

“He’s not just any guy,” Chibs said in a soft voice. “He’s a Son. This club will always…”

“Come before everything else,” Jack finished, “I know that.” She rolled her eyes. “I should make a move just in spite of everyone if you guys won’t keep your goddamn comments to yourself.” Chibs pursed his lips. “Look, I’m sorry but you guys are really starting to annoy me again. I saw the way Jax was glaring at him last night before I went to bed, Opie was being all weird and now you. I’m 24, not a bloody kid. I can’t have you guys by my side holding my hand if someone looks at me in ways you don’t want."

“He’s been looking at you? Anything else?”


“Jackie boy’s got a problem with Juice as well? Maybe you’re right. Juice doesn’t know left from right and if he wanted to make a move he’d probably be scared shitless if we all gang up on him first.”

“Please stop,” Jack said. “I’m going to end up leaving sooner than I planned if you say one word to him.”

“You’re so defensive.”

Jack hopped off the counter and threw the muffin bottom in the garbage can. She was done listening to Chibs and what he had to say about Juice. She wanted to get to know him better. She only spoke a handful of words to him but at this rate that was going to be it.

Opie completely yanked him away from her, Jax was being a complete ass and now Chibs was saying she’d get bored of him. She stomped back to her room and lay on her bed. What was that supposed to mean? She didn’t remember getting bored with guys and completely abandoning them. Or maybe she had done that a few times.

She tried digging through her memories. Most of the memories from her teenage years were pretty foggy. She spent most of her time high or drunk whenever a problem arose and she didn’t want to deal with it. And from the age 13 to 18, she had a lot of problems.

There was another knock at the door and Jack continued to lay there. Another knock. Nothing. Finally she heard the door knob turn and the door open.

“I could have been changing,” she snapped.

“That was a risk I was willing to take,” Tig said. “What’s with the door slamming? What if I was sleeping?”

“It’s 7, Tiggy. You’re the last person to ever go to bed before midnight.”

“Touché,” he replied. Jack felt him sit on the edge of the bed. He grabbed her ankle and massaged it with his thumb. “Are you bored of us already?”

“A bit,” Jack said. She sat up and Tig grabbed her legs so they were resting on his lap. “Everyone’s so touchy and rude.”

“I think you meant that about yourself,” Tig replied causing Jack to hit him. “See, you’re being extra touchy. Did I hear the battle of the UK in the kitchen or something?”

“Battle of the UK?” Jack questioned. She smirked at Tig and shook her head. “It’s no big deal. And before you ask, it really isn’t a big deal.”

“If you say so, kid.”

“Hey since everyone ditched me, would you like to go eat something?” Jack fluttered her eyelashes at Tig who was a sucker for any sign of flirting from the opposite sex.

“Now who would ditch a pretty girl like you?” Tig questioned. “Are you just asking because you have no way of driving yourself around?”

“Or maybe I’m just hungry. And yes, I need to be driven around. Hey, is my dad’s car still around? Maybe I could fix it up and use it.”

“So that means you’re planning on staying for a while? Tig asked and he fluttered his eyelashes at Jack. “Great idea. I’ll get Juice to start it for ya.”

“No, I want to work on it myself,” Jack said. She stood up and pulled Tig up by his hands. “I mean he can help if he wants but I want to see if I still have those mechanic skills to fix it. Promise to not start a fire. Now can we please get some real food before I go back in that kitchen and stuff myself silly with Bobby's muffins?”