Status: ACTIVE (:

Let Go.

Oh boy.

“Emma?” Travis spoke as I made my way to the restaurant.
“Hey Travis.” I smiled shyly.
“Ready to go?” He asked walking away from the restaurant.
“Where aren’t we eating here?” I asked confused.
“Nah, let’s go.” He smiled.
“Where!?” I asked frustrated.
“Don’t ask questions.” He groaned and walked over to a car.
We made our way over to his old mustang probably a ’65.
“Nice car I love it.” I smiled.
“Thanks.” He said getting in and lighting up a rolled up paper.
He inhaled deeply, and then offered it to me. I shook my head.
“Where are we going Travis?” I asked helplessly.
“To get a tattoo.” He nodded.
“Oh cool what are you getting?”
“You mean what are you getting.” He nodded taking another inhale.
“Me... what no I can’t get a tattoo.” I shook my head fast.
“Yes, you are.” He rolled his eyes like I was being overdramatic.
“No, No I am not.” I insisted.
“Okay.” He laughed, as we got on the interstate.
“There’s a tattoo place up the street why are we on the interstate?” I asked loudly, I was slightly getting used to him already.
“Not my favorite place though.” Travis answered simply.
“Where- Is...?” I couldn’t get my question out because he turned up the music to block out my voice.
I huffed and looked out the window. I head him laugh sexily.
We finally arrived at the tattoo place two hours away. He parked and looked at me.
“The plan was, I would get a tattoo and you would, or just you would.”
I shook my head and didn't look at him.
“Well I was wrong, I thought you were fun, and it just took a little pulling to get you to be you.” He shrugged. This made me mad for some reason really mad.
“Oh I am boring huh? Oh okay.” I icily shot back,and slammed the door getting out, and storming into the tattoo place.
“Hey welcome what can we do for you.” A guy standing at the counter with his ears stretched like Travis, and tattoos everywhere. Travis came in.
“Travis bro, what’s up?” the guy at the counter greeted him.
“Nah not much just ready for a new tattoo.” He grinned at me smugly.
The guy looked back at me then Travis.
“Ah Travis, new girlfriend?” he asked casually.
“No, NOT a new girlfriend just kidnapped.” I explained smiling bluntly.
Travis rolled his eyes.
“I'm getting a tattoo.” I nodded at the guy, I never thought those words would be coming out of my mouth.
“Oh okay, what are you thinking of getting?” he asked.
“Can that guy over there do my tattoo?” I ask pointing to a guy almost as perfect as Travis.
“Yeah sure, Travis I’ll do yours?” he asked.
“Sure.” He said looking over at me raising an eyebrow.
The guy I pointed at came over soon, and took me over to where he tattooed.
“Hey, I’m Carter what are you thinking about getting done?”
“I want a few birds like six on my hip flying.” I nodded
“Easy enough, how about half an inch big?” he asked getting his ink ready
“Okay, dark black ink too?” he asked looking at me.
“Okay how far down like a little below my hip bone, on the right side.”
“Okay can you pull down your pants a little?” he asked politely.
“Yeah, sure.” I nodded pulling my pants down showing under my hip bone accidentally showing my thong.
“Opps, sorry.” I blushed fixing it.
“No problem.” He laughed starting.
I winced every time he went over my hip bone, but when it was done it looked perfect, I loved it. I walked over to Travis.
“What do you think?” I asked him showing him the tattoo.
“Mmm nice,.” He smiled licking his lips.
I walked over to the desk Travis behind.
The guy who tattooed me, Carter told Travis how much my tattoo and Travis paid for it.
“Oh and here is my number, if you want another tattoo or want to hang out call me.” Carter smiled.
Travis and I walked out.
“I thought you weren’t getting a tattoo.” He smirked.
“I change my mind fast I am alll over the place, sorry you had to pay but since no one told me I was getting a tattoo or I would have brought enough money” I shrugged.
“Oh no, I like popping peoples tattoo cherry.” He winked.
I blushed, why he had to say it like I don’t know.
“So, time to eat?” he smiled.
♠ ♠ ♠
Getting better.