Status: Active (:

Behind Those Lies.

I'm too scared of what you think


Aria walked around her room nervously as she was trying to figure out what to wear over to Dan’s house for dinner. She felt like you was a lot more then nervous then she had ever been. It could be because her and Dan kept going from hot to cold all the time. One second he wanted her around the next he would just look at her awkwardly.

“Aria what exactly are you doing?” Stephanie asked walking into her room.

“I’m trying to figure out what the hell I’m wearing to Dan’s tonight.” She said sitting down on her bed about to surrender on trying to find something to wear.

“Well important fact in how you dress is how far you are going to let Dan get tonight.” Stephanie said sitting down next to her. Stephanie’s choice of words caught Aria off guard completely.

“Excuse me.” Aria said giving her a shocked look.

“How far do you plan on going with Dan?” Stephanie asked like it was no big deal whatsoever.

“Well I already slept with him so I’m not really sure what’s going too happened to night.” Aria said biting her lip. She felt slightly ashamed as she told Stephanie that Dan and her had already had sex.

“Wait when the hell did you two sleep together?” Stephanie said hopping off the bed and pointing her finger at Aria.

“At Max’s birthday party.” Aria said looking away from Stephanie and looking back at the closet.

“Where the hell did you two have sex?”

“We came back here.”

“Holy crap, how did I not know this?”

“Because nobody knows, literally only, you, me, and Dan know about it.” She said running her fingers through her hair. “I mean I didn’t wake up the next morning and send out a mass text telling everyone I did.” She said finally looking back at Stephanie. “And when I woke up that morning I was more concerned with the fact Dan was no where to be found.”

“Wait he just left after you went to sleep?” Stephanie said shocked.

“Yeah, that’s one of the many reasons I’m surprised he asked me on a date.”

“Not to sound rude or anything, but I’m shocked he asked you on a date.”

“That’s not rude at all I’m asking myself the same question.” Aria said standing up and walking towards her closet.

“Well you can dress however you want really.” Steph said walking towards the closet. “I would suggest you wear a skirt though.” She said reaching into the closet and pulling out a blue skirt. “Wear this one with this top.” She said handing the outfit to Aria. “You’ll look really pretty in this.” She smiled.

“Thanks Steph.”

“No problem.”

Aria got dressed and did her hair and make up. She walked into the living room to find Chris and Max sitting on the couch watching TV, while Stephanie sat on the floor cross legged reading a magazine.

“Well you look proper fit.” Max said with his eye about bugling out of his head at the sight of Aria.

“Thanks.” She said looking down at her shoes. “These heels don’t make me look like a slut to do they?” She asked all three of them.

“Not at all love you look stunning.” Chris said smiling.

“Okay good, and also thank you.” She said messing with her skirt. “Well I’m off to Dan’s house.” Aria smiled.

“Daniel is a lucky man.” Max said with a goofy grin.

“I he really is Aria.” Stephanie said looking up.

“Thanks guys.” Aria said before walking outside. She started walking towards to Dan’s flat. Dan had texted her and gave her the address to him and Chris’ house, they living only ten minutes away walking.

The whole time she was walking she couldn’t help but think this might be a really bad idea. She kept replaying in her head the many different ways the date could go, most the out comes weren’t that great. They consist of them getting into a fight and her storming out of his place.

She walked down the hall slowly towards Dan’s door. She took a deep breath before knocking on the door; she knew this was her last chance to change her mind. She knocked and stepped back. Dan opened the door with a smile on his face.

“You look beautiful.” He said looking into her green eyes.

“Thanks.” She bit her lip nervously. For some reason Dan was making her a lot more nervous then usual.

“Would you like to come inside?” He asked stepping aside.

“That would nice.” She said walking passed him.

Aria walked over to the to the couch where the living room would be considers. She looked around to see the walls were painted a light grey. It looked like somewhere Dan and Chris would live. She sat down and smiled.

“Well since I’m not the best cook I thought we should just order some Chinese food.” He said walking towards her.

“That sounds perfect I love Chinese food.”

“I’ll be right back then.” Dan walked into the other room to order the food. Aria looked around the room. She saw an acoustic guitar and assumed that it was Chris’. She messed with the hem of her skirt while waiting for Dan to come back.

“The food should be here in a half hour.” He said running his fingers through her hair. “Do you mind if we watch Misfits while we wait.”

“Yeah that sounds like a good idea.” She said quietly.

Dan put the DVD on and sat down next to Aria on the couch. He smiled at her before he put his arm over her shoulder. As Dan did that Aria couldn’t help but feel like she was back in high school on a date. Dan looked at her looking for a reassuring look that she was okay with his arm being around her.

Aria gave him a smiled and looked back at the TV. They sat there silently watching TV for the next thirty minutes before the food got there. When the door bell rang Dan hopped up and answer door. He paid for the food and walked over towards Aria and sat the food down on the coffee table. “Thank you.” Aria said quietly.

“No problem.” He said smiling.

The two of them sat on the couch watching Misfits as they ate their Chinese food. “You know I used to watch this show back when I lived in the states.” She said looking into Dan’s blue eyes.

“Really how did you find out about it?” He asked before taking a bite of chow mien.

“Stephanie told me about it and how I should watch it.” She smiled.

“I see you took her advice.”

“Yep.” She licked her lips tasting a little bit of her cherry lip gloss. Dan couldn’t help but stare at her red lips as she licked her lips. She sat down her carton of rice and smiled.

“Well it looks like we officially have something in common.” Dan said still staring at her lips.

“Well it’s about time.” She laughed lightly. “Is Chris going to be coming home any time soon?” She asked wanting to know.

“No he told me he would be back after midnight. Him and Max are going to the pub.”

“Oh.” She said as Dan slowly started moving closer to her. Aria smiled lightly as she moved slowly closer to Dan.

They both smirked before their lips crashed together. Aria took it upon herself to straddle Dan’s waist, he didn’t protest by any means. He pushed her skirt up so Aria could sit comfortably. Dan hand his hands on her hips as Aria knotted her fingers in bleached hair. She pulled away smiling before she started kissing Dan’s jaw. He groaned as he put both his hands on the side of her face making her look at him. She bit her lip unsure of what was going to happen next. He smiled before he started kiss down her neck. She moaned as he started to nip lightly at the skin.

Aria pulled away and quickly to her cardigan and tank top off. Dan ran his hands up her side while she reached for the hem of his shirt. The second his shirt was off she pressed her lips to his again. She had her hands around his neck holding him as close as possible.

Dan pulled away catching his breath. “Aria I think we should stop.” He said as she gave him a confused look.

“Okay why?” She said with the same confused look on her face.

“I want to take this slow.” He said as Aria got off his lap.

“Slow went out the window after we had sex two times.”

“Aria I want to actually date you, so we should wait.”

“Are you being serious right now?” She asked standing up and putting her shirt back on.

“One-hundred percent.” He said grabbing his shirt off the floor.

“I feel like a whore all the sudden.”

“You’re not a whore.”

“Well I’m the only one who wants to have sex right now, and that making me feel pretty slutty right now.” She said running her fingers through her hair.

“Oh believe me I want to have sex with you. I just want to take it slow.” He said standing up and putting his hands on her hips.

“Okay so we’re taking it slow now?” She asked looking into Dan blue eyes.

“Yeah we’re taking it slow.” He said before lightly pressing his lips to her.
♠ ♠ ♠
the girls outfits
* What do you guys think of Dan and Aria?
* Okay so the reason I haven't updated in like two weeks is because I haven't had my laptop. My mom has been using it so I did not have access to it. I'm going to try to update more often and write more on this story. I don't know if you read my other stories the one with The Maine in them, but I saw The Maine on Thursday and it gave me inspiration to write again. So today is going to consist of a lot of writing.
*(Blink-182: First Date