Status: Active (:

Behind Those Lies.

Going around this roundabout


Aria sat on the living room couch with Stephanie watching the Breakfast Club. The movie wasn’t holding her interest like it usually did. She kept looking down at her phone to see if she had a text.

“Aria are you even paying attention to the movie?” Stephanie looked over at Aria to see her checking her phone, for what must have been the twelfth time in the last thirty minutes.

“Yeah I’m paying attention.” She put her phone down on the coffee table in front of them.

“Really what just happened?” Stephanie asked pausing the movie. She had an unamused look on her face. She was trying to spend time with Aria but Aria was making it quite difficult.

“Okay fine I wasn’t paying attention.”

“That’s what I thought.” Stephanie said as she stood up and walked towards the back door.

“Where are you going?” Aria asked standing up and grabbing her phone.

“I’m gonna have a smoke.” She grabbed her carton and lighter off the table. Aria walked back and sat down next to her at the table they had back there. “You know I thought with us living together we would time together nonstop.” She pulled a cigarette out and stuck it in her mouth.

“I thought so too.” Aria said as Stephanie hand her a cigarette. “I guess we’ve both been busy with other things.”

“I guess we can really blame the guys for that.” Stephanie said blowing smoke into the air. “Really we can blame Dan and Matt.” Stephanie said laughing a little bit. Aria bit her tongue thinking to herself and Josh.

Aria was shocked that some how her and Josh were able to keep whatever they were doing a secret. She was shocked that Stephanie hadn’t figured it out yet. Stephanie had almost caught them on a few occasions. Aria and Josh lucked out Aria had a big closet he could fit in no problem.

“Yeah we can blame them.” She smiled.

“Have you talked to Kennedy anymore since you moved here?”

“He texts me every so often telling me we should talk, but I just ignore them.”

“That’s a good idea.” Stephanie said just as Aria’s phone vibrated with a new text. Aria got a huge smile on her face as she looked to see it was from Dan.

Dan (mobile)
Good afternoon love.

“Should I just assume you got a text from Dan?” Stephanie said as she looked at Aria had a smiled on her face.


“Yep Dan text you.” Stephanie rolled her eyes at the fact even a text from Dan distracted Aria.

Good afternoon. How has your day been so far?

“At least when I text Max I’m paying attention to you.”

“Get your panties out of a bunch I’m paying attention to you. Also why did you say Max instead of Matt?” Aria gave her a confused look.

“Fuck I got to quit doing that.”

“Doing what?”

“Mixing up their names.” She said running her fingers through her hair in frustration.

“Yeah I would try not to do that in front of them or it could get you into real trouble.” Aria said as she got a new text from Dan.

Dan (mobile)
Boring, we have a day off and all any one is doing is playing FIFA. What have you been up to?

“It already has gotten me into trouble.” Stephanie said before taking another hit.

“What do you mean?” Aria asked before quickly texting Dan back.

Today has kinda been boring here. I’ve just watched a movie with Steph, and now we’re smoking.

“Well I was sleeping with Matt and I said Max’s name.” She said biting her lip and looking down at the table.

“So you said Max’s name in your sleep.”

“No I moan Max’s name in the middle of having sex with Matt.” Stephanie said frustrated.

“Wow. How did Matt handle that?”

“Not good, it ended in a fight and me storming out of the house.”

“That sucks.” Aria said taking another hit. “Are you and Matt okay now?”

“Yeah we talked it out.” Steph said as put her cigarette out. Aria looked down at her phone to see another text from Dan.

Dan (mobile)
What film did you watch, also smoking’s bad for you.

Aria smiled to her self at the fact that he told her smoking was bad for her. She also thought it was funny if Dan thought he was the person to tell her that. Kennedy used to give her shit every time she smoked. She got to the point she would smoke in front of him to piss him off, but Dan telling her it was bad for she found to be cute for some reason.

The Breakfast Club and I know it’s bad for me. I can’t bring myself to quit, because it makes me feel like a rebel. (:

“So what does Daniel Flint have to say on this lovely day?” Stephanie asked being over the top.

“Noting much other then he’s bored and it’s their day off.”

“Matt said the same thing. Matt told me he is sitting in the front longue watching Josh and Max play FIFA.”

“Tour doesn’t sound nearly as exciting as I though it would be.” Aria said laughing a little.

“I know.”

Aria saw that she had another text from Dan. She wasn’t sure how he was going to take to her being sassy to him.

Dan (mobile)
I’ve never seen The Breakfast Club. I think you had enough rebellion when you got your tattoos love. ;)

She couldn’t help but laugh at his text.

If I remember correctly you smoked with me before. Also how have you never seen The Breakfast club? When you get home we have to watch it.

“Dan’s trying to tell me that I shouldn’t smoke.” Aria laughed.

“Well he just ended whatever he has with you.” Stephanie said smiling. She remembered how Aria would complain to her about Kennedy telling her she should quit.

“Actually it’s not pissing me off like I thought it would.”

“Well then, it could have something to do with Dan not being a douchebag like a certain ex boyfriend of yours.”

“Actually Dan was a douchebag when we first met, but he’s not now.” She smiled thinking back to not even a month ago when Dan would do nothing but awkwardly stare at her.

“Oh yeah how could I forget.” Stephanie laughed. “I still have no clue why he was like that, or what changed.”

“I don’t either, but I decided it’s not worth even trying to figure out.” She said as her phone vibrated again letting her know she had another text from Dan.

Dan (mobile
It’s different when I smoke love, and sounds like a date.

She rolled her eyes at his text, and she could just here him saying “it’s different when I do love” in her head.

I’m going to give up on trying to win this one.

“I don’t think anyone knows what goes on in Dan’s head.” Stephanie said.

“I don’t either.” She said as she got another text.

Dan (mobile)
No you’re not love, and I’ll text you later. I guess it’s my turn to face Max on FIFA.

She was barely able to text him back good luck when her phone started to ring. “I’m gonna take this in my room.” She said to Stephanie as she read the name that was on the screen.

As soon as she was out of ear shot of Stephanie she pressed talk.


“Ello love how are you today?” She couldn’t help but smile at how happy Josh sounded.

“I’m good, how have you been?”

“I’ve been great, I’ve been kicking everyone arse at FIFA to the point they told me I had to quit playing.”

“You are such a little kid.” She said sitting down on her bed.

“Does that make you a pedophile?” He asked.

“No it’s not because you want it.” She laughed.

“Every true.” She could just picture the grin that was on his face.

“So not that I do not love this conversation, but is there any meaning to this phone call?” Aria asked as she crossed her legs so that she was sitting Indian style on her bed.

“Can’t I just call you hear your ever so lovely voice?”

“You can, but I feel like you had ulterior motives this time.” She said laughing “And I already told you phone sex was out of cards for you.”

“Well way to jump to conclusions.” He laughed. “You’ll be happy to know I call just to talk to you, I can’t deal with talking to the guys right now, and I thought talking to my best mate would be more fun.”

“We’ve been over this the only reason I’m your best mate is because you get to see me naked.” She said shaking her head.

“And we’ve been over the fact that even if we weren’t shagging we would still being mates.”

“Yes we would be mates, but would I be your best mate?”

“I think you would be.”

“Well I’m still not sure.” She laughed.

“Well I got to go love. It’s time for me to go kick some more arse at FIFA.”

“I’ll be cheering for you.”

“Why thank you love. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Okay bye Josh.” She said before hanging up.

She honestly couldn’t wait for the guys to get back. Aria really missed waking up to finding one of them in her living room watching TV, or hanging out with Stephanie.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter title: Grouplove Tongue Tied.
Girls outfits
Okay so the reason I haven't updated in like two months is because I haven't had my computer and also I haven't been home. This summer has been super crazy. I have been running errands with my mom nonstop. Also I was in Florida for 10 days with my dad. He took me and my brother to Disney World. I hope to be for now on updating more regularly.
So I'm working on a new story I have in completely done in a detailed outline and hope to be posting soon. Yeah I know I shouldn't be writing another story when I have 3 active ones not finished. well any way it's called Gold Standard.

So there is this very lovely lady know as coffee break.[/url], she is an amazing writer. She wrote a John Franceschi story that you all should check out. It’s call [url=]Reckless[/url]. I highly suggest that you guys all subscribe and comment on it.