The Red String of Fate

Part 1

Life at the BPRD was usually pretty hectic. Today it was even more so, because my big brother was finally back from his latest mission.

I had received the news shortly after two o’clock on a Wednesday morning. Of course, by that time, I was already sound asleep, and usually would be until eight that same morning. I woke up to the new agent, Jake something-or-other, pounding on my bedroom door.

“Miss Jane! Hellyboy’s team has returned!”

I shot up in my bed, almost completely awake by now. “I’ll be out in a minute!” I called to the waiting agent.

Throwing my covers off and slipping on my bright, neon green Gir slippers, I threw open my door and took off down the hallway. Unfortunately, I forgot that I was still in my Hello Kitty pajamas. None of that mattered, though, as soon as I spotted my brother and the rest of my family.

“Brother!” I called out happily, completely oblivious to my surrounding as I launched myself at the big red demon. “You were away for so long,” I said once I was secure in his big arms.

Hellboy laughed and patted my head with his large, stone-like hand. As he did, though, a steel chain bounced gently against my cheek. I wrinkled my nose and pushed it out of my face.

“Hey, Squirt,” he said, “good to see you, too.” He examined me. “I think you’ve gotten shorter since the last time I saw you,” he teased.

I scowled at him and crossed my arms over my chest. “I believe I’ve suddenly stopped missing you. When will you leave again?”

Hellboy set me down on the floor and clutched at his heart as if he were in pain. “That cut me real deep, you know?”

I rolled my eyes. My brother had never been known for taking things seriously. There was a slight glint of metal out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head to see what it was. That’s when I noticed the pale man attached to the chains my brother was holding. I also noticed the way the rest of my family surrounded him: like they were blocking him in on all sides.

Most of the rampant demons, goblins, nixies, and night terrors that come through here don’t really need to be restrained. The mere fear of my brother killing them usually kept them in line. Apparently, that was not the case with this prisoner.

I stepped closer to the chained man, taking in his appearance. He was tall, probably about 6’2”, and very pale with long, white-blond hair. His head was lowered, but I was short enough to see his face.

He was very handsome with deep, golden eyes, a straight, narrow nose, and an aristocratic mouth. He also had a couple scars that ran under both eyes, and across the bridge of his nose.

I moved closer to him once more, brushing off Abe’s hand as I went. I knew he didn’t want me near the chained man, but I knew my brother would never let anyone hurt me.

Finally, once I was standing about a foot away from him, the man raised his head and connected my eyes with his.

If I hadn’t grown up on the streets, I probably would have been terrified of the look he gave me. It was so full of malice and hate that I had to wonder how someone could hold that much negative emotion in one person.

Undeterred by his gaze, I moved closer to him until I was about half a foot away from him.

“You’re very pretty,” I informed him, “but the hate in your soul makes you highly unattractive.”

I watched as the pale man’s beautiful, golden eyes widened in shock. I had a feeling that no one had ever talked to him like that before.

“Watch it, Mekare,” my brother chuckled, “his royal Assness would sooner kill you than look at you.”

I studied “his royal Assness.” He looked harmless enough, so I felt I was safe for the moment.

“My name is Mekare,” I told the pale man, “and I assume yours isn’t Prince Assness, so who are you?”

The glare was back on his face. “I do not have to tell you anything,” he sneered. “You are only a pathetic human.”

If the man was waiting for me to burst into tears, or slap him in my sudden anger, then he would be highly disappointed. I smiled at him, perhaps making him angrier.

“I haven’t been this insulted since…” I trailed off, pretending to think, “Yesterday.” I looked up at the pale man. “Since you refuse to tell me your name, I’ll just have to call you Legolas.”
That said, I turned on my heel and headed back to my bedroom. “Good night, Lovelies!” I called over my shoulder. “Sleep tight, Legolas!”

My brother’s laughter followed me down the hall.