I Hate You Like I Hate Tuna

The Outtakes

I've been sitting for the past few days on a ginat drop, debating. What the hell is the next chapter going to be?

But as I was catapulted to the ground at a hurtling speed for the millionith time that day, I had a moment of relization.

I Hate You Like I Hate Tuna was OVER. The End.

And the Sequel was born. as I was being raised once again three stories high (carni ride my dears) I came up with something that will make you squeel.

I Love You Like I Love Bisquik

And now the outtakes of I Hate You Like I Hate Tuna

The title to our favorite story was actually supposed to be 'I Hate You Like I Hate Spinach'
But at the time, I couldn't spell spinach, nor would it fit. =D

He was never in my grand plan, he kind of was the result of midnight insomia and really really good music flow. The two combined into the ex lover he showed up as.

Did you know starting out this whoooole story it was supposed to be the classic, Par! I wuv you! Pete your a jackass!? I thought so. But it once again morphed, it became into its own, hell this story is my baby in terms, Kierra lives in my soul and she came out and wrote her own story.

"The Triangle Now Becomes a Square"
I stole this from Dawson's Creek, and for those to young to remeber the awsome ninety's hit, go google it, or youtube the last episode. Becasue I stole it from there.When Joey, Dawson and Casey are sitting in the car, and Joey gets a phone call from ehr boyfriend, Dawson turns to Casey and saws 'The triangle now becomes a square' Becasue there all lovers =D

Yeah never supposed to happen. It jsut showed up on my doorstep with a bow.

And Now, I presnt you, an early Christams present,
A NEVER before scene of I Love You Like I Love Bisquik:

"Baby! Lets goi! The plane is leaving soon, and Midway is going to be swamped in security and you know that shit!"

I tapped my foot inpatiently, that boy takes more time to get ready then I do.

"Coming!" His voice called happily from my bedroom.

He bounded down the stairs, hoodie in hand.

"What took you so long?" I questioned.

"Takes some time to look this good."

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Who'd she chose?! Guess you better comment so I write the seqeul.