Sequel: Rush
Status: Completed.

Steal My Heart Tonight

Chapter 16

Honestly, I wasn’t really excited when Harry and Louis made sure I couldn’t escape my family. I didn’t mind the fact that Remy’s parents were going to stay with us. It just meant I get to spend more time with Harry since we are now sharing a room. That was the only part of today that made me feel better.

My parents had left with Remy’s to do a bit of sight-seeing before dinner. I wasn’t feeling that great so I decided to change into my gray sweat pants and a low cut black crop top. I knew my parents wouldn’t approve of the outfit at all so I was going to wear it as we ate dinner. Dinner with my parents was always formal. You always had to dress your best. It was rather stupid in my opinion. Even when I was sick I had to dress nice. It got old pretty quickly.

“Addie, I don’t think you should wear that…” Remy said putting come green beans on a baking sheet. She would know about the dress code in my house. She had to stay over my house to work late on a project and had to borrow one of my dresses so she could attend dinner without getting a glare from the parents.

At Remy’s house, you could wear whatever you wanted to dinner. I loved that. You got to see what everyone wore that particular day unless you wanted to dress in your pajamas. Tonight, Remy dressed like she would for dinner with her parents. She had changed earlier that day into a pair of peach skinny jeans with a grey jumper with a red owl on it. It was completely casual, completely comfortable.

I sat there on the counter watching everyone cook. “I honestly don’t care. I don’t live under their roof right now so therefore, I don’t need to dress formal for this occasion.” I replied grabbing a green bean off of it and throwing it in my mouth. It tasted the chef’s food back home. This was a recipe she made up randomly that came out really good. You slightly cook them with garlic, lemon juice, and butter on the stove top. Then you put them on a baking sheet with salt, pepper, and oil and bake them till they are crunchy.

She taught me how to cook when I was younger. One would normally think that the mother is supposed to teach the daughter to cook. My mother has never really cooked anything in her life. She was always a stuck up bitch in my opinion. But, at least I didn’t turn out like her. At least I have personality, and can cook.

Remy and Louis were nowhere in sight for the longest time, which meant Harry and I had to finish the cooking. My parents were used to a 3 course meal, so that is what we were going to serve them. It’s actually a lot of hard work. Harry was cutting up some cucumbers to put into the salad I had started to make when Remy and Louis came back.

“Whats for dinner?” Louis whispered.

“Some type of chicken Addison and I found online.” Harry replied. The sound of the freezer opening made me look at the two of them.

“Let’s have chicken fingers!” Remy yelled pulling out a bag of chicken and chips. “And some chips!”

Louis and Remy got out a deep pan and filled it with oil. I stood there with my jaw open as Louis dumps both bags into the cool oil at once.

“Remy, are you high?” I asked knowing this was the only food she wanted after smoking a joint .

Remy looked over at me and then back to the food on the stove. “No I’m low…” she said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and smacked her in the back of the head.

“Our parents are having dinner here Remy!” I yelled. She cowered back a bit. “You are going to ruin everything!”

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The doorbell rang and my eyes widened. Our parents were back already. “I’ll get it” Remy cooed skipping towards the door. She flung the door open and greeted each one as they walked in. She closed the door after them and walked back to the kitchen smiling. “They all look happy.” She said walking away into Louis’ room.

Louis chased after her leaving Harry in the kitchen while I went to say hello to my parents. Remy had lied out her ass. Her parents looked miserable and mine had the same expression on her face as usual. “How was the sight-seeing?” I asked sitting on the arm of one of the couches.

“It was interesting.” My father replied. I nodded and forced a smile on my face.

“Addison, you aren’t going to wear that to dinner are you?” My mother hissed.

“I’m comfortable mother. I don’t need to dress nice since I am not living in your house.” I growled back.

I stood up and made my way back into the kitchen. I noticed no one was in there. It suddenly hit me that they were probably in Louis’ room.

I was right, they were all in Louis’ bathroom passing a joint between the three of them. “What are you guys doing?” I harshly whispered so my parents wouldn’t hear.

“What does it look like we are doing?” Harry mumbled inhaling part of the joint. He held his breath and held it out to me. As he exhaled he laughed a bit. “Take a hit my love. You will calm down a bit.”

“Not now, my parents, I can’t let them down…” I replied. Harry waved the joint in my face and my eyes followed it in every direction it went. “Fine, one hit to take the edge off.” I grabbed it and put it to my lips and inhaled slowly. I held it in for a few moments and blew the smoke out of my mouth like I could spit flames instead of smoke. All the thoughts buzzing around my head about being perfect for my parents began to go away. I passed the rest to Louis and left the bathroom quickly to finish up dinner.

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Dinner was going to be interesting with everyone being high or having a stick shoved up their ass. Everyone was sitting around the table that the boys had set up earlier. The silverware didn’t match and neither did the plates. It was the way I liked it. My parents however criticized everything about it. But to us, it didn’t matter.

The salad was served first and everyone was quiet while I set it in front of everyone and then myself last. My mom poked at the food like it was alive and about to eat her. I rolled my eyes and dug in. “Mom,” I sighed “I promise you, it won’t eat you.”

“It just doesn’t look like that salad we get back home.” She muttered stabbing at it.

“Whatever.” I mumbled out of in frustration. I suddenly realized I should have puffed on the joint longer and more. I still wasn’t up to this.

“Where are my chicken fingers and chips?” Remy questioned shoving the salad away from her.

“Remy, you cannot have it now.” I replied taking a bite out of the salad.

“Not cool.” She mumbled crossing her arms over her chest.

“Alright Remy… How much did you smoke?” Her father asked laughing a bit.

“Me? Smoke?” She said laughing. “I would neverrrr.” Her father shook his head and continued to eat a bit.

“So, how are the boyfriends?” My father asked. Remy started to laugh and quickly shut up as it hit her that they were asking about her ex that cheated on her. She slumped down in her chair and looked away probably so no one would see her cry a bit.

“Evan and I are, not really together anymore..” I said getting up and hurrying into the kitchen so the conversation couldn’t continue. I sighed as I leaned against the counter. Harry had followed me into the kitchen.

“You never told me that…” He said hugging me. I rested my forehead against his chest.

“I didn’t want anyone to know.” I muttered.

“Did he cheat like Stephen did to Rem?”

I shook my head no and pulled away. I needed to put the chicken on different plates with all the other sides I had made. Harry had left and by time I went to bring everything out my parents were getting up to leave.

“Where are you going?” I asked my brows furrowing together.

“This is unacceptable Addison. You should be ashamed.” My father yelled. My lower lip started to tremble. “Tomorrow I will be here at noon to pick you up for lunch. And dress appropriately for once in your life.” My parents quickly left and as soon as they were out the door the plates I had in my hands fell and I fell to the floor in tears.

Harry rushed to my side almost instantly kneeling in the food and broken glass. I wrapped my arms around him and continued to cry. He picked me up bridal style and ran me into his room. “Shhh…” he soothed rocking me back and forth on his bed.

“I tried so hard to make them proud of me.” I let out. “Nothing is ever good enough for them.” Saying it out loud made it real. I was never good enough for my parents. I always tried to win their love and it never seemed to work.

“They just are not good parents love.” He replied pulling me closer to him. “Nothing is your fault. To me you are perfect.”

Those were the last words I heard as I fell asleep in Harry’s arms and remained that way for the rest of the night.
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