Sequel: Know You're Not Alone
Status: completed... sequel on the way...

You Don't Know You're Beautiful

Chapter 11

After the show was over, Kris and I went back to the crown booth. Kris was about to pick up the crown that I was looking at before the show started when I heard a laugh behind me. I turned around and saw Steph and Sid with smirks on their faces. I returned the smirk and looked at Steph.

“Don’t laugh, you know you want one too.”

She didn’t say anything. I saw Sid whisper something in her ear, and I turned my attention back to Kris. He looked down at the crown in his hands then back up at me.

“You sure this is the one you want?”

I nodded with a smile on my face.

“Yes, that’s the one.”

Kris smiled to the elderly lady, who was still working at the booth. She punched a few buttons on her cash register. Kris grabbed my hand and laced his fingers through mine.

“You know what this means, right?” He whispered down to me.

I gave him a confused look then shook my head. He paid the lady , not letting me see how much the crown costs. What he didn’t know was that I’d bought a crown there before, so I knew roughly what they cost. When he was done conversing with the cashier, he turned to me. He lightly placed the crown on my head and whispered in my ear.

“Vous êtes ma princesse.” You’re my princess.

He pulled away and looked him in the eyes. I wasn’t completely sure what he said, but I did recognize the word “princess.” I leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

“I’m not quite sure what you just said, but it sounded adorable.”

He let out a light chuckle and wrapped an arm around my waist. I looked over at Sid and Steph, who were standing where Kris and I were just seconds prior. I saw Sid put a crown on Steph’s head. She turned to me and gave me a goofy smile, which I gladly returned.

Kris and I started to walk out of the building, knowing that Steph would drag Sid out not long after. We made it just outside of the building when Kris pulled on my hand. I turned and raised my eyebrow at him.

“What is it?” I questioned.

He smiled. “Why don’t we get a picture?”

I beamed at the idea. I looked around for someone to take our picture. I wasn’t the greatest at just walking up to a stranger, so I had hoped that Steph and Sid had come out. Luckily for me, Kris was a little more out-going than me, and he found someone. Just as the young man, who Kris told me had agreed to take our picture if he got an autograph, was about to hit the button, Steph and Sid walked out of the building. Steph called out to us.

“You guys ready?”

After we got our picture taken, Kris signed a napkin for the young man. He thanked Kris and we nodded towards Steph and Sid. We walked towards my car, hand in hand. Once the four of us piled into the car, I felt a rush of excitement burst through me.

“Okay, time for part two.” I said to really no one in particular, just exclaiming my excitement.


Kris’ POV

Sitting in the car, on the way to our second destination, I looked over at Kaitlyn. She had a smile plastered on her face, apparently excited to take us to wherever it is we were going. I had begun to ask a few questions as to where we were going. Sid started to do the same. I could see that Kaitlyn was getting annoyed. It didn’t take the long for her to crack. She was silent, content and happy until Sid’s questioning drew he over the edge.

“God Sid, you sound like Joey.”

My eyes widened a little bit. I was waiting for Sid’s response, knowing exactly where this was going.

“I’d like to think I’m more of a Ross, myself.”

I heard Kaitlyn scoff, and began to wonder just what Sid had started. By the sounds of that scoff and the look on Kaitlyn’s face, it wasn’t looking too good.

“So, you think it’s okay to cheat when you’re on a break?”

I ran a hand through my hair, wishing that this would end quickly. I didn’t want to have to break up a fight between my girlfriend and one of my best friends. Especially if that fight was over something as small as a Friends debate.

“Forgive me for this, but I truly believe that Ross and Rachel were on a break, meaning that they weren’t tied to each other anymore. That being said, it’s not cheating.”

I looked over to see Kaitlyn’s reacting to that and it matched the look that Steph had on her face. My mind was blown with the sheer fact that Sid would even think of saying that. I had to say something.

“Seriously, dude, your girlfriend is right there. That’s a pretty shady thing to say.”


Kaitlyn’s POV

I didn’t know what came over me, but when I heard Sid mention he saw himself as more of the “Ross” type, something in me snapped. I was in complete and utter shock after hearing his response to my question. I was happy that Kris spoke up. I looked in the rearview mirror and saw Sid raise his hands in defense.

“I was asked where I stood on the topic, and I gave my opinion. I gave Steph the look, telling her to forgive me for what I was about to say. I’m responding from Ross’ point of view.”

I shook my head, my mind still reeling from his initial response.

“Well regardless, I disagree with you, or Ross, or whoever you’re speaking for. Cheating is cheating. They never said their relationship was over, and then Ross turns around and sleeps with someone else. That’s low and shady, if you ask me.”

I looked in the rearview mirror and saw the Steph nodded at my statement. A part of me knew that I shouldn’t take it to this level, but one question was burning in my brain.

“So, if you and Steph ever say you’re on a break, you’re saying it would be justified if you sleep with another girl?”

I was spending more time looking in the rear view mirror than I was looking at the road, but I needed to know that answer to that question, for Steph’s sake.


Kris’ POV

I was not expecting Kaitlyn to ask that, but when she did, I was intrigued to hear Sid’s answer. Kaitlyn had a point in asking it, as Sid’s debate would make anyone outside of this car question the same as what Kaitlyn just blurted out. I turned my head to hear Sid’s answer.

“I’m not saying that at all.”

There was the scoff again, only this time, it was accompanied with Kaitlyn smacking her hands against the steering wheel.

“But you just said it was, or at least you did for Ross.”

I looked over to Kaitlyn, my mouth open to say something, but Sid’s response shut me up.

“What are we debating about now, anyways? I mean, it started out about Ross and Rachel, but now you’re making it about my relationship with Steph.”

Kaitlyn’s expression changed ever so slightly. I was hoping this was a turning point, and the debate would be coming to an end.


Kaitlyn’s POV

I began to re-think what I asked Sid and realized it might have been a tiny bit out of line.
“I’m sorry Sid, I only asked based on your answer with my question about Ross. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

He sent a small smile my way as I glanced into the rearview mirror.

“It’s okay, Kaitlyn. I’m still on Ross’ side on that, though. I mean, they were on a break.”

I rolled my eyes, thinking this could go on forever, and we’d end up with the same statements.

“Regardless, cheating is cheating! They never said that their relationship was completely finished. He had no right to do that to Rachel!”


I held back a giggle, thinking that if Sid was trying to sound like Ross, he was going about it the wrong way. After being silent throughout the debate, Steph spoke up. She put an end to the debate and reminded me that we were close to the parking lot. I looked ahead and noticed that we were, in fact, getting close to the parking lot of our destination. Steph and I decided to take the boys to the restaurant located in the CN Tower, looking over the city of Toronto. I nodded after Steph pointed to the parking lot.

“Oh, okay. So Joey…ermm, I mean Sid, just in case you were wondering, yes, we’re almost there.”

The car roared with laughter coming from the four of us. I let out a huge sigh of relief and hoped that the negativity had left us for the night.


Kris’ POV

After Kaitlyn parked the car, the four of us made our way into the CN Tower. I was still hungry after the meal at Medieval Times, so I couldn’t wait to sit down and enjoy a good meal. I was walking side by side with Kaitlyn when she got walked towards Sid and Steph and pulled Steph away from Sid. Sid walked backwards to fall into step with me.

“What do you think they’re talking about?”

I shrugged my shoulders.

“I don’t know. Maybe they’re planning the final stages of our ‘Fun Day’.”

Sid nodded.

“Yea, maybe. Hey, you think Kaitlyn really meant what she said about me cheating on Steph? ‘Cause I would never.”

I put my hand on his shoulder.

“No, I don’t. I think she just caught up in the debate. She knows how much you care about Steph. You’re not that type of guy Sid. If you were, I would not be socializing with you.”

He let out a soft chuckle as we reached the table.

“That’s good to know.”

The four of us sat down at the table. I was really happy with the way the day turned out. The loss that we suffered the night before left the whole team a little down, so this was exactly what Sid and I needed, a day out with our girlfriends.

I leaned over and gave Kaitlyn a light kiss on the cheek.

“You didn’t have to do all of this, you know.” I whispered to her.

She smiled up at me.

“Yes, I did. You and Sid needed a day to get your mind off of everything and enjoy the company that Steph and I bring.”

I smirked down at her and placed my lips dangerously close to her ear.

“I do your company, very much.”


Kaitlyn’s POV

I felt my cheeks flush as Kris whispered lowly in my ear. I looked up and noticed that a waitress had come to our table. She gave the four of us a smile, but I could see right through it. She was practically undressing Sid with her eyes and I’d be damned if she tried that with Kris. Sid wasn’t going to let the waitress get any ideas, and shut her down while ordering drinks for him and Steph. When the waitress, who introduced herself as Bridget turned to Kris, I felt myself tense up a little bit.

“And what can I get for you?”

Her gaze lingered on Kris a little too long for my liking. Kris leaned over and gave my hand a light squeeze as just before he answered Bridget.

“I’ll have water and my girlfriend here will have a….?”

Kris looked over at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

“I’ll just have a Coke, I guess.”

Kris looked over at Bridget with small smile then put his hand on mine on top of the table. Bridget scoffed and turned on her heel. I could feel my cheeks flushing again. Looking over at Steph, I noticed that she had the same expression. Kris brought my hand up to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it. He gave me a sympathetic smile when he pulled away.

“I’m sorry about that.”

“It’s okay, really.” I gave him a reassuring smile.

He nodded and we began to talk about the “surprise” that Steph and I tried to pull on the boys that went almost completely opposite of the way we had planned.

“So, what did you really have in mind when you showed up at practice the other day? I meant to ask you.” Kris asked with a slight smirk.

I rolled my eyes, thinking back to how that could’ve gone much better.

“Well, really, we were just hoping to sit in silence and then surprise you guys at the locker room. Clearly, it didn’t go the way we planned.”

Kris let out a light chuckle.

“I guess you learned a valuable lesson then, eh?”

I smirked, “yea, I guess so.”

Kris leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

“I’m really happy you’re here.” He pulled away. “Spending the week with Sid and the guys would’ve been crazy boring. There’s no way we would’ve been here or even thought of going to Medieval Times.”

I beamed at him. “I’m really happy I’m here too. I had a lot of things going through my mind before coming here. About us, that is.”

He raised an eyebrow at me, and was about to answer me when an elderly woman placed our drinks in front of us. I was quite happy that it wasn’t Bridget, but the lady had horrible timing. She gave the table a once-over. Sid looked up at the waitress, Clare, as it said on her name tag.

“Could we have a few minutes to think about our order?”

Clare nodded at Sid and agreed to come back to the table in five minutes. The four of us looked at the menus. I cast Steph a quick glance and smirked. This was one of the biggest part of our plan. Kris looked at his menu and then leaned over to, for what felt like the hundredth time, whispered in my ear.

“You planned this didn’t you?”

I gave him an innocent smile, but I knew he saw right through it. Steph looked across the table at me and I decided to speak up.

“We wanted you two to have some power tonight. So we asked for the menus to be in French so you could order our dinners for us.”

Steph let out a long sigh, but I heard a soft chuckle come from Kris.

“So, we get the power to pick your meal? What If you don’t like it?”

Steph smirked at Kris.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to pick a good meal for Kaitlyn. She’s not that picky. Plus, you’ve seen the stuff she’s ordered at restaurants.”

He nodded and I saw Sid lean in to whisper into Steph’s ear. I chuckled to myself before blurting out.

“Gah!! No painting in public!! Jeez!!”

Steph blushed and shot me a smirk. I saw Sid raise an eyebrow, and I knew that the inside joke hadn’t left the two of us.


After dinner

Kris’ POV

When we are all finished eating, Kaitlyn and I decided to make plans for after we left the restaurant.

“It’s a beautiful night out, why don’t we go for a walk?”

I smiled at her suggestion.

“Perfect. I’m not overly tired anyways.” He winked at me. I couldn’t hold back the blush from creeping up into my cheeks.

Steph and Sid decided they were just going to go back to the hotel. Steph asked if Kaitlyn could take them back to the hotel. Of course, we didn’t mind. We were going to drop the car off at the hotel anyways.

After we agreed that we were ready to go, Steph got up to use the ladies’ room. When she left the table, Sid turned to Kaitlyn and I.

“How much you wanna bet she’s gonna try and go pay the bill?”

Kaitlyn snickered beside me.

“Oh, honey, you are good. She’s probably at the register right now.”

Sid rolled his eyes and stood up from the table.

“You two may as well come along, since we’ll be leaving after I pay.”

I nodded and looked over at Kaitlyn.

“Thank you.”

She raised an eyebrow at me as we stood up from the table.


Kaitlyn’s POV

“What are you thanking me for?”

He took one of my hands in his and smiled down at me.

“For this day, and for cheering me up.”

I smiled at him and leaned up to place a soft kiss on his cheek.

“Well, for that, you’re welcome. Now let’s head out of here.”

Still holding my hand in his, Kris guided me over to where Sid and Steph were standing. I noticed they were talking to someone. It took me a few seconds, but I realized, I did know that person.

Rebecca….what the hell is she doing here?
♠ ♠ ♠
Here we go... this might be the last chapter I post before the end of school. I'm gonna be swamped with packing and finals.

Hope you enjoy and please bear with me. I know I'm taking a while with these updates.

steph <3