Sequel: Know You're Not Alone
Status: completed... sequel on the way...

You Don't Know You're Beautiful

Chapter 5

Kris and I were standing off to the side of the living room. I was looking around the room and noticed all the couples. Kris put his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear.

“Im really glad you’re here.”

I smiled while looking up at him. “I’m glad I’m here, too.”

I turned my body around so I was facing him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned my body in closer to his. I lifted my head and looked up at him. Our eyes locked, and I felt myself getting lost in them. We both leaned in and just before our lips were about to touch….


We jumped apart and looked to se Jordan giving us a goofy smile. I could feel Kris tense up while he still had his arms wrapped around me. He mumbled something in French that I didn’t quite understand, but I could feel the anger and frustration through the words. I rolled my eyes at the 6-foot tall center.

“What can we do for you, Jordan?”

He smirked and I wanted to hear his response, because I knew he would play on the fact that I said ‘we’. Kris ran his hand up and down the small of my back. Looking at Jordan, I could tell that he was trying to come up with something to say. Kris began to lightly chuckle.

“Wow, Staalsy, I don’t think I’ve seen you speechless before.”

Jordan kept his smirk in place, but switched his gaze from Kris to me.

“So, … this like official now, or what? Are we going to have to get used to seeing you as much as we’re gonna see Steph?”

I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could let the words out, I was pulled away from Kris. I turned my head and noticed that Steph had a shocked look on her face. I knew something was up, and I had a feeling it wasn’t good.


Kris’ POV

I looked behind me as Kaitlyn was pulled away from me. I saw that it was Steph pulling her away and chuckled to myself. Jordan was still standing in front of me. He had a weird look on his face.

“What’s that face for?”

He smirked. “You’re hooked. Line and sinker, buddy.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh my god, am I going to have to speak French to make you go away?”

He raised his arms in defeat. “Hey, I’m just observing. So, since Kaitlyn’s not here to answer my question, you can. Are you and her official now?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m not really sure what we are.”

Jordan raised an eyebrow at me. “Well, I hope you figure it out soon. I’d hate to see this crash and burn because of your stupidity.”

I snapped my head towards him and gave me a cold glare. I didn’t know what he was playing at, but I hoped it had nothing to do with him going after Kaitlyn. Sure, I may not have officially asked her to be my girlfriend yet, but I could see myself doing it in the near future.

I had noticed that some of the guys were setting up tables and Vero was writing something on a board in the middle of the living room. After she was done, she came up to me.

“Hey, are you and Kaitlyn in on this?”

I scratched my head. Looking around the room again, I noticed it indeed was beer pong they were setting up. I was dumbstruck as to how we got the alcohol in here, seeing as only 2 of us were of age to buy booze. I shrugged off all the questions that were roaming in my head and nodded towards Vero.

“Yea, count us in.”

I smiled to myself as she walked away. I felt someone wrap there arm around mine. Looking to my left, I noticed that Kaitlyn had come back. I couldn’t help but notice that she looked insanely pissed off. I pulled her to the back of the room, so no one could interfere in our conversation.

“Hey, what happened between you and Steph? You look extremely pissed off.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Nothing happened between me and Steph. It’s nothing major. I can handle this on my own.”

I raised my eyebrow at her. “You know you can tell me if something’s bothering you, right?”

She nodded. “Yes, I do, and I thank you for being there for me, but this is something I have to deal with on my own.”

I didn’t want to push her anymore, so I let it go. We walked back over towards everyone else and waited for Vero to call out who was playing at which table to start the tournament.


1 hour later…Kaitlyn’s POV

I was standing beside Kris watching Sid and Steph participate in the final round of the beer pong tournament against Max and Jordan. Kris and I were eliminated in the first round. I was so horrible, but thankfully, I didn’t drink a whole lot so I was able to keep my balance and a good frame of mind.

The final round was just about to begin when a voice broke through the little conversations that were happening throughout the room. Unfortunately, it belonged to the bimbo that Steph and I ran into at the game, who just happened to be Tyler Kennedy’s girlfriend.

“Hey! Since we’re now at the final round, shouldn’t we decide what the winning team gets?”

I rolled my eyes as I gave the back of her head a cold stare. That bitch really needs to learn to shut her mouth.

Thankfully, Max yelled out in his drunken stupor, causing everyone to switch their attention to him. “Yea!! I say the person who throws the winning shot gets to kiss Steph!”

I chuckled quietly to myself, knowing that even if she was even a little buzzed, Steph would never do that to Sid. Steph laughed out loud herself. “What if I throw the winning shot?”

Max gave her a sloppy grin. “Well, you would kiss yourself of course. It’s a win-win.”

Steph turned to the crowd that included the rest of us who were eliminated from the tournament. “Any other ideas?”

Kris popped his head out from beside me and spoke up. “The losing team should streak down the street and the winning team should film it.”

I smirked at Kris, while Sid chuckled and shook his head. “Of course you’d say that, Tanger. You’re not in this position.”

“Yea, and I don’t want to film Max naked.” Steph spoke up.

Everyone chuckled as Max gave Steph and drunken pout. She walked around the table and gave him a bear hug. Steph told Max not to be sad. At that moment, I heard something that caused me to see red.

“Once a puck bunny, always a puck bunny. Poor Sidney.”

I glared at the back of Vanessa’s head and it took everything I had not to pounce on her. She had no right to call Steph and I puck bunnies when she was in the same position we were.

Steph walked back over to her spot beside Sid and picked up the ball once again.

“Wait! We still haven’t decided a prize!”

Oh my GOD! I could slap this bitch five ways to Sunday right now! I thought as Steph huffed and turned to Vanessa. After a few bickers back and forth, the verdict was that the winning team would choose a dare for the losing team.


Max and Jordan won, meaning they had to choose a dare for Sid and Steph to do. Looking at the state of Max and Jordan, I could tell this was going to be something extremely stupid. Steph had excused herself to go to the bathroom. I inwardly chuckled to myself as I knew this was her way of stalling the boys from naming the dare. She was probably hoping that they would pass out.

I sat beside Kris on the couch, saying goodbye to Marc-Andre, Vero, Geno and Oksana. Vero and I had made plans to go shopping the next time I was in town.

“I’m sure Kris will let everyone know when you’re coming back.” She winked at me.

I felt myself blush a little bit. I got up off the couch and gave Vero a hug. I turned around and looked down at Kris.

“I’m just going to see what’s keeping Steph. I want to hear what this dare is.”

He grabbed my hand. I looked down at him as he kissed the back of it and nodded.

“Okay. I’ll be here”

I smiled and walked into the hallway. I looked up and saw Vanessa standing beside Steph. I could feel my blood begin to boil. I slowly walked up when I heard Vanessa run her mouth again.

“…That’s it!”

I walked up and jumped on Vanessa. I started to slap, punch and pull hair every chance I could get. I looked the bimbo in the eyes as I had a hold of her hair.

“That is the last time you will call me or my best friend a puck slut, you hear me?!”

I pushed her onto the ground and started to punch her five ways to Sunday. As much as Vanessa tried to fight back, but all she had the strength to do was pull on a chunk of my hair a few times. As much as she never had a chance in hell, the bimbo’s mouth was still going a mile a minute. She looked at me with a grimaced smirk on her face.

“You’ll never last with him, you puck slut. You’ll go back to wherever you came from in that shitty-ass country and he’ll move on. Same goes for you, you gold digger,” she looked over at Steph, “Sid will never put up with someone like you for long. He needs a real woman, not a little slut who will squeal every time he steps on the ice.”

I had tried to go a little easy on her, seeing as she was a girlfriend of one of Kris’ teammates, but I had reached my breaking point.

“She is happy with Sid!” *punch* “How dare you suggest she sleep with Max?!” *punch*

I didn’t notice Steph walk away, but I was too busy letting out my frustrations on this bimbo. She was getting on my last nerve. She tried countless times to get the upper hand, but she clearly had no self defense skills. I couldn’t even tell how long I had her pinned on the floor just slapping and punching any chance I could. I hated being called a ‘puck bunny’ and I think this bitch finally got the message. Vanessa finally gave up on trying to fight her own battles as she screamed for help.


I was waiting to see Tyler come around try and pull her out from underneath me, but I was shocked as I was the one being lifted off of the bimbo. I glanced behind me and saw that it was indeed Kris that picked me up off of Vanessa. I turned my gaze back in front of me and saw Vanessa trying to plead with Tyler about how she thought Steph and I were puck sluts.

I noticed that Kris had a tight grip on me. If he hadn’t, I would’ve pounced on her once again.

“Kris, let me go. I’ve heard her call me and my best friend puck sluts for the last time.”

Rather than let me go, he whispered something in my ear. “M'être fourni avec, mon amour. Elle n'est pas la valeur il.”

I was immediately taken out of my thoughts when I heard Kris speak French. I had no idea what he said, but it was enough to calm me down just a little bit. I allowed Kris to take me to the living room. Kris sat me on the couch and sat beside me. Everyone other than Tyler and Vanessa came into the living room. Jordan let out a long sigh as he sat down.

“I guess that’s the end of Tyler and Vanessa.”


Kris’ POV

I was sitting with Kaitlyn on the couch, running my hand up and down her arm. I wanted to keep her calm, but I could tell that she was still shaken up. I looked over at Sid and I gestured him to come up beside me. I looked over at Kaitlyn and saw that she was involved in her conversation with Steph, so she wouldn’t think of paying attention to my conversation with Sid.

“Hey, I think I’m gonna get Kaitlyn outta here. You taking Steph back to the hotel later?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know. I don’t think so though.”

I smirked up at him. He lightly slapped my arm. “Oh come on, get your mind outta the gutter. We just want some more time alone, that’s all. You taking Kaitlyn back to the hotel?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know, I’ll see what she says about it.”

He clapped a hand on my shoulder and nodded. “Okay, well I’ll see you later then.”

I nodded and turned to Kaitlyn. “Hey, let’s get out of here.”

She raised an eyebrow at me, “okay… is Steph coming with us?”

I stood up off the couch and held out a hand for her. I shook my head and whispered. “No, her and Sid want some alone time.”

Her eyes widened, but then she smirked and nodded. “Oh, okay. Let’s go.”

We said goodbye to Max and Jordan, well attempted to seeing as Max was passed out and Jordan was having a hard time keeping his eyes open. I hoped that Sid would call a cab for them shortly. Kaitlyn and I walked out Sid’s door hand in hand. I was happy that I didn’t drink so much tonight, that way I was able to drive home. Kaitlyn drank the most out of the two of us, but she only had 4 glasses of light beer.

We had settled into my car when Kaitlyn turned to me with a weird look on her face.
“Okay, question time.” She smiled. “What did you whisper in my ear before you pulled me into the living room?”

I let out a soft sigh then sighed. “I said ‘come with me, my love. She’s not worth it.’”

I looked over to her and saw that she was blushing. I chuckled lightly. I looked over at her and something looked a little off. I had one other lingering question on my mind.


Kaitlyn’s POV

I was staring out the window the entire drive from Sid’s. I wasn’t even paying attention as to where we were going. When the car stopped, I looked up and noticed that we weren’t parked near the hotel. I turned to Kris with an eyebrow raised.

“I’m spending the night at your place?”

I was met with a nervous smile. Kris looked away from me when he answered.
“Well, you don’t have to sleep here, but you’re jersey is here and I wanted to hang out a little bit before I brought you over to the hotel.”

I nodded and began to feel a little guilty. I didn’t mean to come across like I hated the idea. Kris came over and opened my door for me. I stepped out of the car and followed Kris into the building. I was growing tired of the awkward silence when we reached the elevator. When we stepped in, I turned to Kris.

“Look, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like I didn’t like the idea of spending the night. It was just a shock to me that’s all.” I focused my gaze to the floor of the elevator. “I had a lot running through my mind.”

He didn’t say anything, he just grabbed a hold of my hand and led me out of the elevator and into his apartment. I sat on his couch, not exactly knowing what to say. Kris sat down beside me.

“You know, I had been wondering something ever since I saw you fighting Vanessa.” I nodded, encouraging him to continue.

“I know that you were pissed that she was calling you and Steph puck bunnies, but what made you jump on her? You don’t seem like the fighting type.”

…I swallowed hard.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's the final part of the party!! Damn Staalsy for ruining the romantic moment at the beginning of this chapter. ....and dun dun DUNNNNN!!! Sounds like Kaitlyn may have a secret... any guess on what it would be?

Hope you enjoy!! Thank you to everyone who has left comments... you have no freaking idea how much I love reading the feedback =)

xo. Steph