A Little Piece of Rubber

Chapter 1

Brian Haner was tensed. His whole body was aching and he just knew that he would get sick if he didn't take care of himself and his health. Happy to know that they would soon be in the hotel where they were spending the night that day, Synyster sighed and laid his head back down on his pillow, trying to get some more sleep before he would be able to sleep in a real bed for one night. He had to say that he looked forward to it, half-convinced that some of the aches in his body were caused by the bunks, but since he had never had trouble with them before, he wasn't completely sure.

He looked at the bunk just across his, being occupied by Zacky who had his back turned to the guitarist and clearly sleeping soundly, not bothered by aches and the feeling of being sick, although it saddened Synyster a little that his boyfriend was sleeping all alone in another bunk but Zacky had clearly told Brian that he needed all his sleep and he would only keep him up. Brian sighed and closed his eyes, trying to get some more sleep as he had been waking up and falling asleep again for the past half hour, not really getting much rest anyway.

Silently, he heard Matt call his girlfriend Val in the backroom, sometimes laughing a little at what she was saying but most of the time talking rather quiet so the others wouldn't hear him or the conversation. Not that other band members really minded, they all had their own respective girlfriends (or boyfriends in Brian and Zacky's case) and had grown out of the teasing phase soon enough.

Turning around in his bunk, Synyster sighed again and closed his brown eyes, almost forcing himself to go to sleep while he knew pretty well that it almost had no use anyway. He knew he shouldn't have taken up the offer of drinking coffee around 6 in the afternoon, only bad things would come from that. Not that he minded of course, because of the sweet caffeine, he had been rather active during the show but now he was paying the price for it. Even it was almost 2 hours after the show had ended (and somewhat 3 hours after he had drunk the coffee), the adrenaline was still running through his veins.

Then again, it was never a good thing if you were still hyper from being on stage and you couldn't fall asleep while you knew that you really needed it. Playing while sick might be Frank Iero's speciality but it certainly wasn't his. Brian looked at the wall in front of him and was feeling rather bored, knowing that he wouldn't fall asleep anyway.

Syn threw the thin blanket away from his body and stood up from his bunk, swinging his legs over the side and praising himself for calling the lowest bunk, which made it only easier for him whenever he wanted to get up in the middle of the night for a midnight snack. Walking over to the front part of the bus, which was currently being occupied by The Rev, who was keeping himself busy with munching away on a sandwich and looking at Oprah, which had always surprised the other band members.

“Jiiimmmyyyy! I'm bored. Do something to entertain me!” Brian whined, sitting down on the couch as Jimmy ate the last bit of his sandwich. The drummer frowned at his friend before he stood up from the couch and walked over to the fridge, searching for a bottle of water.

“What do you want me to do then? Dance around in some pink bra with lace and flowers embedded on it?” Jimmy asked him, raising an eyebrow at Brian who had a crazy smile on his face as he was trying to image The Rev with a pink bra.

“I'm not Jimmy Urine you know,” Jimmy muttered under his breath before he took a sip from the bottle of water in his hand.

“Well you share the same name after all,” Brian said, shrugging a little with a smirk visible on his pink lips. The Rev glared at him and took one of the pillows of the couch, starting to hit the guitarist with it several times, ignoring the shouts of 'stop' and the occasional giggle coming from Brian.

Only a few minutes after the bus had finally arrived at the hotel, the five guys had gathered in the hotel lobby, each with a small part of their luggage with them so they could survive for the night while the tour bus was safely tucked away on one of the underground parking's of the rather beautiful and richly decorated hotel.

Brian looked around as he walked through the hallway towards his room, not really in awe but in amazement on how people could've built this without feeling pretentious. The doorhandles were made of gold (probably fake anyway) and there was some gold filigree in the door, making it look all pretty and expensive.

Dropping his bag on the bed in the room he shared with Zacky, Brian chose to lay down on the bed himself, burying his head in the pillow to see if it was indeed, as good as the hotel told him they were. He was surprised to see that they were rather comfortable and really soft, especially the sheets and the pillows that would cover his half-naked self later that night.

“No way Gates! I call left side!” Zacky stood in the door frame. Syn didn't look up from the pillow but flipped him off, knowing that it would only annoy the smaller guitarist. Before he could sit up though, he felt someone jumping on his back and sitting on him, making sure that he couldn't get up. A pained 'oomphf' escaped Brian's lips as Zacky didn't move an inch but probably had an evil smile playing on his lips.

“Get. Of. Me!” Brian managed to croak out, struggling to breathe as his boyfriend was crushing his lungs by sitting on him. Brian swung his arms around, praising himself lucky that the guitarist on top of him hadn't restrained them yet. Managing to grab Zacky with his both arms strained backwards, Brian pushed him of him to the other side of the bed and rolling over so this time it was him towering over Zacky while a smirk played on his lips before he bended down and planted a kiss on his lovers soft pink lips.

“I'm going to take a bath, and you can't join because you've been so evil to me last night! Leaving me all alone in my bunk while I was feeling so sick,” Brian said with some fake tears in his eyes before he pulled away his eyes from his boyfriend and got up, rummaging through his luggage and got out the necessary things before he stalked towards to the bathroom adjoined to the bedroom.

Zacky pouted and crossed his arms in front of his chest as he sat up on the bed. He heard the water running of the bath and frowned, wondering why his other male-half would pick a bath instead of a quick shower and then get back to him. He sighed and fell down on the bed again, looking at the ceiling and thinking of what to do next.

“Shaadoowwsss, entertain me!” Zacky yelled as he walked out of the room towards the hallway, making his way towards Matt's room and walking through the door looking around for the lead singer.

“Maattttt,” Zacky whined, running around in circles while staying on the same spot. Matt walked from the kitchen into the living room and raised an eyebrow at Zacky. “I'm bored, do something stupid!”

The lead singer looked at Zacky with his eyebrow still raised and wondered what the guitarist gotten into himself. Normally the band couldn't get either him nor Brian out of their hotel room until the next morning. Zacky looked at Matt with a pleading look before he sighed and let his shoulders hang low.

“Brian's in bath.” he muttered under his breath, “and he told me I couldn't join him.” he added quickly, receiving a chuckle from Matt while the lead singer walked towards him and placed his free hand on his shoulder (since the other one was holding a fresh cup of coffee), squeezing it slightly and so, forcing Zacky to look at him.

“Go to your room, and him if you want, and do..whatever you do when you're in a hotel room together,” Matt said, rolling his eyes at the last part. Zacky frowned and then had a small smile on his lips, nodding and hugging Matt before he left the room in search for his boyfriend.

Zacky stalked in the room he shared with Brian and sighed, falling back on the bed as soon as he could. The water had stopped running but he could still hear some silent splashing and occasional muttering coming from his boyfriend, which made him wonder what he was doing in there in the first place.

Grabbing one of his own towels out of his luggage (since he had always enjoyed his own black towels more than those pearl white ones the hotels always had in their bathrooms) and stripped down before he wrapped it around his waist. Walking into the bathroom, being rather surprised to see that Brian hadn't closed the door behind him, he found himself in awe at the grandness of the room. It had both a shower and a bath and two sinks with a mirror running over the whole length of the wall it was attached too.

He looked at his boyfriend laying in the bath with his eyes closed and a small smile playing on his lips as he was enjoying the warm water around him, joined by a huge mass of white bubbles. Zacky looked at him with a small smile and had the urge of jumping in the water with him but didn't, not wanting to disturb Brian's little moment of relaxation.

All of the sudden, there was this little yellow spot with some black and red in the water, floating on it and looking strangely familiar to Zacky who frowned and looked at Brian who was looking unaware of what was floating around him.

The youngest guitarist looked at his boyfriend laying in the bath with the little piece of plastic floating around his head and wondered if he even knew that it was in his bath, and why Brian was in a bath in the first place since everyone knew he prefers the shower.

“Since when do you take baths?” Zacky asked. Syn opened his eyes and let them scan Zacky's half-naked form in front of him before he grinned and closed them again.

“Don't know, just felt like taking a bath. It's more comfortable than a shower that's for sure,” Synyster said, smirking a little and looking back at Zacky, the water moving a little around him.

“Why don't you join me instead of staring at me like that?” Brian asked, crossing his arms and leaning on the side of the bath, staring at his boyfriend who bit his lip a little and blushed, refusing to meet Brian's eye as he realized that he was caught staring.

“One question first,” Zacky said, smirking a little as Brian still didn't realize what was floating around in his bath, just moving behind his back. Synyster nodded and frowned, wondering what his boyfriend could be asking him at this moment while he could've jumped in the bath with him ever since he entered the room and started to stare at him.

“Why in god's name...is there a rubber duck in your bath?”