Status: in progress

Hold on for the Long Ride

Skyway Avenue

Three months later
August soon rolled around and I was currently lying on the floor of Kelsey’s bedroom, the band had been called into an important meeting by their manager, there was a chance that they could be signed by the end of this month, which could be the break they needed, the boys and us were invited to a formal party and this led to my here watching Kelsey as she literately has nothing to wear for tonight. She kept throwing things onto the floor; this was the last party that we’d all be at until school restarted for the students meaning that there’d be fewer things to do as all the tourists went home and the adults decided to come out and annoy us.
‘I don’t have a fucking clue on what to wear.’ Kelsey moaned at me, since I agreed to date Travis I’ve been forever trying to get Danny to ask Kelsey out, this hadn’t been going to plan as every time I mentioned it the subject was changed straight away.
‘Chill out! There’s got to be something!’ I told her and got up from my position on the floor and looked at the mess of clothes on the floor, I thought hard about this. I pulled up the purple dress and gave it to her.
‘This is a top!?’ she moaned at me I looked at her this was no way a top it could stop just above her knees. She sighed and started to get change I found the black heels that I let Kelsey borrow and handed them to her, she put them on the smiled.
‘How do you do that?’ she asked me hugging me.
‘I don’t know?’ I shrugged I picked up my bag, I needed to get home and start to get ready.
‘Thank you, I owe you.’ She told me turning on her hair straighteners.
‘You’re welcome, I’m going to go home now and get ready, and I’ll collect you in an hour?’ I asked her and she nodded, I left Kelsey to get ready and walked the two minute walk home.
I entered my walk in wardrobe and stood staring at the two dresses that I previously bought the day before. A black strapped dress with which tighten around the hip and a blue one, I pulled the black one off the hanger and took off my top and shorts, and I had a shower at Kelsey’s earlier on so I just pulled out a strapless bra and changed into that, then put on the dress. Tucking my gold necklace under my dress as the gold didn’t go with the silver, I then pulled out my cream studded heels and put them on before looking at my hair. I undid the hairband and let it fall into natural curls and began on my makeup. Black smoky eyes to finish the look at I pulled out my silver clutch which had my phone, keys, money and some makeup in, a quick spray of perfume and I left for Kelsey’s.
I was currently renting a land rover until my other car came, I pulled up in front of Kelsey’s and pressed the horn she came running out and got into the other side, she gave me a quick hug and we drove to the party.
I pulled into the parking lot, I whistled this was posh, too posh, me and Kelsey linked arms and went towards the entrance, a man greeted us, we told him who we were and he nodded and took us to the boys who were socialising with other people, Travis saw me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek.
‘You are looking stunning.’ He told me quietly then introduced me to everyone he was with. I nodded my hello and was handed a glass of champagne, no-one would ask about our age but I wasn’t getting too bad, I slowly sipped it and carried on being Travis conversation started of the night.
I ended up coming home at 3 in the morning along with Travis, since the boys had become more serious we spent less time together, and he had moved in with Danny in their own flat. I took of my dress and found my top and climbed into bed with Travis.
‘I miss you.’ Travis whispered into my ear.
‘I miss you too.’ I told him and he started to play with my hair, whenever he was tired this was what he does. My phone started to vibrate on the side of the table and I reached over and got it, withheld number, read the I.d.
‘Hello?’ I asked.
‘Hello is this Alex Jones?’ the person on the end asked me.
‘Yes it is who this is?’ I asked.
‘It’s Ana’s doctor.’ She replied my heart stopped. Ana, my best friend I known her for years, my mind skipped back to the times she taught me to play the piano and since I left the UK she been having problems and I had started to blame it on myself.
‘What’s happened?’ I asked her, Ana lived in a care home and was always under pressure, she had anxiety and was never the girl to moan about a thing.
‘She was seen today almost committing suicide, and you’re the person were meant to contact. How quickly can you get here?’ she asked me, I turned over to Travis.
‘Give me 12 hours.’ I told her than hung up, I looked at Travis.
‘I need to go to the UK now, something happened.’ I told Travis, he looked worried.
‘Shall I come with you?’ he asked me I shook my head, Travis couldn’t be there, Ana hates meeting new people, plus this wasn’t the first time she’d tried to end her life.
‘No. you don’t want to see the sate Ana’s in.’ I told him, he nodded.
‘Pack, I’ll book you flight.’ He told me and I did as I was told packing some clothing items and my laptop. Travis booked my flight,
‘7:30’ he told my half way my packing I nodded and carried on, I was worried now the day I left she’d promised me she wouldn’t try it again, and I felt like it was all my fault, I knew that Ana was getting bad as the days went on without me but I didn’t realise that moving to Florida would have this effect on her health.
I landed in the UK after a worrying flight and got onto a train to the hospital were Ana was, I signed myself in and the doctor came over and greeted me.
‘Hello, Alex right?’ he asked me and I nodded. The doctor took me over to Ana who was sitting on the bed in a t-shirt and shorts.
‘ALEX!’ she shouted and ran over and hugged me, a tear fell down my cheek, how the fuck could Ana be acting like this after all this?! Ana looked completely different from one I first left her, she was more thinner and her hair looked really weak, I didn’t know how I’d cope if that was me, under her eyes was black circles. What are you ending Ana? I thought to myself
‘How you doing?’ I asked her.
‘Okay, I’m glad you’re here, I can’t cope without you lately Alex.’ She told me and I started to rock her to comfort here. I bit down on my bottom lip, she has to come with me, there’s nothing else that will stop her from trying it again.
‘Look this is going to sound crazy but why don’t you move over to America? I mean I start working next week and I’m sure I could get you a job and once I’ve got enough money I’m moving out from my home and into a flat with my friend Kelsey,’ Ana looked at me, she knew about Kelsey and about Travis, she knew it all.
‘you sure?’ she asked me and I nodded, starting next week I was working on my drawings for my friend Georgia’s boutique that she owned, basically I drew the designs and sent them over and she’d do the rest, she was paying me a lot so I won’t be hard for me to own a house if Ana joined me and Kelsey she could helped bring some money in as well. She looked at me this was going to be a tough choice to make but if Ana was with me then I know she was safe.
‘When can you leave here?’ I asked her, the doctor was still with us and I didn’t think he had overheard the conversation.
‘She can leave here whenever she wishes.’ He replied, I looked at him and nodded. Ana was getting out of here as soon as.
‘Okay, I’ll get the forms.’ He told me then left, I looked at Ana who was getting her jacket.
‘We’ll go back to yours and get anything you want then, we can pack the other things up and get them shipped over.’ I told her. I pulled out my phone, I and Kelsey had been house hunting for weeks trying to find something and a couple of weeks back we’d spotted a house that we knew we liked.
‘Hello?’ she answered; I’d already told her about Ana.
‘She agreed, do you reckon you could get that house?’ I asked her.
‘Yeah sure, she coming over today?’ came the reply.
‘Tomorrow I think,’
‘Okay, I’ll sort the house out.’ She told me and hung up.
I signed the forms for Ana and we got on a train to her care home. Legally Ana should be at a halfway house but they were unable to find her one so she’s been stuck here since, we went in and found some boxes and started to pack and throw things that wasn’t needed away, she put some of her things into my suitcase and then she went and put some more into her own, I booked us a early morning flight and I sorted out things to be shipped over. We got the suitcases to the door and Ana explained where she was going, it didn’t take long until we were sitting on plane on the way home.
Touch down in Florida and we both got off the plane to be met by Travis and Coley, I wrapped my arms around Travis and gave him a hug and kiss, I then hugged Coley before introducing them both to Ana.
We went back over to Travis’ and Danny’s , Kelsey was sitting on the sofa, I introduced them both to Ana, I take it as Kelsey told them who she was as only she and Travis knew.
‘We got the house, they said we could move next week!’ Kelsey told me, I high fived her, this meant I could finally move away from my family.
Moving day arrived quickly and seeing as none of us really had any furniture we had to go out and buy most of it, which I didn’t mind that much as it meant choosing our own style. We spent a long time organising everything to make sure it was perfect and the best thing ever it was an hour ish drive to mine and Kelsey’s parents drive but only a ten minute drive to the boys, we chose this perfectly.
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sorry for the lack of posting, I've told my followers on my fanfic tumblr that if I get asked more questions about the fanfic i'll post another part today.
here's the tumblr X
here's Alex's outfit X
here's what Ana looks like X
this is Ana and Alex X
and finally this is Alex X X